Monday, December 31, 2012

When life is crumbling around not fear!

When life is crumbling around not fear! God's building up your faith in Him while He tears down the false securities in & around you-they obscure your view of the new things He wants to show you! Do not fear as you watch more crumble- He goes before you & follows behind you with His hand of blessing on you. Your hope is in Him-not in what you see! He will supply all your needs & give you more than you dare imagine...according to the power that's at work within you. The same power that brought Jesus back to life & ascended Him into Heaven is at work within you! Your mind can't comprehend this truth unless you ask the Holy Spirit to give you revelation & He will if you ask; your decision to believe this truth by faith releases Christ's power through you. Do not fear, God will give you the desire & power to obey what He asks of you. His grace is sufficient & with His power at work within can do all things He asks you to do! Hold tight to the truth-it's a lamp to your feet & a light to your path giving you a clear view of the new things God wants to show you! (Ps 139:5, Col 2:12, 2 Cor 5:7, Eph 3:20, Ps 119:105, Phil 2:13, 2 Cor 12:9, Phil 4:13) 12/31/12CIFL/LMM

Jesus' family thought He was crazy...

Jesus' family thought He was crazy because He walked by faith...your family and others might think you're too! That's okay, love them and move ahead. Faith is standing firm on what we don't see, moving forward despite impossible opposition, knowing with absolute confidence that if God said is so. Don't fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation and reward. For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and receive, carry away and enjoy to the full what is promised. Following Jesus and having faith looks crazy to those who can't see...don't let their blurred vision interfere with what you do see! (Heb11:1, 2 Cor 5:7, Heb10:35-36) 12/31/12CIFL-LMM
Nothing scares satan more than a woman who wears a crown of EMPOWERMENT, VALOR, and STRENGTH. 12/31/12-CIFL-Morgan Wheeler

Make a

Don't grieve what's gone...or dread what's ahead; clinging to what becomes dust in your hands-blowing away into nothingness. As Christians, we're to keep moving forward, doing what's right; the harvest will come-stay focused on what's unshakeable. Each year that a year closer to the future of forever- our eternal home. But for this day and this have a call, a job; you're to steward the love of  Jesus that's alive in you to make a difference in this world. Don't delay or be distracted by what doesn't matter one more day; you're saved to make a difference...rise up-you've got work to do! Stay focused, keep moving, don't give up and God will make your righteousness shine like the dawn...and the justice of your cause like the noon day sun! Now that should get you excited- act like it...because we'll be talking about this forever! (Heb 12:26-27, Gal 6:9, Eph 2:10, 2 Tim 1:9, Ps 37:6) 12/31/12CIFL-LMM

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Overcoming Adversity...3 steps

Overcoming Adversity...on your journey
1) Expect attacks...don't be shocked-they will never go away. Satan's job is to debilitate you and have you to abort your journey.
2) Acknowledge your feelings...then hand them to Jesus. What you give to Jesus-He handles...what you keep from Him-you handle. 
3) Stay focused...satan knows what discourages and distracts you. Don't take the're commissioned by God to fulfill your call. Keep your eyes and heart on Him-keep moving. (Eph 6:12, Mk 9:21-24, Phil 3:12-14)

Brokenness allows God's Light to shine through you...which is the evidence of His Presence in you-making a way for His power to be released through you. Don't resent or hide your is your testimony. I believed a lie for years...that if I revealed all of my story, people would not respect me. So for years, I partially told my story-the parts I thought people would accept. November 5, 2009 God spoke to my heart as plainly as I'm writing to you now, "Let My Light come through your brokenness, it will radiate warmth and people will come close to you. They will feel my love for not hold back from others what I want to flow through you. Tell them how I healed you." If you withhold your story or partially reveal it-you're minimizing the work God's done in you. It's not easy to be vulnerable but God is in complete I write this, the enemy is whispering to my mind that people are going to ridicule me in some way and/or lose respect for me. There will always be people who oppose our obedience or not validate what we've been called to do. This hurts, especially from those we care about and want to support us. Remember, even when you face resistance, rejection, and opposition God will never leave your side; He's with you in every step you walk for Him. Don't allow hurt and offenses to take your eyes off of Jesus-distracting you from the work you're called to do. Continue to move forward, be real about who you are...then others will connect with God's authentic love flowing through you. The openness of who you are is vulnerability-it allows the real you to come through and it will draw others to you-connecting His truth in you. Let His Light shine through your brokenness...get your light on others can see Him flowing through you. Blessings friends...I see God's Light in you and it makes you radiate-Let's go make a difference for Him! (Col 1:17, Mt 5:16, Heb 13:5) 5/18/12CIFL-LMM

Pain...part of the process

Pain is an undesired but necessary part of the maturation's the catalyst that moves one forward to endure, move through & overcome trials in life. No one can't take or experience pain for another person. Trying to save a person from going through actually stealing from them the experience they need to overcome. The experience is the bridge that leads to the other side of the trial. Without the experience, one does not know they have what it takes. Don't take a person's experience to will be cheating them out of knowing they have what it takes. 12/30/12CIFL-LMM

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jesus...the name above all names

Jesus..He shows up when others don't, He holds you when others won't, He reveals what others can't, He has no barriers, He's unstoppable, He's the name above all names...Jesus. He's tender, precious, kind-funneling love from the Father to you. He is the way, the truth, and the life-He's the bridge to our Father-His you being complete. Don't be discouraged...this is all going to change. You are loved and you have a good plan....say Jesus. 12/30/12CIFL-LMM
God put this on my heart today...

Being a parent is a ministry. Our children are not our own, they are God's sons and daughters that he has entrusted into our care here on earth. Children are a gift we have unwrapped, but one day we will have to give our babies back to God. One day we will have to face the truth- have we taken care of God's gifts with as much determination and love as he made them with? And each decision we make as a parent, whether big or small, needs to be for the better of our children. Not for the better of ourselves. Not for what's easy or convenient, not for what will make them like us more. Even if our children never see the day where they comprehend why we said "no", or if they never realize how much we love them through the discipline we have given, God sees it, and it brings him no greater joy knowing that we are doing what's right for his child.
We're doing our children a FAVOR by doing what's right. Jesus wasn't concerned about people liking him more. His actions were compelled by love and truth, knowing that by doing what was right FAR outweighed the consequences he would face.
He laid his life down for us, and many people will die before they understand the love he gave. As parents, we should do the same, no matter the day at a time we will raise mighty warriors of God. 12/29/12CIFL-MorganWheeler

This was written by my youngest daughter MorganAnne Wheeler. She was born a wise child and has grown into a beautiful, wise, wife and mother. I'm honored God allowed me to be her mother!

Constant Faith...

