Saturday, August 31, 2013

Is there anything between you & God's promises...?

Until you replace certain thoughts that have interfered with God's truth, you will unknowingly allow them to stand in the way of God's promises to you. The day you were saved, your chains were gone and you were set free, but your mind and memories weren't. The mind has to be renewed daily with God's truth to move forward with hope in Him, but also in gaining insight into where you've been. Your beliefs are a culmination of your thoughts-they shaped you in your childhood, how you perceive yourself now and then, expectations of you and others, your view of God and how you believe He sees you, etc-all these thoughts are a culmination of your memories. Until you know where you've won't have a clear idea of where you're going. Memories impact what you believe and how you react to life. You're not aware of most of them because they're located in your subconscious, but your day-to-day responses to life are direct result of them. That's why you have to ask the Holy Spirit to search your mind and make you aware of what hinders you...for anxious thoughts and hurtful ways (Ps 139:23-24), but who can discern their own errors (Ps 19:12), test me Lord, try me, examine my heart and mind (Ps 26:2), every way of a man is right in his own eyes (Pr 21:2). These are just a few, but you can see how critical it is that you ask God to search you and...make you aware of what you're not aware of-to not do so keeps you from walking out God's promises. Your chains are gone, you've been set free, but you have to be aware of the memories that are binding you to the past and interfering with you moving forward! God gives wisdom generously-without finding fault (James 1:5). Will you ask Him to show you what thought and memories may be standing in the way of you walking out His promises to you? 8/31/13CIFL-LMM  

Jesus will manage what you give Him...

What you hold onto is for you to manage-what you release to Jesus...He will manage. (Isa 61:1) 8/29/12CIFL-LMM

Friday, August 30, 2013

God guarantees He will move you through trials...

Without God...trials would do you in. But because of God-you're guaranteed to move through them A righteous man will have many troubles and God will deliver him from each one! (Ps 34:19) 8/29/13CIFL-LMM

Grasp God's love...

When we begin to grasp how much we're valued & loved by God-we can move through the inevitable pain that comes with life...because His love is the sustenance of our existence-He's the reason we live and love! (Acts 17:28) 8/29/13

God is our enough...

Until we begin to get the revelation that God is our enough in everything...we will always be bound to never having enough in anything. (Phil 4:19, 2 Cor 12:9) 8/29/13CIFL-LMM

Thursday, August 29, 2013

God will carry out His cause throught you...will you let Him?

God's deposited talents & gifts in carry out His cause through you. Don't ever think you're a mistake or afterthought-your Father planned (Eph 1:11) & purposed long ago (Eph 2:10). People & the standards of the world will try to conform what God Himself put in you. They rely on tests, scales & assessments, along with their personal interpretation to determine potential & aptitude. These measurements are helpful, but not exclusive in determining a person's ability-only God knows what He's called each individual to...He knows the plans He has for you (Jer 29:11) because He planned every second of your life (Ps 139:16). Don't be discouraged when you're rejected by others or think you've been passed over. If you're following God with all your heart, you're on course. He doesn't miss anything, nothing obstructs His view, He can find you the darkest night, the biggest fire & the deepest waters-He's with you. You matter, you count, you're valued...His grace is sufficient (2 Cor 12:9)- meaning you have what it takes to carry out the call He's put in your heart. Even if test scores report moderate to low range-not meeting the criteria, aptitude assessments reflect poor results, personality inventories show no matches & emails not returned...God's still got a good plan. You may be experiencing rejection right now, but that doesn't make you a...reject-don't put your hope in man's wisdom...put it in God's power (1Cor 2:5)! God's evaluation, His response & His plans are the only ones that matter because He reigns over every square inch of what's visible & invisible (Col 1:17). His verdict is final-there's nothing too big or too inconsequential for Him to consider. His love is bigger than anything you're facing-He can make something from nothing, part a sea, roll back a river, drop food out of the sky, make a donkey talk, rescue loved ones from a fiery furnace & them not be burned or even smell of smoke, put His seed into an unmarried virgin's womb to bring Jesus into this world, feed 15,000 from one kid's meal, turn water in wine & raise the can be confident He's got your plans worked out. No verdict given by man is final-only God's Word is. Stay on course-don't be discouraged by others implying you don't have what it takes. God says you do-that's the only verdict that counts. Every step has been ordered even when there seems to be no indicator that things are going to break through or open up. They will-if you wait on Him in His strength...He will hold on for you. Will you wait on Him? 8/29/13CIFL-LMM

More than a conqueror...

You're more than a conqueror, not because of what you do, but because of Who lives in you...say Jesus! Let His strength work through you today. (Rom 8:31-39) 8/29/13CIFL-LMM

Your past is dead...

If you've received Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior...your past is gone (Rom 6:9) dead at the cross! But if you think on it, you keep it alive in your mind. Renew your mind (Rom 12:2) with God's truth & release the grip on your's dead! 8/27/13CIFL-LMM

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Your not in vain

Don't let this season of constant difficulty discourage you-this pain is not in's purposed. God's hardening you to these difficulties (Isa 41:10). He desires for your confidence to be in Him-not your circumstances. He will never leave you...His power is perfected in your weakness ((2 Cor 12:9). There's nothing to fear-God will strengthen & harden you to these difficulties... this pain is not in vain! 8/29/13CIFL-LMM

Renew your strength...while you wait!