Have Faith in God...constantly. Anxiety results when we realize we're not in control. Intellectually, we know we're not, but this becomes a reality when we're faced with impossibles. We say we know God's in control, but when faced with impossibles, we often revert to a state of panic. God says don't have any anxiety about...anything. Seek His Kingdom and righteousness first...before anything else, and He will give us everything we need. That means everything every situation; His power will manifest through us. Do you have faith in His handle your inability? His ability is made available to those who have faith in Him-lean on Him...constantly. Being with Him in an intimate relationship...constantly. Loving Him with all your heart, soul, strength and mind-believing He's for you and not against you. If you do...God will give you the words to say, direct  your path, give you the courage and stamina you don't have, lead you to people who can help you, give you fresh ideas, work through horrific grief, restore and revive relationships, forgive the unforgivable, connect you to a job that's matched to your skills, lead you to a person who will be a true friend and walk with you, find the school that has the teacher who knows how to work with your child, see the doctor that has a cure for the disease you've been diagnosed with, connect you with the loan officer who gets to know you first instead of your FICO score, open up an opportunity to market your concept-but most of will know His love for you. God's love gives you a hope and a future-to fulfill the plans He wrote for...just you; you are His precious child-He designed you with His own Will you have faith in your Father... constantly, know He's crazy in love with you-let His ability work through your inability? Take a risk... trust Him-He never breaks a promise! Have faith in God... constantly. (Mk 11:22, Phil 4:6, Mt 16:33, Lk 10:27, Rom 8:31, Jer 29:11) 5/29/12Rev12/29/12CIFL-LMM

Friday, December 28, 2012

Don't get God

How things should be and how they are...don't always line up in life. Don't get stuck in trying to coerce, manipulate or force a situation to be right...but do choose to do right, speak God's Word & know He's got your back. Trust Him with all your heart, don't lean on your own  understanding & He will make your path straight. Many misunderstand waiting & trusting God as doing nothing-this isn't correct. To wait & trust is taking your position in believing God's promises, standing firm despite uncertainties & being confident of His deliverance in the situation you're facing. Don't grow weary; continue to do right & in due time you will reap a harvest! (Ps 27:14, Pr 3:5, Gal 6:9) 12/28/12LMM #trustGod #doright #donotgetstuck #stuckinlife #inarut #christianinsightforlife

God made you authentic...

Copying what the world says you should just that...a copy. A copy is not authentic; God made you authentic...there's only one you! You're fearfully and wonderfully made. Don't allow labels to become your identity...married, divorced, single, white, black, brown,, doctor, laborer, farmer, redneck, scientist, bus driver, president, tax bracket, or home address. Labels do not give life...but God does-stay connected to the Vine Who will develop your authenticity. God looks in your heart. Agree with God; He says you have what it takes; you don't have to feel know it. He made you with His very own hands. Rise up-God wants to work through you (authentic you) to make a difference in this world! You don't have to feel know it. (Ps139:14, Jn 15:5, Jer 17:10) 12/28/12CIFL-LMM

We have to rely on the Holy Spirit to sustain us...

Many can go out to the deep in their strength...but only the Spirit's strength can keep them there. (Lk5:4-11) 12/28/12CIFL-LMM

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Press in...when you're pressed on...

Press in...when you're pressed on. You're being developed & strengthened-so you won't back down against opposition. How will you know that you can overcome...unless you come through these things that are tormenting you? Our Father God says do not look around in terror or be dismayed-He's with you & will hold onto you with His victorious hand...He's made you for hard. Your spirit man muscles strengthens each time resistance is applied just like the muscles on your outer man-no resistance strength gained. Continue to press & develop so you won't back down against opposition...God made you for hard! (Isa 41:10) 7/18/12CIFL-LMM

Facing the truth...

Facing the truth of where you are right the stepping stone that leads to the next place God wants to take you. (Jn8:31-32) 12/27/12CIfL-LMM
Connect with Christ based on His promises...not your problems. Problems change...His promises don't. You will cheat yourself out of the greatest promise ever made to you, if you mainly connect with God to handle your problems. God cares about your problems but He cares much more about you knowing His love. He wants you to know how far, wide, tall, deep, huge, absolutely ginormous His love is for you...nothing, nothing, nothing comes before His love for you. He delights in you, He chose the color of your eyes, the texture of your hair, and the gap in your front teeth...  He made you from His love, you are part of Him... you are His child. This is His promise to you. When you know the power of His love...your problems lose their power. Connect with Christ to know the greatest promise that will ever be made to you...God loves you!!! (Eph3:16-21, 1Jn 4:19, Ps 37:4, Ps 43:4) 12/26/12CIFL-LMM
Make your mission to seek your Father's face first... each morning. Run to Him...His love is your power, giving you hope for the day-a confident expectation that He's in control of it all. Seek Him first...His love holds you and your life together; all that you see and don't see-He will direct you in the way to go. The more revelation you have of God's love for you...the more at peace you can be; trusting the One Who gave you life can take care of you and handle anything you're up against in your life! (Heb 11:1, Matt 6:36, Col 1:16-17, Pr 3:5) 12/27/12CIFL-LMM

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Unresolved hurt from the past distorts perception...keeping the view of the present obscured. Ask Jesus to search your heart & show you what you've not dealt with. Jesus came to save, bind up wounds & bring us out of us beauty instead of ashes. Release your hurt-let Jesus heal you so you can move forward with your life...being all God's called you to be. (Ps139:23-24, Isa61:1-3) 12/26/12CIFL-LMM

Self-reliance vs God-reliance...

Self-reliance verses God-reliance. Most people are sincere in wanting to make the changes that will improve their lives so they give all their effort to do so...this is self-reliance-the biggest con artist in the body of the church. Some people make great strides but are so consumed with achieving their goals that they miss their life in the process. Others try with less success, they end up very frustrated, but they also miss their life in the process. Both are self-reliant behaviors. The truth is none of us can make the desired changes in life and make a difference for God unless we submit our life to Jesus...which is God's plan-this is God-reliance. We can't change on our own and God set it up this way so we would seek Him. We have the full resources of the Trinity to be the person God calls us to be and to make a difference for Him in this world. This includes: 1) staying in a close intimate relationship with Jesus and  accessing the power He makes available to us 2) renewing our mind daily by reading, speaking, hearing and believing the Word of God 3) seeking the Holy Spirit for guidance and to intercede on our behalf. These three steps must be walked out daily. Self-reliance will whisper to be strong, not to act weak or let others know that you need help-this deceives you in believing that asking for help is a weakness. The truth is asking for help is a strength-what we bring in the light loses its power. When we bring our weaknesses in the light...they lose their power-keeping them hidden keeps us in bondage to them. Everything we need comes from God; Jesus lives on the inside of us and His power flows through us to fulfill the call God's placed in us. Our surrender-showing our weaknesses opens the gate for God to release His provisions to and through us. Self-reliance says responsible people take care of their business. But if we can manage it...God doesn't need to. Do not believe the lies of self-reliance. Asking for help places us in a position of receiving power-God's power.  God's provisions empower us to carry out what He asks of us-He flows His love through us giving us the ability to make changes that equip us to serve Him and make a difference in this world! You can-because He can...and He's in you!
(Pr 4:23, Eph 3:14-21) 12/26/12CIFL-LMM  

Drag your bondage out of the dark...

Dragging your bondage out of the dark and into the presence of the beginning of its death...and the ending of its hold on you. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32).

Life impacts you-how you respond...defines you!

Life impacts you-how you respond...defines you! Trials are part of life-don't let them steal God's promises or become your identity. Take ownership of your what you've broken, return what you've stolen, stop blaming, quit wishing-take steps, make amends, finish what you've started, be real-stop faking, stop being stingy-it's not yours anyway, be a giver, keep your word, hold your words, forgive, let go of guilt-be full of joy, break off toxic relationships, bless others with words of life-not death, receive grace, give an overcomer! 

God says not to fear because He's with us-He promises to walk us through every trial we face...but He won't make them disappear. We're more than conquerors-if He's for us, who can be against us? Don't waste another good day wishing or dreading- take ownership of the life Jesus died to give you so you can make a difference...shine your light baby! (Isa 41:10, Rom 8:31 & 37, Jn 10:10, Mt 5:16) 2/22/13LMM #beresponsible #christianinsightforlife

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas is about the future...not the past. Release the past...choose to move forward. Jesus will  exchange with you-taking your past & giving you His gift of life-a hope & a future. Engage...celebrate Christmas! 12/24/12CIFL-LMM

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas...

Merry Christmas everyone! Don't let anyone take your joy; recall the reason for the's Jesus-our Savior! At Christmas, most want to be with their families, make memories, & be with those they love. This is not always the picture for many people for various reasons, but the theme is the always centers around hurt. Understand this, you need to acknowledge your hurt-then celebrate Jesus. He knows all about your feelings-He experienced each one of them when He walked as a man. He leaned into His Father to get through-you do the same. If you lean into your hurt, that is what you will have....hurt. Lean into Jesus-celebrate Him. Move through with Him verses moving through alone & hurting. I don't know how He will handle what you're going through, but I do know He will go through with you & get you to other side of whatever you're facing. A Savior has been born to you, He is Christ the Lord! Will you let Jesus be your Savior? Merry Christmas! (Lk 2:11) 12/23/12CIFL/LMM

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Your call in life...

Don't let your call be greater...than the One Who called you. 4/2012CIFL-LMM

God sees all that He made you to be...will you?

A new you...God sees, do you? God sees all that He made you to are chosen and purpose by Him to carry out the good works he planned for you long ago, butyou must choose to walk in them with His strength in you. Nothing can ever separate you from Gods love...His Spirit lives in you. Don't disqualify yourself because of weaknesses, mistakes, fears and/or anxieties. God knows your heart and statement of faith; He meets you where you are and equips you with all you need as you move forward trusting Him to provide. Receive His love, see the you He sees; renewed, redeemed and complete in Him...a new you moving forward with His purpose in you! LMM (2 Cor 5:17, Col 2:10 & 3:10, Eph 4:24, Phil 4:13) 12/22/12CIFL #newyou #Godsees #moveforward #christianinsightforlife

Friday, December 21, 2012

Jesus celebrates where you are...not where you've been! My son was dead-now is alive; lost-now is found-let us celebrate! (Luke15:24) 12/21/12CIFL-LMM

God Provides your available

Pardon me, did you know God is waiting to meet with you? No, you're not in trouble-He would like to discuss your "Psalm 139:16 Life Blueprint." He developed it specifically for you, just like your unique fingerprint. God saw your unformed substance & all the days of your life were written before they ever took shape! God wants you to know your plan is complete...He's "already" made all the provisions you
will ever need. He's fully aware of the problems you have encountered-how they've interfered & delayed your life blueprint. He knows the pain & harm caused by others, rejection of intimacy with Him, false idols, unwillingness to commit to Him, false idols, & inviting self-pity to be your BFF, etc. God's plans will come to fruition...His gifts & call are irrevocable (Ro 11:29). He needs your full cooperation. He's got the ability...are you available? Your faith is not in what you do...your faith is knowing what your Father has already done on your behalf-He's waiting on you to believe. Remember in John 6:5 when Jesus asked Phillip where would they buy bread to feed over 5,000 people? Jesus knew the request was impossible for Phillip. Jesus showed the disciples how we are to rely on our Father to provide-especially impossibles.  Listen closely...the same holds true with our life-we're faced with impossibles daily-we must rely on God...daily. Apart from Him, you can do nothing (John 15:5). Remember-God provides the able to your available 5/7/12Rev9/24/12-LMM

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Truth Sets You Free

The issues you continue to ignore...keep you from moving forward and fulfilling the desires God's placed in your heart. You're dissatisfied, borderline angry and not where you want to be. Don't waste one more day pretending to be okay, speaking "Christianese" and going through motions. Release your pride, let go of the denial-the Holy Spirit will help you. Face the truth...expose the issues that are holding you back. Until you do, you won't move forward. Expect to be uncomfortable...truth hurts-it also sets you free to walk out the desires God put in you. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free! (Jn 8:32) 12/21/12CIFL-LMM

God loved you...first

The One Who made you...knows all about you. He knows your hurts and joys, what makes you laugh and cry, and your dreams and disappointments. He gave you life...He loved you first. Good plans await you... with a specific purpose for you to walk out. Trust in the Lord...with all your heart, soul, and mind, submit every part of you completely...the parts you like and don't like. Lean not on your own understanding, making decisions on what you can comprehend and figure out, but in everything you do, in all your ways acknowledge Him and seek Him. And our Father God will liberally give you guidance and wisdom...making your crooked path straight. And one more thing...if you miss Him, somehow get off the path, you will hear a voice behind you say, "this is the way, walk in it." 12/12/12CIFL-LMM

Don't be discouraged...

Don't be discouraged...keep moving forward. No verdict given by man is final-only God's Word is final. Opposition, discouragement and doubt will come at you daily-wanting you to justify your cause.  God put this plan in you to use you...not prove you. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him-but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit (1 Cor 2:9). You can be confident-God began a good work in you and He will continue in it until it's finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns (Phil 1:6). Discouragement wants you to throw away your confidence...don't do it-be patient and endure, so that you may perform God's will and receive, carry away and enjoy to the full what's promised (Heb 10:35-36). And God will make your righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of your cause... like the noonday sun (Ps 37:6). Keep moving forward-God's Word is final!!! 7/25/13CIFL-LMM #keepmoving #discouragement #donotgiveup #confidence #chrisitianinsightforlife

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

You're tired-you've walked through many let downs...

You're tired-you've walked through many let downs...don't settle. God's developing you to walk by faith, not sight...relying on His Word as your final authority verses what you can reason and calculate. He's over what you see and don't see; He wants you to rest in Him-putting all of your faith in Him... constantly. Will you let God lead you into the next season? Don't settle friend. (2 Cor 5:17, Col 1:16, Mark 11:22) 12/3/12-LMM

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Believing God...

Believing God is knowing what you see is not the final chapter...that He's your Comforter, Provider, and Way Maker. When doubt side swipes you and anxiety presses your chest so hard you can barely breathe... believe God-He gives relief and hope for the future. (Heb 6:19) 12/18/12CIFL-LMM

Keep your Hope...

Keep your hope! God says don't conform to the patterns of this world...but be transformed by the renewing of your minds (Rom12:2). We're to acknowledge the troubles, heartaches & pain...but not conform. Be careful...pray, help & grieve losses with each other...but don't lose hope. When Fox News, CNN & Dateline report families in crisis, political turmoil, & unspeakable tragedies-keep your hope...go to the accurate sources of Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John. Read Jesus' words...take comfort in His report. My yoke is easy & my burden's light (Mt11:30). Daughter, your faith has healed you-go in peace & be freed from your suffering (Mk 5:34). Nothing is impossible with God (Lk1:37). My peace I give you-I do not give to you as the world gives. Don't let your hearts be troubled & don't be afraid (Jn14:27). Speak God's Word, walk it out...this is your daily transformation. Don't perish for lack of knowledge (Hos4:7). Keep your hope...(Heb11:1)! 12/17/12-CIFL-LMM

Monday, December 17, 2012

New Season of Life...