Your wait isn't the same as God's, but if you will wait with Him-you can wait not to just survive...but thrive! Waiting with God gives strength to your mind, body and spirit. His Spirit lives in you-expect to  overcome because He's overcome the world and His Spirit is greater than the spirit who lives in the world (Jn 16:33, 1 Jn 4:4). God gives strength to you when you're weary and supplies His power to you when you're at your end...His power is perfected in your weakness (2 Cor 12:9). Wait upon the Lord-He will renew your strength, you will soar high on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint (Isa 40:29-31)! God promises this to you-to walk out what He promises you must seek Him first, spend time with Him and commit to knowing His Word. How can you know His promises unless you spend time reading reading them? Don't say, "I've tried and can't understand it." God gives wisdom generously without finding fault (James1:5)-the Holy Spirit will give you revelation when you seek Him (Isa 30:21). Some believe they don't have time to spend with God...they are deceived. The thing about deception, is it deceives-there's ways that seems right to a man but the ways lead to death (Pr 14:12). Resigning to either belief guarantees you will not live the life Jesus died to give you (Jn 10:10). Bottom line, God's Word work when you work it-His Word will not return void (Isa 55:11). God has good plans for you-the only way you're eliminated is...if you choose to do life your way. God will still love you if you choose to do live your way, but you won't experience the provisions of His love if you do. The choice is yours...will you wait on the Lord and renew your strength? 8/28/13CIFL-LMM

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Your past is dead...

If you've received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior...your past is gone (Rom 6:9) dead at the cross! Yet many devalue their worth in God's eyes based on their past that's dead-they're saved, but their mind isn't. Their mind still lives in the past. I know this well because it's the number one issue I help Christians with in my practice...but I also lived that way for a long time. For years I tried to net my worth based on my past. Finally I began to agree with God's truth, even though I didn't feel it-I accepted it as truth and began to speak it out loud every day. My agreement with God's truth opened the door for the Holy Spirit to give me revelation that I was free from my past...that's why where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). As I daily renewed my mind with His truth, the more I believed it, the more I believed the more I spoke it, the more I spoke it, the more the truth cancelled out the lies I had believed for years...finally I came to a balanced place and believed my Father's truth. I still renew my mind daily-it's not something that can ever be stopped. Every day I speak God's truth and choose to agree with it, even though I may feel nothing like what He says I am, I still say... I'm His masterpiece (Eph 2:10), fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14), unblemished and holy (Eph 5:27), more than a conqueror (Rom 8:37), He has good plans for me (Jer 29:11), He will do exceedingly abundantly more than I ever dare ask or imagine (Eph 3:20), I'm favored-God's pleased and delighted in me (Ps 90:17, 41:11, 147:11) and many more-but you get the idea. Your past died at the cross with Jesus, it's done. You must decide if you believe  it's true, not because you feel it, but because Jesus said so. But if you think on your past, you will keep it alive in your mind. Speak God's truth so you will know His truth and be free (Jn 8:32). Give all of yourself (mind, body & spirit) to Christ-replace your deception with His truth and be transformed into seeing as He sees (Rom 12:1-2). Be deliberate in thinking on God's truth-if not you're thinking on what opposes His truth...there's no in between. Be purposed in receiving His promises-they're yours but you must claim them. Your past is dead at the cross...will you let it die in your mind too? 8/27/13CIFL-LMM

Your call in life...

Don't let your call be greater...than the One Who called you. (Exod 20:3) 8/2012CIFL-LMM 

Monday, August 26, 2013

God never trades even...

God never trades even...give Him what you've got and He will give you what He has. It's an uneven trade  every time-with you always giving far less than what God will give back to you! God will generously provide all you need and plenty left over to share with others! Doing the math won't get you the answer...but having faith will. So give God your first and best-trust Him with every concern in your life-don't hold anything back...God never trades even! (2 Cor 9:8, Mk 11:22, Prov 3:9-10) 8/26/13CIFL-LMM

God can-your part is to believe...He will

Nothing in life is predictable...other than God. He will never leave you & He keeps His promises...your part is to believe He will. Make a decision to believe He will come through-you don't have to know how He will provide to believe He will...provide! He can & will do what needs to be done to carry out His promises. Don't waste time & energy in reasoning-trying to figure out how God will come through for you. Put your energy in God's power-not man's wisdom. God can-your part is to believe... He will! (Jn 6:28-29, Phil 4:19, Eph 3:20) 8/26/13CIFL-LMM

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Don't miss the're suppose to live!

You're valued (Ps 139:16). You were uniquely created to carry out a specific purpose (Eph 2:10). The burden isn't on you to figure out your life...God's already done that for you (Jer 29:11). All God asks of you is...believe in Him (Jn 6:28). It seems too simple-that's why many miss it. Don't miss the life you're suppose to live-seek God (Mt 6:33), He will answer & tell you great & mighty things ( Jer 33:3)! 8/25/13CIFL-LMM

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Being real...

God doesn't expect you to have it all together-He expects you to rely on His strength. God's strength is made perfect in your weakness-when you're are strong! (2 Cor 2:9.10) 8/24/13CIFL-LMM                                                                        Go

Inspiration...time passes-hurts don't

Don't carry your hurt one more day. Live the life Jesus died to give you-be healed! Will you hand your hurt to Jesus today?  8/15/13CIFL-LMM

You don't have to have it all together...

You can relax-you don't have to have it all together. This doesn't make you a just makes you real like everyone else in the world. Christ's strength is made perfect in your weakness-when you are are strong! (2 Cor 12:9, 10) 8/24/13CIFL-LMM

If you are breathing-you have issues...