Frustration is guaranteed when you try to fit your former routine into your new season of life. The former is familiar-but it won't fit. New seasons routines, new ways, new ideas, and new people! (Mark 2:22) 9/12CIFL-LMM

Knowledge is power...

Knowledge is power! God says do not  conform to the patterns of this world...but be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom 12:2). We're to acknowledge the troubles, heart aches and pain in the world...but we're not to conform. Be careful-we're to pray, help and grieve losses of our own and with each other, but we're not to lose hope. When Fox News, CNN, and Dateline report families in crisis, political turmoil and unspeakable tragedies -keep your hope...go to the accurate source of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Read Jesus' words-take comfort in His report of the gospels. My yoke is easy and my burden is light (Mt 11:30). Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering (Mk 5:34). Nothing is impossible with God (Lk 1:37). My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and don't be afraid (Jn 14:27). Speak God's Word, walk it out...this is your daily transformation. Don't perish for lack of knowledge(Hos 4:7). God's knowledge is power...use what you have and given more (Mk 4:24)! 12/17/12CIFL-LMM

You're Saved...Now Save Your Mind!!!

Your spirit is saved at salvation...your mind isn't. You have to renew your mind with God's Word to live the saved life you profess. You will not be more than a conqueror and the joy of the Lord will not be yours, even though these are God's promises...if you are having negative thoughts or playing out potential disasters in your mind. The mind must be renewed with God's Word...constantly-no Christian is exempt. Don't confuse your feelings with God's truth. Some days, I don't feel like a conqueror...I feel sad and anxious, but God says I'm more than a conqueror-so I agree with Him; I keep saying it, naming all He promises to those who love Him...I say it over and over. I post scripture on index cards and write it on my phone. Eventually, break through comes, not because I'm strong, but because He's strong in me and His Word does not return void. Hold yourself accountable-write down one goal for the week of how you will renew your mind-be specific. Practice it all week-then the next week add another one and so on. That's how you renew your mind. God's Word works all the time...when you consistently stand on it...all the time! (Eph4:23, Rom8:28,37, Neh8:10, Isa55:11) 12/17/12-CIFL-LMM

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Open up your heart...for healing

A wrong was done to are not wrong. The ashes you carry represent the wrongs done to you-release them to Jesus. He will take all of your ashes-giving you His healing and beauty in return... exchanging your captivity for His freedom, giving you hope and a future. Open up your heart...receive His love and be healed completely. (Isa 61:1, Jer 29:11, Rev 3:20) 12/16/12-LMM

Stay Connected and Thrive...

There's a fine line between glorifying God with the gifts and using up your gifts. The focus to produce takes priority over the source of production flow. I am the Vine; you are the branch. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. Apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing (Jn15:5). Our gifts bear much fruit and will continue to produce an abundant harvest connected to the Vine...but apart from the Vine can only wither and die. Keep your gift thriving as God intended...stay connected to Him! 7/12-LMM

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Jesus-your Savior...your Answer!

Is there anything in your hand that you're unwilling to release for fear it won't return? Do you feel responsible for a relationship-the person needs you to make it? Have you struggled with believing what the bible says about tithing, forgiveness, love, casting your cares & anxious thoughts? Do you feel over your head in a situation-that it's too late? Are you dreading most days? Call on the name of Jesus-the name above all names! He came to save, bind up wounds, release the captives & bring them out of darknesss... Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Maker of Heaven & Earth, make sure you get your love from the One Who loved you first! Will you let Jesus love & show you the way? He's gone before you-He's the way, truth & life! He is the what you've been looking for. His love will fill your emptiness & give you a peace that surpasses human understanding. Take a risk & trust Him today. Jesus-your Savior... your Answer! (1 Pet 5:7, Isa 61:1, 1 John 4:18, Jn 14:6, Phil 4:7) 11/7/13CIFL/LMM

Walking by faith...

Walking by faith...we don't know a way or can't see a way. Our sane minds can't process the why & how of insane...we we just can't. To attempt to takes us to the ugly edge of insanity itself. We must cling to God for wisdom, strength & direction. Moving forward with our faith in Him-putting all of our hope in Him & committing all we do to Him...then He will make our righteousness shine like the dawn & the justice of our cause like the noonday sun! (2 Cor 5:7, Ps 37:5) 12/15/12CIFL-LMM #faith #sanity #wisdom #christianinsightforlife

Friday, December 14, 2012

Call Out to Jesus...

When pain and despair are trying to take your last breath...Call out to Jesus! He's the only One Who can pull you out. He knows hell; He took it on to save us. Make a way for me Jesus...I believe. For the sake of your name, O Lord, revive me. In Your righteousness bring my soul out of trouble (Ps143:11) 12/15/12-LMM

You're God's Vessel...approved by Him

You're God's vessel...approved by Him to carry out His work while you walk this earth. Opposition, discouragement, and doubt will come at you daily...wanting you to justify if you are qualified to carry out your call... questioning you with do you have what it takes? You don't, but God does, and He lives in you! God has put this plan in you to use you...not prove you. Don't engage with the have nothing to prove, because God is using you for His glory. His Word is final, continue on friend-you've got a plan to carry out!(Eph 2:10) 12/15/12-LMM

God is Love...His love will flood you with freedom!

When the revelation of God's beautiful love floods your heart, spirit & will know you're approved, valued & worthy of being loved. Knowing you're loved because of Who you belong to...not what you do.

That awkward feeling of being in the way is gone & replaced with God's love. He whispers to your spirit that you matter & you're important. He chose you & knitted you together, delights in you & purposed you-because He loves you! God's love allows you to enjoy being you-no longer the aching need to prove yourself & be accepted. You no longer have to justify your need for someone to listen to you or help you in some way-you now know it's normal to want to be heard or helped. Knowing your value & worth isn't in what you do for others, but it's in who you are...a child of God! You're no longer afraid to feel your feelings-acknowledge what you're experiencing & know you're okay!

Before God's love flooded only felt okay if you were helping or doing for others because that's how you measured your value. Revelation of God's love allows you to be you & rest in Him; still doing for others, but your motive is different. Now you seek to help & do for others because that's what love does...verses helping & doing to be worthy of love! God's love gives you a hope & a future-a confident expectation that He will provide for you. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. God is love-His love completes you & will flood you with freedom! Will you receive all of God's love today! (1 Jn 4:8, Jer 29:11, Col 2:10, 2 Cor 3:17) 12/14/12CIFL-LMM #Godislove #revelation #christianinsightforlife

Got to Have Speak God's Truth

It takes guts to speak God's Truths, but He makes a way...if we get out of the way. We reason we can't speak truth for fear others will get angry, leave, or be in conflict with us. Jesus models how we're to handle difficult situations; confront sin in love so restoration can take place. No confrontation leads restoration and...our disobedience. Avoiding the difficult subjects leads to shallow relationships which are ungodly. Don't allow satan to intimidate you with fear. God's truth is the mortar that seals a relationship. It takes guts to have godly relationships and God will make a way for you...if you follow His truths. Go have the guts-speak His's the mortar that seals a relationship! For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind (2Tim 1:7). 5/2012-LMM

Your Life you know it?

Pardon me, did you know God is waiting to meet with you? No, you're not in trouble- He would like to discuss your Psalm 139:16 Life Blueprint. He developed it uniquely for you-just like the individual fingerprint He gave you. God saw your unformed substance and all the days of your life were written before they ever took shape! God wants you to know your plan is complete; He's already made all the provisions you will ever need. He's fully aware of the problems you've encountered, how they've  interfered and delayed the life blueprint. He knows about the pain and harm caused by others, rebellion to His ways, toxic relationships, lack of intimacy with Him, unwillingness to completely commit to Him, false idols, inviting self-pity to be your BFF and on and on. God's plans will come to fruition; His gifts and call are irrevocable-He needs your full cooperation. He's got the ability...are you available? Your faith is not in what you can do or haven't done-your faith is in knowing what your Father has already done on your behalf. He's waiting on believe. In John 6:5 Jesus asked Phillip to feed over 5,000 people-He knew the request was impossible for Phillip to carry out, but He wanted to strengthen his faith. Jesus demonstrated how we rely on the Father. He gave what He had in His hands to the Father to bless and multiply. Don't hold back giving what you have...and miss your opportunity for God to make it into something. The little boys lunch was not enough, but when put in the hands of Jesus and offered to the Father...became more than enough. Apart from Him you can do nothing-He needs your availability...He's got the ability. Have a great meeting with God! I'm excited for you and all God is doing through you to make an impact in this world for Him! (Rom 11:29, John 5:6-13, John 15:5) 5/7/12CIFL-LMM

Man's verdict isn't final...only God's Word is final!

No verdict given by man is final...only God's Word is final. Stay on course & be obedient to the plan God put in your heart. Opposition, discouragement & doubt will come at you daily-wanting you to justify your motives. God has put this plan in you to use you...not prove you. God's Word is final & He will complete the good work He started in you long ago...if you will agree with Him & let His boldness flow through you! (Phil 1:6, Eph 2:10)2/2012CIFL/LMM

Never doubt your purpose...

Never doubt your've got what it takes. God's put all you need inside of purpose His will through you. Don't be still and know He's God. Keep moving-the Holy Spirit will call you back to God's path if you miss a turn or go the wrong are never alone. Expect trials, no one is exempt; your character and stamina are made in them-making you more than a conqueror. Never doubt your've got what it takes! (Ps 46:10, Rom 8:31-39, Matt 28:16-20) 12/14/12CIFL-LMM

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Your Future...Be Confident

Don't be deceived...your future is not determined by what is seen. Your future is determined by what is unseen...because the kingdom of God lives within you. Get your joy on friend...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! You're not bound to the world's limited provisions...maybe it can, if you're lucky, and we're going to cross our fingers. You're guaranteed the infinite might of Jesus...more than a conqueror, water turned into wine, and He is risen! Don't be deceived...this world doesn't determine your future, but the kingdom of God that lives in you does. Begin to live and walk out the confident expectation that is alive in you! (2Cor3:17, Luke17:21, Hebrews11:1) 12/13/12CIFL-LMM

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ask God...He will help you

God welcomes our questions that challenge us...but not rhetorical ones that challenge Him. You're crossing a line when you question His's blatant disrespect and you're testing Him (Matt 4:7). Ask Him to help you to not doubt (Mark 9:24). When I committed my life to Christ, I made the decision to believe, but I didn't completely trust Him. I was honest and told God I wanted to believe Him but I was scared to trust Him. Then God sent His help... grace and mercy to do a work in me so I could receive what I professed to believe in my heart (Eph 2:8-9). My Father God met me where I was. I was doubting, but asked for help...and He made a way for me. He will for you too friend, if you ask (Matt 7:7) Our Father loves us...He meets us where we are, but we must decide to believe all of His promises; counting on Him each day to provide for us-this is how we strengthen our faith daily. He's for you and not against you (Rom 8:31). Ask Him...He will help you!  5/12-LMM

Trust God...He has good plans for you

The One Who made you...knows all about you. He knows your hurts and joys, what makes you laugh and cry, and your dreams and disappointments. He gave you life...He loved you first. Good plans await you... with a specific purpose for you to walk out. Trust in the Lord...with all your heart, soul, and mind, submit every part of you completely...the parts you like and don't like. Lean not on your own understanding, making decisions on what you can comprehend and figure out, but in everything you do, in all your ways acknowledge Him and seek Him. And our Father God will liberally give you guidance and wisdom...making your crooked path straight. And one more thing...if you miss Him, somehow get off the path, you will hear a voice behind you say, "this is the way, walk in it." Jer29:11, Lk10:27, Pr3:5, Isa30:21) 12/12/12CIFL-LMM

God's hope...there's nothing like it!

God's hope there's nothing like it-it sustains us when life's storms overwhelm us! God's hope anchors our soul-no matter how bleak things look we can say with confidence we will overcome because the Spirit of God lives in us & if He's for us...who can be against us! God's hope holds on for us during the storms of life...will you let Him hold on for you? (Heb 6:19, Rom 8:37) 12/12/12CIFL-LMM #overcomer #hope #christianinsightforlife

Don't give up!!!

Consistency-the key to God's Word coming to pass...
Keep moving, recalling what Jesus whispered to your heart. This journey is to equip you...not discourage you. Doubt calls out mistakes from the past- questioning you have what it takes? You do have what it takes...empowered through your union with God; His boundless might is available to you-He will tell you the way to go. You will reap a harvest, if you don't give up. Keep moving, recalling what Jesus whispered to your heart...this journey is equipping you. (Eph 6:10, Isa 30:21, Gal 6:9) 12/12/12CIFL-LMM

Constant Faith leads to Victory

Constant faith during trials...leads to victory. Don't resent where you are right're in God's conditioning program; preparing you for the next season. God's getting you in shape... spiritually, emotionally, and physically. He's running you through drills of patience, endurance, and focus, but most of all...constant faith in Him (Mark 11:22). Constant faith is required to sustain victory in every season of your life! 12/12/12-LMM

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Keep moving...recalling what Jesus whispered to your heart

Keep moving...recalling what Jesus whispered to your heart. This journey is to equip you...not discourage you. Doubt mocks your efforts; calling out your mistakes from the past. Questioning your understanding-did you hear correctly, do you have what it takes? Remember, doubt wants you to give up before you get there...then tell you that you are a failure for not going. Listen to the Holy Spirit guide you and allow the love of Jesus to fuel your determination. Don't give up-distractions will attempt to drown's because you're so close! Keep moving-you're carrying out God's mission; your due season is close. Learn from mistakes...but don't let them paralyze and stop you from pursuing what God's calling you to do. You've got what it takes. Keep moving recalling what Jesus whispered to your heart. (Jer 29:11, Gal 6:9-10, Isa 30:21) 12/11/12CIFL-LMM

Monday, December 10, 2012

Speak the words needed to heal...