If you are breathing-you have person is exempt; when you get to Heaven you won't have any. Until then, receive the revelation the Holy Spirit will make known to you...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). This truth sets you free (Jn 8:32); enabling you to receive His love and approval (Col 2:10) and allowing His light to shine through you (Mt 5:16). God won't abandon the plan He started in you (Phil 1:6). Don't allow what you are get in the way of who God says you are. What you lack or what you're up against doesn't stop God's plans-He will give you every provision you need to to walk out what He asks of you (Rom 8:28-39). Take comfort in the truth that your hope is in God's power and not at the mercy of man's wisdom (1 Cor 2:5). That should make you shout!

You can trade in your frustrations, all your weaknesses, every wrong in the world, sleepless nights, grinding your teeth, bouts of IBS, headaches, regrets, hurt, anxiety, irritability, fear of being passed over, back up plans, reasoning of potential outcomes, betrayal of friends and loved ones, trying to manage opposition and those who undermine you...because Jesus has overcome every one of your weakness and every person and situation that would interfere with His plans (Jn 16:33)! Nothing, no one, nada can undo God's promises-this generation will not pass away until all things take place (Lk 21:32). Cooperate with God, let the Holy Spirit give you revelation and allow Jesus to comfort you-then you can lay down who you think you should be and become the person God made you to be...His masterpiece planned long ago to walk out the good works He purposed for you (Eph 2:10)!

So relax and know if you're have issues-we all do. When you get to Heaven you won't have any because God's work will be complete in you. Until then, will you trust Christ to work through you and on your behalf...making His power perfect in your weaknesses so He can fulfill His call through you (1Cor 12:9, Jer 29:11)? 8/24/13CIFL-LMM #issues #bereal #Godwillsupplyallyourneeds #christianinsightforlife 

Friday, August 23, 2013

God gives doesn't

Oh the freedom that's felt when we can rest in the truth that God's our source for everything we need-our freedom is found in Him...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). What a relief to know that our future isn't determined by the wisdom of men but rests in God's power (1 Cor 2:5). Until you can rest in God & believe His promises, you'll be at the mercy of others-looking to them to deliver what you need. God's your only source but you give people this authority when you put them on the throne instead of God. I did this for years-I said I believed God's promises, but I put my hope in man's wisdom, not God's power to deliver my destiny. My prayers focused on complaints, frustration & fear instead of thanksgiving, hope & love. I would faithfully seek Christ, only to consistently rely on people to deliver what I asked for in prayer. God works through people-we're His vessels, but if there's an unwilling vessel He will use another one. This doesn't exempt us from unfair things happening while God situates things for us, but we can be confident He's with us...a righteous man will have many troubles & God will deliver him from each one (Ps 34:19). Every day trouble will send you a personal  invitation to join the doubt & discouragement club-decline the invite! There will always be a teachers who treat your child wrong, financial concerns, crazy bosses, job cuts, Christians who do bad things, unfit coaches, people who let you down, poor financial forecasts, board members who lie, untrustworthy neighbors, tough times in the economy, dishonest congressmen & so on...& not one of them determine your destiny-only God does. Trust Him-believe His promises & He will make the your righteousness shine like the dawn & the justice of your cause like the noon day sun (Ps 37:6). Will you accept the freedom God offers you & rest in Him? 8/23/13CIFL-LMM

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Line up your heart with God's desires...

Ask God to search your heart every day...lining up your desires with His (Ps 139:23-24). He promises good plans for you (Jer 29:11), but you must agree so your heart will know the course to take. Isn't it great to know that God's done all the work...all you have to do is have faith in Him (Mk 11:22). 8/17/13CIFL-LMM

Adversity...brings out what's in the heart

For out of the overflow of the heart...a person speaks (Lk 6:44-45). What we profess to believe is revealed when we face adversity. Adversity removes all the props, comforts & routines...our true self is revealed. Embrace adversity-it's where character is developed & wisdom is gained (James 1:2-8). 8/20/13CIFL/LMM

Broken & left for dead...

Broken & left for dead...Jairus' daughter was dead, no hope-don't bother Jesus. He ran to Jesus begging Him to save her; he received the news-it's too late. Don't ask anymore-it won't make a difference. What's broken & left for dead in your life...sudden job loss, failed relationship, virginity, betrayal, rebellious child, home foreclosure, financial ruin, childhood innocence, grief so thick it suffocates you daily, death of a loved one, pain that consumes your being? You look at devastation & it stares back at you-your world is spinning, how will you ever overcome...dear God what will you do now, shame plagues you, how can the pain ever stop gushing out of you, where do you go from here? Jairus was told to stop asking because the girl was dead. When Jesus heard this, He said, "don't be afraid, just believe & she will be healed." Jairus had to be in a daze-his only child, dead. What would he do, how would he move forward? He decided, while in the grip of grief to listen to Jesus' words & follow Him. Don't give up & stop asking Jesus for help when all you see is broken & dead. Keep praying, asking & following Jesus. When you're sinking in devastation & can't see a way out-hold on, Jesus is making a way for you, but you must follow Him. He's the way, the truth & the life...of any dead situation you're experiencing. Jesus led Jairus back to his home where his dead daughter lay. Jesus told the people to "stop wailing." To overcome, you must see through the eyes & strength of Jesus. Jesus can bring life to any broken or dead situation you're facing-you've got to trust His way of handling it. Jesus overcame death! He is Life-let Jesus give life to your dead situation. Jesus ignored the snide remarks & laughing of the naysayers. He took those He trusted, along with the parents of the girl to where she lay. He reached to her-her spirit returned & she got up. Let Jesus reach to you, don't be afraid, just believe...He will make a way for you, He is the Life to the death you're facing. He knows all about being broken & left for dead. He's overcome the world & He can help you overcome the broken & dead situation you're facing! (Lk 8:40-42, 49-56, Jn 14:6, Jn 16:33) 5/20/12CIFL-LMM