Silence can be a devastating answer when words of reassurance are needed. The tongue holds the power of life and death (Pr 18:21). Don't let the devastation continue...speak the words needed for healing. 12/10/12-LMM

Don't allow hold you back

Adversity...everyone goes through it-not everyone grows from it. Don't allow adversity to hold you back. To grow from adversity one must embrace humility & ask God to purge the endless pit of pride...the flesh & to eradicate the false confidence connected to worldly things. To reject this experience is to reject growth. Keep your eyes on Jesus...don't miss the opportunity that adversity brings-a deeper revelation of how much you are loved by Him. Many forfeit the growth experience, preferring to focus on the unfair aspects of adversity by blaming those who caused the harm or refusing to accept the grace Jesus offers-so they remain stuck in regret. Drawing close to God during adversity allows His love to manifest & increase in us-knowing He's unwavering, unmovable & unstoppable; knowing we belong to Him. It's a beautiful, risky & confident place to be...trusting God while He walks us through places where we can't see. (James 1:2-4, Phil 3:13, 2 Cor 5:7) 12/10/12CIFL-LMM

Come out of confinement...

Come out of your confinement...the limits you've placed on your life because you do not see a way out. Don't you know...Jesus' love is power! His love is in you...nothing can overtake Him or you. What you keep in confinement...confines you...what you give to Jesus...defines you. Jesus has overcome this world; come out...He's made a way for you. (Jn 16:33) 12/9/12-LMM

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jesus will escort you...

Jesus will escort us into the throne room of our Father anytime of the day or night...we don't need an appointment or ever have to wait. Prayer doesn't have to be long or loud...rehearsed or repeated; prayer pours out words from inside the heart. We can pray anytime, anywhere, and anyplace. Prayer is an open door to our Father that He makes available to us.  Prayer is where we receive our Father's love... knowing He hears and understands us; where He nurtures, encourages, and values us. Prayer comforts and guides us; reinforcing we're never alone...because our Father is with us always. Prayer is a privilege-embrace it. (1 Thes 5:17) LMM #prayer #christianinsightforlife

Saturday, December 8, 2012

God's Truth vs Man's Facts

God's truth trumps man's facts. Get the facts straight...they are constrained by time, theories and calculations based on evidence seen. God's truth created constraints, set them into motion, called time into existence...creating all that's seen and unseen. He's before all things and holds them together! As followers of Jesus Christ, we acknowledge facts we see with our eyes and mind, but stand on what's known in our spirit; revelation knowledge of His truth which always...trumps facts! Rest in His truth today. 12/7/12-LMM

The truth will set you free!!!

Dragging a bondage out of the dark and into the presence of the beginning of its death and the ending of its hold on you. "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free!" (John 8:32) 10/25/12-LMM

Your steps are make a difference

Your steps are make a difference. Don't get stuck in a vision of practical, logical, and attainable; it has no risk and doesn't need God. God wants you to take bold steps, in with His confidence in you. He will supply all you need...along the way. He will never be late and rarely early...waiting with confidence develops your "trust muscles" to move through doubt, fatigue, and rejection. Keep moving, God will tell you if you miss you trust Him? He knows the adversity you are encountering, the mistakes you make, and the hurts you are experiencing...He has worked it all in. His Word is a lamp to your feet and light to your path (Ps 119:105) ...don't be anxious (Phil 4:6), He is before all things and in Him all things are held together (Co1:17). He knows you feel inadequate...that is why He will never leave you (Heb 13:5). 12/8/12-LMM

New Things...New Season

Jesus wants to show you new things...for a new season but you must get real with Him. Share your hurts, praise Him, let Him know your struggles, thank Him, give Him all of you...this is intimacy my friend. And you will experience His full acceptance of you; He will engulf you in His love. Then get ready...for your new things and a new season. Make sure you're spiritually stretching and strengthening yourself; seeing through His eyes, stepping out of your comfort zones, pressing back when you don't feel like it, staying on course when you'd rather quit. Keep your eyes on the prize-Jesus sustains you in each new thing and new season. Focus, be're a light; be determined to carry His love everywhere you go. Don't forgo the life Jesus died to give you (John 10:10). 12/8/12-LMM

Get a Revelation...of God's Love

Revelation of God's love ignites His boldness in you to face fears and go through them. You may fall a 1000 times, some days you can't move, but you know with His will rise up-again and again. If you're a Christian, you have everything you need to face impossibles. Don't believe the lie that you can't; settling for and living a semi-paralyzed Christian life, going through the motions to just get by...forfeiting God's good plans for your future. Make a choice, even though you feel fear, that you will walk by faith and not sight; this choice ignites God's love... flooding your heart with revelation-empowering you to face impossibles with His confidence. Experience a deeper revelation of God's love in the good plans He offers! (Jn 16:33, 2 Cor 5:7, Eph 1:18, Jer 29:11) 12/8/12-LMM

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Holy Spirit wants you to hear...

Reasoning distracts and engages the mind in a monologue that completely shuts down the ability to hear the Holy Spirit speaking. Some people have reasoned for so long and not heard the Holy Spirit that they believe they can't hear Him. This is a lie! Thoughts come in the mind all day; they're either good or bad. Good thoughts are kept and bad ones tossed out. A few bad thoughts allowed to stay in the mind can begin a fire of disaster; allowing the imagination to begin to see disappointment, failure, and ruin. Likewise, thoughts on God can create hope, opportunity, and overcoming...seeing victory in your future! Years ago I reasoned...constantly. I didn't believe I could hear the Holy Spirit. Here's what I do now...I am careful to remain in close fellowship with Jesus and speak the Word out loud throughout the day. I toss out a bad thought immediately. I listen closely to my spirit to hear the Holy Spirit leading me. I ask for clarification if I don't understand. Listen closely...the Holy Spirit wants you to hear Him (Luke 24:45) so you can understand His Word. He wants you to feel confident in His ability to guide you...for you to trust Him. You will become more comfortable as you renew your mind and consistently overcome reasoning. I renew my mind at least every hour...when I'm speaking my Father's language, I'm more in tune to the prompting of the Holy Spirit's voice which is the same language. Be purposed in hearing the Holy Spirit. You will overcome the reasoning and you will hear the Holy Spirit speaking to your spirit. Like anything else, the more you do it, the more comfortable you are. Blessings friend!

No more lunch dates with...condemnation

Jesus sees past...your past. He sees you as God's unique creation with a bright future. If you're experiencing any condemnation, it's not from Jesus, so strike it down with the are fearfully and wonderfully made, more than a conqueror, soaring high like an eagle, good plans to prosper you-giving you hope and a future, if God's for you-who can be against you? Agree with what Jesus sees. No more lunch dates with condemnation...he's not your friend; he wants to steal the promises of God from you. Tell him it's time to go...that you've got a future-good plans from God to fulfill! Blessings! 12/7/12CIFL-LMM

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Great Exchange...death of sin so we can live.

The Great Exchange...When Jesus went to the cross and died...He took all of our sin to include the...past, present, and future. Then He was raised to life to give us righteousness-placing us in right standing with God. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification (Rom 4:25). My head spins at this and my heart floods with gratitude and hope. I am totally in good standing with my Father God because of what my Savior did for me...I can boldly approach the throne of Heaven in the name of Jesus and speak to my Father. That's all I can say right now...I'm so moved by my Father God's love and the privilege I have to speak to Him...Blessings friend. 12/6/12-LMM

Run your've got what it takes!