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Submit your the Holy Spirit

Believing what your mind sees is perception... believing what God's Word says is truth. Believing God is knowing the truth and the truth will set you free! (John 8:31-32). The mind desires a sense of control, but if not submitted to the the Holy Spirit will only find chaos. Our mind doesn't have the ability to navigate successfully independent of God's truth because it comes to the end of itself...there's a way that appears right to a person, but in the end leads to death (Pr 14:12). Reasoning leads to a spiritual death because the door to God's presence which lives in your spirit is shut off-thus you're "fair game" to the world's troubles. But if you submit your mind to the Spirit you will live "alive" because the door to God's presence is kept open-allowing direction and comfort from the Holy Spirit. Keeping the door open to God's presence doesn't exempt you from ever having troubles but it does guarantee God's presence...a righteous man will have many troubles, but God will deliver Him from each one (Ps 34:19). The more you practice agreeing with God's truth, the less your perception will try to weigh in on decision making with reasoning. You will have to be very cognizant of any thought that doesn't line up with God's truth, but as you practice, your awareness will move from a conscious to a subconscious awareness. Unless you're already very cognizant of your thoughts, you probably have many that contradict God's truth, but you're not aware of them because they've moved to a subconscious level. It's like when you first start to drive-your brain is on strain because you're checking the mirrors, seeing if your hands are on the steering wheel properly and looking in your rear view mirror-but a person who's experienced at driving doesn't have to consciously think about all these things because they do them so much that the thought process is moved to the subconscious. Your subconscious goes into an auto pilot to do what it's accustomed to doing without you telling it what to do. So you can see how important it is for us to be aware of what happens in our subconscious. You need to think on what's true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable (Phil 4:8) at a conscious level to wash out the thoughts that contradict God's truth at the subconscious level. The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace (Rom 8:6). Be cognizant of your perception and what it leads you to believe-make sure it lines up with God's you can know the truth and know the truth will set you free! 8/21/13CIFL-LMM

Bring your issue in the light...

Bringing an issue in the light is the beginning of its death...and the ending of its hold on you. Then you will know the truth and truth will set you free! (John 8:32) 8/21/13CIFL-LMM

Perception vs Truth

Believing what your mind sees is perception... believing what God says is truth. Believing God is preferring His Word over your mind's perception.
Then you will His truth and His truth will set you free!!! (John 8:31-32) 8/21/13CIFL-LMM

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dont' try to love without God's love...

Many try to move forward without working through past hurt. It's impossible to move forward unless past hurt is addressed and it's impossible to address the past hurt (with success) unless it's done with God's love. God's love allows a person to address their hurt...then move past it. Human love cannot completely resolve hurt unless it is rooted in God's love. Human love doesn't have the ability to untether itself from the wounds received or imposed because human love has a remarkable memory to recall wrongs. That's why forgiveness escapes human love that's not rooted in Christ's love-even then it must be purposed and have revelation from the Holy Spirit.

Being rooted in God's love allows a person to release the person who offended and the wounds received or to release themselves from the offense and the wounds imposed. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! God's love heals and binds up wounds, restoring what was lost, stolen, taken or imposed. Human love makes sincere attempts, but ultimately reaches an end- God's love has no end! I see this often in working with people...they too quickly put a Christian stamp which is a quoted bible verse that deals with the subject matter but they've not dealt with it in their heart...where the change happens! They attempted to address the hurt with their human love, but didn't  process the pain with the Holy Spirit, Who turns information into revelation. Without revelation, the person may believe in their mind, they have insight, but the mind apart from the Holy Spirit leads to death-this is moving forward without God's love.

What we hand to God...He takes-what we don't hand to Him, remains with us. There's nothing holy about not taking your hurts to the Lord, regardless of how small they are-they eventually pile up. When was the last time you honestly looked at your pile? Doesn't matter the size of your stands between you and those you love and it keeps you from completely moving forward! Maybe your pile has hurt in it from a person who's passed away...they may be gone- but they didn't take your pain with them. Look in your pile...that's where it is. God promises He will bind up every one of your wounds-if you will let Him. What a relief to know we're not tethered to the wounds received by or imposed onto others...that our Father, Healer, Standby,  and Comforter will restore us completely with His love! Today, will you let God heal you and get you past your past hurt? (Ps 147:3, 1 Peter 2:24, Isa 43:18, 2 Cor 3:17, Rom 8:28) 8/20/13CIFL-LMM

Monday, August 19, 2013

Life is hard...