Run the race God set before you. Emotion will open the gate for the run, but discipline is required to finish. You've got what it takes...Christ has equipped you, but you must choose to use what He's put in you. Every moment you have the choice to rely on Christ's strength that's in you. The key-staying in the moment to access the power of Christ that's in you-right now. For the moment you're the moment you have discipline in. This is your moment, one breath, one step, then do it again. It sounds too simplistic, but most things are that Christ instructs us to do. "I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency] (Phil :13)." Run your've got what it takes friend! 12/5/12CIFL-LMM

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

God Provides...always

God never loses track of time...because He owns time. He created what we see and don't see...He existed before anything else and He holds everything in creation together. He's taken care of everything... He's never perplexed, uncertain, or in a bad mood. He loves you...He gave you life, a purpose, and peace-you can rest in Him. He will always provide you with everything you need. Will you let Him? 12/5/12-LMM

You're in God's Good Plans

You may not feel like God has a good plan for you...but it's true. We do not feel God's truth...we make a decision to believe His truth. For I know the good plans I have for you, declares the Lord...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future! (Jer 29:11) 9/7/12CIFL-LMM

Ask in His Name...

Accept the truth...God reverses impossibles into possibles-He's looking for people to believe. Rest in Him...receive His peace that is in you. Have faith in God...constantly (Mark 11:22). His Word is truth... don't engage in reasoning. Allow God's Word to trump! John 14:14, ask anything in my name and I will do it. Will you get out of the God can make a way??? 4/2012-LMM

Grief...letting go

Grief...acknowledging what's gone-letting go. Many don't completely let go of the past because it is was   familiar-they felt confident there and knew the routine. The past is gone, it's behind you. You can't reach backwards-you can only reach forward to what lies in front of you. Life is a perpetual motion forward continues on whether you choose to move with it or not. Move forward-don't let life pass you because you're trying to resuscitate what God has said is over. Don't forfeit your future...for fear of releasing your familiar. God has plans to give you a hope and a future-will you let Him? (Mt 5:4, Mt 11:28, Jer 29:11) 12/4/12CIFL-LMM

Monday, December 3, 2012

Leaving My Familiar to Follow Jesus...

The middle part of in the middle of your familiar-known and your new season-unknown...This is where God will do His greatest work in you. My middle part of believing continues to challenge me and deepen my faith. I've experienced a barrage of doubt, my insecurities confronted, my beliefs challenged, and my pride purged. I've been uncomfortable, uncertain, and unsettled. My former familiar predictable schedule false confidence knocked out from under me, leaving me with a sense of awkwardness. The middle part of believing has been a long journey; I've become weary and I've considered giving up at times...then my Father always sends His encouragement through someone who loves and values me and who will be honest with me. I know this is how God must develop me-for me to know Him and to experience His love for me. I didn't know nearly what I thought I did...but this raw and vulnerable middle part of believing has led me to a deeper revelation of where I stand with God; He sustains me, comforts me, encourages me... every one of His promises is true. Emotions come and go but He never changes. I must stay connected to Him-He supplies me with everything I need, I trust Him because of Who He is...I don't have to know  what He will do. He promises good plans for me and I believe Him...I know His voice-I'm never alone...ever, He's with me always...when I get into my new season, I will be ready not because I'm there...but because I know Him. The middle part of believing has been the most amazing journey of my life-I know my Father... He knows my name and He loves me. (Gal 6:9, Phil 3:10, Isa 43:1-2) 8/10/12CIFL-LMM

Renew your mind...and open up your future!

Renew your mind for the expansion required to move into the next season...making room by replacing the old ways of thinking with new ways. God must open up your mind...before He can open up your future. Get ready! (Rom 12:2, Isa 42:9) 8/28/12CIFL-LMM

Be Authentic...Be You

Do not try to be someone else-it's impossible and you will end up frustrated, but mostly you compromise your authenticity...God's unique plan for you to carry out. You're God's masterpiece-created to do the good works He called you to long ago. Before you were born-every day of your life was recorded...every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. When you try to copy what you think the world says you should be; you become just that...a copy-which is not authentic. Be the you God designed you to be...   and authenticity will roll off of you! (Jer 29:11, Eph 2:10, Ps 130:16)  12/3/12-LMM

Jesus sees what you can do...not what you've done-Amen! 7/8/12-LMM

Correction...It Makes You Right

Correction's purpose is to make you more right..not more wrong. If you're resisting correction, deep in your heart you're feeling wrong about you. You're in denial, because all your energy goes to proving desperately want to look right but you feel hopelessly wrong deep in your heart. Every time a caring person has tried to correct you; you quickly throw on your cloak of self-righteousness...which is the deception that takes you farther from God's truth. Godly correction cloaks you in...His righteousness; the authentic freedom to be you. I pray you will seek the Lord, He loves you and He's put loving people in your life...they're trying to reach you. Don't delay your freedom another day. Whoever receives discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid (Prov 12:1 NIV). 12/3/12-LMM

God Uses Mistakes & Misfortunes...

God uses everyone of our mistakes and misfortunes for His glory. We do not have the right to opt out from being used by God because we feel we aren't qualified...that's God's decision...not ours.
(Eph 1:11, Rom 8:28) 12/2/12-LMM

Missing Part of your Heart...

 Jesus will heal the missing part of your heart. Only Jesus can restore what was stolen from you, given away by you, or give you what you never got. No person, achievements, or financial security can ever fill up the missing part of your heart...but Jesus can and will; He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3). Will you let the love of Jesus heal...the missing part of your heart? 6/4/12CIFL-LMM

Don't Settle...God wants to lead you into the next season.

You're've walked through many let downs...don't settle. God's developing you to walk by faith-not sight; relying on His Word as your final authority verses what you can reason and calculate. He's over what you see and don't see; He wants you to rest in Him-putting all of your faith in Him... constantly. God wants to lead you into the next season...will you let Him? Don't settle friend. (2 Cor 5:17, Col 1:16, Mark 11:22) 12/3/12-LMM

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Radical believing...

Radical believing leads to...radical blessings; our Father loves when we walk by faith and not by sight. How can we know to believe Him if we don't have to trust Him? Don't forfeit your future...for fear of leaving your familiar-take a risk and trust; your life will be dramatically changed. Blessed is the man who believes without seeing. (2 Cor 5:7, John 20:29).  12/2/12-LMM opportunity to mature

Every time you find yourself irritated with have an opportunity to spiritually mature. Fools show annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult. (Pr 12:16) 6/1/12CIFL-LMM

God's Word...doesn't return void

God's Word must be the common denominator in everything you calculate...otherwise you're left with chance. (Isa 55:11) 6/4/12-LMM
God wants us to find comfort in His Presence...not in what He provides. When we find comfort in Him...we are confident that He will provide. 6/19/12-LMM

You are privileged...