Life is hard & unfair, loved ones will hurt you, bad things happen to good people & there will be things you won't know until you get to heaven! No one is exempt, but what a relief to know that God's love is bigger than anything this world can do to us & that Jesus lives in us. Only with His love can we move through the inevitable pain this life brings. His love gives us His perfect peace, but we must be purposed in receiving it. Being purposed is spending time with Jesus, being in the Word & renewing our mind with His truth. Jesus said we'd experience tribulations, trials, distress & frustrations but for us to have courage, be confident, certain & undaunted because He's overcome the world. This promise is ours, but we have to be purposed in taking it every hour of the day-choosing to believe when we see no indication in the natural. Saying scripture out loud will strengthen you & give you stamina despite the negative you're witnessing in the natural. You're standing on what God will deliver...not what you see. Then you continue to say it over & over, believing God, not figuring out how God will deliver His promise...just believing He will. Stand on your promises daily-exercise your privileges. I speak scripture out loud throughout the day-I have to or I would be discouraged very quickly. Jesus tells us He's deprived this world from harming us & that He's conquered it for us. I choose to believe this promise because Jesus said so. Then I ask Him to help me if I have unbelief & I do, but I don't allow it to linger. I have to pull it down with His truth. Believing God takes effort. I say following Jesus is a full time job, but the pay is good & the benefit package exceeds what one would dare dream or imagine! Likewise, unbelief doesn't pay good & will lead one into poverty that perpetuates into future generations. Stick with Jesus-He & His love will never fail you. His blood has removed every one of your sins-past, present & future. Let Him love all of you-don't hold anything back. Put your hope in Him all day long. When grief comes like a robber in the night, His love will sustain you & His hope will hold on for you because He loves you so. He will make a way for you when you can't see a way. Don't try to figure out how He will do it...your mind will reason you out of believing His promise-just choose to trust Him. No one can believe for you...that's why it's called a personal relationship. Life is hard, but Jesus is Lord & He's overcome this world! This is your promise, but it's only powerful to you if you believe it. Do you? (John 16:33, Heb 6:19, Mk 9:24, Eph 3:20, 1 Cor 13:8, 2 Cor 5:19, Rom 5:8, Ps 25:5) 8/19/13CIFL-LMM

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Don't forfeit the's where you meet

Don't forfeit the's where you meet Jesus!!! The fires are the dire situations in life where you have to choose what seems rational or radical-you're faced with going in the fire & trusting God or justifying why you can't. These fires test what you profess to believe...then reveal where you stand. I've forfeited some fires in the past because I relied on my reasoning instead of God's truth-I cheated myself out of God's best for me and missed the opportunity to meet Jesus. I regret I doubted Jesus would be there for me. Since then I've doubted, but instead of leaning into my understanding I ask Jesus to help me with my unbelief (Mk 9:24). I don't want to miss Jesus again-I'm in awe of the depth of His relentless love. I really don't have words to express how my faith has grown in the fires, but I know with certainty I can count on Him to meet me every time. What fires are you avoiding...job issues, dating questions, marriage concerns, parenting conflicts, unhealthy friendships, character development, general life dilemmas, your relationship with Jesus? Forfeiting the fires threaten our livelihood-others jeopardize our integrity...both keep us from God's best. What God calls you to...He will bring you through. Going in the fire and coming through has nothing to do with your ability, but everything to do with Who's ability you believe in! Don't let doubt rob you of God's promises-ask Him to help you overcome your unbelief. Stand on what you know to be true...not what you feel to be true. God's truth says Jesus will do exceedingly, abundantly, more than you could ever imagine-according to the power that's at work within you (Eph 3:20). Choose to believe the power that's at work within's where you will meet Jesus in the fire (Dan 3:16-27)! I called out to the Lord; He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant-their faces are never covered with shame (Ps 34:4-5). Don't forfeit the's where you meet Jesus! Will you trust God to take you through? 8/17/13CIFL-LMM

Giving the first of your of your last...

When you're able to give the first of your last...that's where you'll meet Jesus. Embracing the risk feels crazy...the trust gained is priceless! Take God at His Word-you won't regret it! (1 Kings 17:9-16) 4/10/13CIFL-LMM

Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Redeemer Lives!!!

I've been a counselor for approximately 30yrs-I've seen and heard a lot of heartache; I lived through much myself. I'm certain of Redeemer lives! His Word works all the time and it doesn't return void-ever! As Christians we must be purposed in believing God no matter what we see with our eyes and no matter what others say about the situation we're in; if not, we will be eaten alive. No one is exempt from trials-the unfair, hurtful and horrific situations where the pain sears so deep, we don't think we'll make it; and if it weren't for Jesus...we wouldn't. You've got to decide that you will stand on the Word or die-either way you come out a winner. Standing on the Word guarantees you will overcome, but if you die doing that...then you're with Jesus. We're privileged-God's promised us victory. We get off track when we try to determine what the victory looks like. God's says He has good plans, okay, that's what I accept-I don't have to know what that looks like, to believe that's what God will do. Keep your eyes on Jesus, not the circumstances you're going through. God's verdict is final-not man's; there's no judge in the land that can overrule our God...stand on that and don't waiver from His truth. God's truth precedes any worldly fact or law. If you feel anxiety beginning to creep up-knock it down with God's Word. The key to maintaining your sanity during crisis periods in life is...have faith constantly (Mk 11:22). Your outlook is based on your faith in God. If you doubt Him, your faith decreases and anxiety will plague you. If your faith increases in God-your outlook is expectant and confident; you're certain you will overcome. Having faith is a full-time job, but it pays good...doubt is a full-time job too, but it leads to poverty. I pray you will stand on His Word and walk out the victory that has already been won for you. I'm including some specific verses for different trials-let them bless you the way God intended. Give all of yourself to the Lord & He will bless you all of you! 6/22/13CIFL-LMM
-Stay confident-Give thanks & praise Him (Ps 106:1).
-Stand firm daily-God goes before you each day-He's redeemed & summoned you by name; deep waters & rivers will not sweep over you, the fires won't burn you (Isa 43:1-2).
-Afraid-God will never leave you (Heb 13:5).
-Uncertain-Commit to the Lord whatever you do & your plans will succeed (Pr16:3).
-Are you being taken to court or falsely accused? The Lord won't let you be taken to trial & condemned (Ps37:33).
-Need to deal with a difficult situation? Be strong & courageous-don't be discouraged; God's with you wherever you go (Jos1:9).
-Feeling like you can't take one more day of a certain situation? "Fear not [there's nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror & be dismayed, for I am you God. I will strengthen & harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; Yes, I will hold you up & retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness & justice (Isa41:10)." -He has a good plans for you (Jer29:11).
-Peace be with you friend (John14:27). 6/22/12CIFL-LMM

God's presence-goes where you go...

God's presence-goes where you go...knows when your heart breaks & when it rejoices, stays up all night with you because you're afraid or to just talk about life, laughs & cries with you, enjoys your company, corrects you to make you right-not wrong, holds you up when your knees buckle, speaks boldness through you to deliver His truth & reveals knowledge necessary to complete His plans, flows His confidence & stamina through you to accomplish what's humanly impossible, shines in dark places & is a lamp to your feet & a light to your path, breaks down gates of bronze & rips apart iron, makes an ax head float, moves mountains, rolls back waters & makes a donkey talk, extenda day light for 24 hours, makes a way for you, will satisfy & comfort you all the days of your life, you will never be thirsty or hungry again, He's always loved you & always will, you're His masterpiece, He will complete the good work He started in you long ago until the day of Christ Jesus! God's presence never leaves you; He provides everything you need & more...unless you shut the door on Him. Think on His Word day & night-keeping the door to His presence open; this guarantees He will protect your heart & mind. The wrong intended for you will be turned around for His good-for those who love Him...keep the door to His presence open. Allowing your mind to reason in ways that add to or oppose His Word shuts the door on God's presence & opts you out of His protection plan-leaving you to defend yourself against the world. God's presence-goes where you go...will you keep the door to His presence open? (Mk 10:27, Deut 31:8, Isa 45:2, 2 Kings 6:6, Ps 11:105,  Josh 10:12-13,  Num 22:28-30, Eph 3:20, Phil 1:6, Josh 1:8, Isa 58:11, Rom 8:28, Rev 22:19) 8/15/13CIFL-LMM

Live the life Jesus died to give you...

Don't let hurt rob one more day of the life that Jesus died to give you (Jn 10:10). Hand Him your hurts-He will bind up & heal every one of them (Ps 147:3). 8/15/13CIFL-LMM

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Don't be taken captive...

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow or deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition & the basic principles of this world (Col 2:8). Don't be wise in your own eyes-seek God...this will bring health to your body & nourishment to your bones (Pr 3:7-8). Renew your mind with the Truth to stay balanced in daily living (Rom 12:2). You flirt with disaster when you entertain teachings that credit humanity. Many want to believe some of God's truth, then mix it with other beliefs...Jesus is the only way, truth & life (Jn 14:6). No person is to add to God's truth or take away from it; if they do...they shut the door on His presence & guaranteed protection of peace in their minds & hearts (Phil 4:7). Don't drown in the grandeur of self deception & forfeit the peace of God's presence that's available to you. Turn, repent & run to Him...He will refresh you like the spring rains that water the earth (Hos 6:3)! 8/14/13CIFL-LMM

Monday, August 12, 2013

I can't do life without the help of Jesus...

I can't do life without Jesus...He helps me in everything I do. Thank you Jesus that I don't have to rely on my strength  to overcome the opposition I face daily, be burdened with the the impossibles I see or have to rely on what hope I can come up with in a hopeless situation-Jesus has already overcome this world and every impossible in it and His hope holds on for me when I can't (Jn 16:33, Mk 10:27, Heb 6:19)! No devil in hell can steal, kill or destroy what Jesus died to give me...unless I release it (Jn 10:10). God's given me authority over the enemy; this is a truth, not a feeling-so I must appropriate what I know, not what I feel (Lk 10:19). I do not have the power to change others, but the Holy Spirit does-I will exercise my privilege of prayer and partner with my Father, the Creator of everything I see and don't see (Col 1:17). I will stand on God's Word-regardless of how done or dead a situation looks-for with God nothing is impossible (Lk 1:37). I will ask Jesus daily to help me believe when the path ahead of me is dim-relying on His Word as a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Ps 119:105); I can do all the things God's called me to do-He strengthens me (Phil 4:13). My hope is in Him all day long (Ps 25:5); I can add to what Jesus did on the cross for me (1 Pet 3:18)? Jesus took it all for me...regrets of the past, fears in the present and every unknown I will face in the future-if He's for me, what can be against me (Rom 8:31)? Every time I come to the end of my strength-I can be confident of the endless supply of His love and strength that lives in me-doing exceedingly, abundantly more than I dare imagine or ask for (Eph 3:20). Having faith constantly-gives Jesus full reign in me (Mk 11:22). I can't do life without Jesus-He helps me in everything I do...will you let Him do the same for you? 8/12/13CIFL-LMM

God has a perfect plan...

You are called to walk out the plans God prepared for you long ago...don't eliminate yourself by doing life your way. Agree with Him & your life will agree with you! 11/24/12CIFL-LMM

Sunday, August 11, 2013

You have a life beyond your broken heart...