You are privileged...God gives us His time and His word because He loves us...don't turn your back on this privilege. Read, speak, and memorize His comforting words, not because you should...but because you can. Spend time with Him daily; fill up with His love for you. Give thanks and praise Him (Ps106:1). Let God go before you in each day....He says you are His, He has redeemed and summoned you by name. That's right, He knows your name friend...deep waters and rivers will not sweep over you, you will not be burned when you walk through fires (Isa43:1-2). God is with you and will never leave you (Heb13:5). Uncertain about about your career? Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed (Pr16:3). Are you being taken to court and falsely accused? The Lord won't let you be condemned when brought to trial (Ps37:33). Do you need to confront a difficult situation? Jos 1:9, "do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Feeling like you can't take one more day of a certain situation? Isaiah 41:10 says, "Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am you God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; Yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice. Wherever you are, you are never alone, because your Father is with you...don't turn your back on your privilege. Begin to speak the words of your Father and be encouraged...He has a good plan for you (Jer29:11). Peace be with you friend...(John14:27). Speak it! 6/22/12-LMM
God can't multiply what you have...until you release it from your hand. Ponder, speculate, and reason all you want...that's the way it works. Blessings! 6/22/12-LMM
God wants us to love like Him...not work like Him. If you're exhausted from "loving" might be doing God's work. 6/27/12-LMM
Love is what you do...requiring honesty, action, and commitment on your part. Let us not love [merely] in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity) 1 John 3:18. How would someone describe your love?
Live and walk out the freedom God offers us, don't take on what is impossible...that's His job, but you won't know unless you trust Him to do so. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). Blessings friend!
Our part...believing He creates something from nothing. His part...creating something from nothing. He's waiting...are you ready? 7/1/12-LMM

Receive what Jesus has done for you...

You will overcome what's trying to overcome you...when you receive the revelation of what Jesus has done for you. John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]" That settles it friend, Jesus has overcome everything; your part is to receive what He's done for you. Now, you can rest in His peace. 7/4/12CIFL-LMM
God allows me to manage His stuff...He has it all covered. I experience the freedom He designed when I remember He's God and I'm His child. 7/4/12-LMM

Take refuge in the Lord...

Take refuge in the Lord...reasoning leads to insanity. He never sleeps, grows tired, or runs out of ideas...there's nothing He can't make or invent...He's never borrowed money or been unemployed...He invented courageous and won't run out of time...He owns time! He loves you and will provide everything you, rest, and put all of your hope in Him (Eph 3:20, Psalm 46:1). 7/6/12CIFL-LMM

God's love is a gift...

A gift for all occasions...God's Love. His love transcends time & language barriers...heals any hurt, restores brokenness & raises the dead! There's no person, place or situation that God's love can't fix, heal & restore. We can love...because He loved us first! Will you let Him love you today? (1 Jn 4:19) 7/7/12-CIFL-LMM

His way...not mine

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me...not I can do all things "I choose" and He will strengthen me.      His way...not mine.  (Phil 4:13) 7/9/12CIFL-LMM

Unique & Purposed...that's you

Unique in every way...that's you. God created you with a purpose-your own finger print and DNA...think about that. God didn't cookie cutter or mass produce you off of an assembly line to meet a number quota for the day or keep the cost down. God spared He gave His most prized possession-His Son for your life and He calls you His masterpiece! Embrace Gods love-your design and uniqueness...age, height, build, skin color, hair-no hair, teeth, smile, laugh, talents, experiences, knowledge. Your identity is found in Him-don't try to be someone else; you will be frustrated and compromise your authenticity. Don't go through life forever raising the bar for something more...your more is only found in Him. When you try to copy what you think the world says you should be- you become just that...a copy-which is not authentic. You're fearfully and wonderfully made-every moment of your life was laid out before a single day passed. Labels are not your identity...married, divorced,  single, white, black, brown, purple, professional, laborer, educated, uneducated, unsophisticated, tax bracket, or home address. Labels don't give life, but  the Vine does-apart from Him you can do nothing. Rise up, you've got nothing to prove-you've been approved. It's not your strength-it's His through you... be the you He called you to! God is waiting...are you ready? (Jer 29:11, Ps 139:14, Jn 3:16, Jn 15:5) 7/9/12CIFL-LMM
Face is hard-can't deny it, but you can overcome it because you've accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior...He's overcome the world and He resides in you've overcome. Does not mean you are exempt from hardships, in fact, Jesus says in John 16:33..."you will have tribulations, trials, distress, and frustrations...take courage and be confident, I've overcome-I have deprived it of its power to harm you!" You're an overcomer-act like it!

Release your grief...rise up!

Release your grief...rise up. Lift your head-don't spend one more second on "if." We are to grieve losses...for a period of time, but then we're to move forward. God wants to take you into a new season... He's waiting on you. Release your grief to Him, so you can move into your new season. You're trying to live in two places-you're ripping apart. If you're living in the can't live in the present. Come now, it's time friend, let Jesus have all your hurts. (Ps 73:26) 7/11/12CIFL-LMM
Don't like the direction of your life...examine your heart...for it determines your course. Change your heart...change your life! 7/12-LMM
God desires for us to know our identity in Him...then no matter what we do or where we go...we know Who we belong to and who we are. 7/12-LMM
We are responsible to speak God's truth...not prove it...God's got the proving part covered. If the Son sets you free-you're free indeed! 7/13/12-LMM
Face what you've been denying...God will fight this battle for you, but you have to show up so He can manifest through you. Face it and God will fight it (2 Chron 20:17). 7/12-LMM
Jesus has moved past your past...why haven't you? Do you think you can add to what He's already done for you on the cross? What do you hope to gain by holding on to what...Jesus has done away with? Really take this to heart...Jesus took it all-past, present, and's done. You will not be able to comprehend this truth in your mind alone...ask the Holy Spirit for revelation. Faith, hope, and love...the greatest of these is love. Let Jesus love you into completeness. You will not feel your way into believing you're complete- it's a decision you make, to believe His truth, which says you are. Receive the you can get past your past, Jesus has-so can you! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (1 Cor 13:13, 2 Co 3:17). Blessings friend! 7/19/12-LMM

Behavior change follows a genuine "I'm sorry"...

A genuine "I'm sorry" is followed by a behavior change-if not you're checking the box to look the part but the part.
God is rising up many, He's refining them...teaching them believe His Hand when they don't see it in the natural. There is a lot of let down; perseverance is required to go to the the higher level God wants to take those that He's calling now...teaching them how to handle disappointment and continue to move forward with a confident expectation. God put this word on my heart 4/13/12. I had no idea how it true it would be in my life. Moving forward during disappointment is the refinement in the fire...the preparation for the next season. Walking by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:17)...believing God is guaranteed victory. I will continue to move forward with a confident expectation! 12/2/12-LMM

Constant Faith during trials...

Don't resent where you are right're in God's conditioning program; preparing you for the new season. Every season has trials-God's getting you in shape...spiritually, emotionally, and physically. He's running you through drills of patience, endurance, and focus, but most of all...constant faith in Him. Don't throw away your confidence-it will be richly rewarded...the new season is around the corner! (Mark 11:22, Heb 10:35-36) 12/2/12CIFL-LMM

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Give your hurt to Jesus...

Minimizing a past hurt keeps a person chained to the experience and unable to live in the present-impacting their ability to have a hope for the future. Past pain skews thoughts and actions and the person operates from the perspective of their past experience...keeping the view of the present obscured. Jesus came to save, bind up our wounds, free us from captivity and to bring us out of heal us (Isaiah 61:1)! For a person to heal, they have to bring their hurts to Him...completely surrendering their entire heart, mind, and soul. Bring your hurts in the light and acknowledge who hurt you; give them into the hands of Jesus...forgiving the person-releasing what they did to you. Many believe forgiving is dismissing the harm...but forgiving means you will no longer carry the offense in your heart. When you verbally give the release...forgiving the person who caused harm; you allow Jesus to physically remove the chains that kept you bound to them and the hurt they imposed. Peace be with you as you trust Jesus to take your hurt. 10/12-LMM