You have a life beyond your broken heart...God  promises He will heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds. But if you blame another person for where you are in life-you're giving them the power to determine where you stay in life. Maybe your childhood was stolen by someone you trusted, a parent withheld love, you were bullied in school, false accusations led to a job loss, a promising business deal went wrong-depleting your savings, a best friend told your secret, your father abandoned you to be with another woman and raise her children, a drunk driver killed a loved one. Blame is powerful emotion because it focuses on the reality of what happened to you-keeping your wounds open...then it punches you with the lie that  your destiny has been stolen. If you believe this lie, you will focus on the injustice-knowing you can't undo what's been done. It's true you can't...but Jesus can-He's the Author and the Finisher, He has no barriers, He's unstoppable! His Word will not return void-His love heals the past, present and future! Your hurt is valid-blame reminds you of the events with accuracy, but blame has no case against the power of Christ! He heals broken hearts and saves those crushed in spirit-He will give you beauty for the ashes you've been carrying; His hope anchors your soul and holds on for you when you can't. The realities of this life will cause many heartaches and hardships-God promises to bring you through each one. When you can't see a way, take comfort-He's making a way...His Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Acknowledge the reality of what you went through-give your hurts to Jesus; don't allow blaming others to disqualify you from your destiny. Let go of the blame and know what was done to you doesn't determine your destiny- God does and He will make a way. Seek the Lord-He will deliver you from all your fears. Those who look to Him are radiant-their faces are never covered with shame. Your hurt is real-Jesus knows this...will you let Him in your heart and take Him to the places you were hurt so His love can heal you? He promises you a life beyond your broken heart. (Ps 147:3, Heb 12:2, Ps 34:18, Heb 6:19, Isa 61:1-3, Ps 115:109, Ps 34:4-5, Rev 3:20) 6/3/13CIFL-LMM

Believing God-when confronted with His truth...

The middle part of believing-God put this term on my heart prior to a huge transition in my life. It's leaving a familiar place, crossing into a new season, but  before you cross to the other side-you are in the middle. It's where God will do a work in you-you're confronted with His truth and it will set you free, if you embrace it. God's been doing a huge work in me. I've come against a barrage of doubt, my insecurities have been confronted, beliefs challenged and pride purged. I've been uncomfortable, uncertain and unsettled. My former predictable schedule gone, my false confidence has been knocked out from under me-leaving me with a sense of awkwardness. The middle part of believing has been a long and painful crossing, but vital for God to develop my character. For me to know that nothing can satisfy or complete me other than God's love. I didn't know near what I thought I did...raw and vulnerable brings revelation from the Holy Spirit-the exact reason these times are crucial for character development. This crossing has giving me confidence in who I am in Christ-I know where I stand with God, He sustains me, comforts me and encourages me...every one of His promises are true. I'm His masterpiece, created to do the good works He planned long ago. Emotions come and go but He never changes, I must stay connected to Him-He supplies me with everything I need. I trust Him because of Who He is, I do not have to know what He will do to believe He has good plans for me. I know His voice, I'm never alone-ever; He's with me always. When I get into my new season, I will be ready not because I'm there...but because I know my Father approves of me, my confidence is in Him-exclusively! The middle part of believing has been the most amazing journey of my life-I know my Father, He knows my name, He loves me and He approves of me! (Jn 8:32, Col 2:10, Eph 3:20, Eph 2:10, Jer 29:11, Jn 10:14-15) 8/2012CIFL-LMM 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Take Jesus to the places you where hurt...

Many don't want to look at their hurt again-it feels like insult to injury. But until you go back & look at your will be chained to the place in the past that you were hurt. Take Jesus to the places you were hurt-He will heal each one with His love and His truth will set you live the live Jesus died to give you! Blessings friend. 8/10/13CIFL-LMM

Thursday, August 8, 2013

If you're like it!!!

If you're like it-Jesus died to give you an abundant life (Jn 10:10)! The abundant life is knowing you're more than a conqueror every day not because of what you do, but Who you belong're a child of God and Jesus lives in you (Rom 8:28-39). Know the truth-walk it out and the truth will set you free (Jn 8:32). God doesn't ask you to do anything that He hasn't already equipped you to know in your weakness His power is made perfect (2 Cor 12:9). Seek God first and all else will be given to you (Mt 6:33). Trust in the Lord with all your heart, don't lean on your understanding-acknowledge Him in...everything and He will make a way for you (Pr 3:5-6). Let God's light shine through you today (Mt 5:17). You're saved...act like it!!! 8/8/13CIFL-LMM  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Jesus has made a way for you...

Anybody can run the race...but those who endure are richly rewarded and receive what God promises (Heb 10:35-36). Jesus has made a way for you-He's already run the race; taking it all at the cross so you can claim the victory (Gal 3:13)! You must run to develop your character to be mature and complete-not lacking anything (James 1:2-4). Run the race to claim what Jesus died to give you-living the abundant life for His glory (Jn 10:10). Keep running-God will complete the good work He started in you (Phil 1:6). 8/7/13CIFL-LMM 

When you're pressed on every side...

Keep pushing're being pressed on every side, another day of being purposed for Christ (2 Cor 4:7-12). You're want to give up; you know what God put on your heart, but doubt begins to mock your efforts. You I making this up-why all the resistance? One battle after another-then another one-does it stop? No, Jesus told us to keep moving forward and we would reap a harvest, if we didn't give up (Gal 6:9). The work God started in you...He will bring to completion (Phil 1:6). Press and push, keep going-your work is eternity driven. The last leg before each win is always the toughest, keep the vision-you're being purposed and your character is being developed. Anybody can run, but it's those who endure who are richly rewarded and receive what God has promised (Heb 10:35-36). Don't give into fatigue and doubt-it looks so hopeless in the natural...and it often does when we walk by faith and not sight (2 Cor 5:7). It's when we want to give up, but keep going and remain faithful to the cause that others can see God through us. His hope anchors us firm and secure-holding on when we can't (Heb 6:19). Keep pushing your work is making a difference in the future of forever! Many wont understand, it's okay, you don't answer to them, you're responsible to your Father. Rest assured you can't mess up even when you mess up...because your heart is pure- God's love will protect those who earnestly seek Him. I sought the Lord and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears (Ps 34:4). He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn and the purpose of your cause... like the noonday sun (Ps 37:6). Keep pushing-your making a difference for eternity! 8/6/13CIFL-LMM

Monday, August 5, 2013

When you have a grudge against God...

Many people have a grudge against God because they believe He didn't show up for them when they were being violated, treated wrong or that He took away a loved one. There are other reasons, but over the 30 years I've listened to people tell me their hurts these are the main ones. First, let me tell you I'm so sorry for what you didn't get as a child, that another person violated and treated you wrong or that you lost a loved one-I know your hurt because I've been there. I also know how I overcame with the love of Jesus and you can too.

If you're interested, the first thing is to address the grudge you have with God-He's the only One Who can get you to the other side of your pain and put it in your past so you can move on with your life. Many will make promises, but they all will fail you...miserably. You can fight against God your entire life-you will have as much success beating your fists against a brick wall. Holding onto this grudge gives you a false sense of control while in reality it is detaining you developmentally from the good plans God made for you! Over the years people have told me that they will never forgive God, but God didn't make bad things happen to you. But if you holding a grudge against Him then your first step to freedom is to forgive Him. Your burden doesn't lift until you receive the freedom He gives you in forgiveness.

Forgiving is not dismissing the pain you feel or what was done to's choosing not to carry the pain. Let Jesus have your pain-put it into His hands-He will take it and give you His love in exchange. You can't deal with this burden through your strength and you don't have to, but you must choose to release it or you will continue to.

This post is a very general discussion about being mad at God-I hope it prompts you to seek Him-be real with Him and He will be real with you. He will answer you, but you have to be willing to listen. This is one of my favorite verses; I sought the Lord and He answered me, He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame (Ps 34:4-5). May you receive the peace that Jesus died to give you and no longer walk in hurt & choose living the abundant life promised to you (Jn 16:33, Jn 10:10). I pray you will take on the new identity in Christ that He offers you...being His masterpiece and to do the good things He planned for you long ago (Eph 2:10). Let go of your Him and all you need will be given to you (Mt 16:33). 8/5/13CIFL-LMM #grudge #stuck #madatGod #christianinsightforlife

Sunday, August 4, 2013

God's love is bigger than human love!

What a relief to know that God's love is bigger than human love...that we do not have to be bound to the wounds of other people! He restores what was lost, stolen or given away. He gives us the love that we should have received and heals the parts of our heart that were violated, broken and deceived. He makes up for all the hugs never received-the thank yous never given, the you matter never heard...all the nevers that should of never happened. God doesn't dismiss any hurts-He cares about every one of them...because He's a loving Father and He loves His children. His love is bigger than any wound you received from another person...what a relief to know you're not bound to the hurt imposed on you or that you imposed on another. God's love is bigger and can fix, correct and make new what human love can't do!!! Will you let His big love heal all of you? (Isa 61:1-3, Deut 30:3-13) 8/4/13CIFL-LMM

Friday, August 2, 2013

Life is hard, but God...

Life's hard and unfair-people cheat, lie, steal and bad things happen to good people. We can't escape these realities, but we can choose to walk with deal with these realities. He's already faced our giants. Jesus tells us in Him we can have perfect peace and confidence. That in the world we'll have tribulations and trials, distress and frustrations-but to take courage, be confident, certain and undaunted. He's overcome the world and deprived it of power to harm us-conquering it for us (Jn 17:33)!

This is God's promise-hold on to it every day; write it down...the world has been deprived of the power to harm you! If you choose not to believe this will not help you. A promise is only powerful to the one who chooses to believe it. Jesus didn't say we would live a perfect life without trials or tribulations. He spells it out clearly-so don't panic when tribulation comes on you because it will-all of your life. 

Many evils confront the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of every one (Ps 34:19). We're not to deny the reality we're up against-we're to believe the promises of...Who handles what we're up against. We're not to figure out how God will be with us; we're to believe He will be with us-always. Most of what we face is too much for us-job losses, rebellious teens, death, difficult job market, betrayal, abuse, single parenting, managing family, work and believing in what we can't see (2 Cor 5:7)!

God never asks us to figure things out-He wants to know if we will be a vessel for Him to work through. Choose to believe God-no one can believe for you...that's why it's called a personal relationship. When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, His Spirit came to live in you. Face this reality...He lives in you. Life is hard, but Jesus is Lord and He's overcome the world! Go out and face your giants tomorrow-Jesus has deprived them of the power to harm you! Believe Him-a promise is only powerful to the one who chooses to believe it! (Isa 41:10). 8/2/13CIFL-LMM #trials #believe #hope #lifeishardbutjesusislord #christianinsightforlife