Saturday, May 31, 2014

You've got what it takes...

You've got what it takes...Christ has equipped you, but you must choose to use what He gives you. Every moment you have the choice to rely on His strength-one moment, one breath, one step, then do it again. "I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything & equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency] (Phil 4:13). LMM #christhasequippedyou #christianinsightforlife

God's grace is our fuel...

God's grace is our fuel to run the race He's called us to; without it we're left to move forward in our intellect & stamina-we have limits...God has none! God's grace gives us the ability to go beyond our own ability. That settles it for me-what about you? (2 Cor 12:9) LMM #needgracetoruntherace #christianinsightforlife

Don't settle for just getting by...

Don't settle for just getting by & going through the motions one more day-doing so forfeits the future God planned for you! You're purposed for God's glory, but you've allowed how you feel to stand in the way of God's plans. You've reasoned you don't have what it takes, too many mistakes, not enough education & so on...none of which are acceptable to deny the call God's made on your life.

I know you know God's love for you is bigger than anything you need to do, let go of or overcome, right? If you know it, why aren't you walking it out? I don't want to sound rude but…this isn't about you-it's about God & what He's called you to do! You're uniquely purposed to carry out specific tasks until the day you go to Heaven. Your trust in God enables His power to be released through you to do so. You've made many excuses-none of them are acceptable because they all come back to your ability. It's not your ability that enables you to do what God calls you to do…it's your heart. God's got the ability-He needs your availability. True humility is knowing you can't, but God can through you! Your availability doesn't exempt you from opposition, doubt & isolation, but it does guarantee a constant affirmation in your spirit that you're doing the right thing for God. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! When you resist what Gods called you to do, you will a feel a vague disconnect & a general dissatisfaction're being disobedient! And you will not move past feeling dissatisfied until you obey what He's calling you to!

So stop making excuses…wake up sleeper-you've got work to do. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Some days you will feel totally helpless-this reinforces you can't do anything apart from God; you must remain in Him & He will remain in you. Other days doubt will nearly drown you-just keep holding onto God's hope; He's your anchor!  Don't settle for just getting by another day…are you ready to rise up & do your part? (Pr 3:5-6, 2 Cor 3:17, 1 Cor 12:9, Jn 15:5, Jer 29:11) LMM #riseup #donotsettle #christianinsightforlife

God honors your act of obedience...

When you're moving forward because you believe you're following the will of God, He will honor your act of obedience. Many don't move forward for fear of missing God, but they're missing the opportunities God wants to give them. Listen closely-God will give you the grace to carry out what He asks of you or His mercy will cover you, if you miss Him (2 Cor 12:9). God's anointing is in you & when you remain in Him-He remains in you…the Spirit of truth lives in you & He will guide you in all truth (Jn 15:5, Jn 14:17). So when the Spirit prompts you to move-you need to move!

The enemy's a master at mind games & he will trip you up by questioning your motives from a human perspective but not a Spirit led revelation (1 Cor 2:13). The mind can't comprehend what the Spirit reveals-it has to accept it through faith which is revelation from the Holy Spirit. When you begin to reason what the Holy Spirit prompts you to do, your mind rejects how ridiculous the request is...this is where the enemy gets you off course. So you have to renew your mind with God's truth, "humanly speaking it is impossible, but not with God" (Mk 10:27). Put your faith in God's power, not man's wisdom (1 Cor 2:5). Moving ahead in faith is how you deepen your trust in God leading you-believing the anointing He put in you to hear Him guide you (1 Jn 2:27). Now, move forward & follow God...He purposed you long ago to make an impact in this world! 1/30/14CIFL/LMM #godiswithyou #christianinsightforlife

Friday, May 30, 2014

Know your opposition...

The enemy is a roaring lion waiting to devour you; know your opposition-he studies & knows your weaknesses. The second you're feeling defeated or overwhelmed the enemy will flood your thoughts with lies like…you're not smart enough, don't have the experience or education etc. Immediately toss these lies out & replace them with God's truth-God will continue the good works He started in you & bring it to completion until the day Jesus Christ returns! Will you rise up & reach for what God's called you to do in this world & do it every day until you meet our sweet Savior face to face? Then on that day He will say, "well done faithful servant!" Will someone say...Hallelujah! (Phil 1:6, Jn 15:5, Mt 25:21) LMM #yourthoughtsmatter #christianinsightforlife

You don't have the power...but Jesus does!

You don't have the power to manage your behavior, let go of your past or conquer sin-but Jesus does. He took on hell & won-the power that took your sins to the cross & rose Him from the dead is alive in you-this truth sets you free! You can't make yourself right or earn God's love-He's already made you right & given you His love; you decide if you will take it... will you? (Rom 1:17, 2 Cor 3:17) LMM #freedominchrist #letgodloveyou #christianinsightforlife

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Cling to the truth...despite the reality you see!

No destruction, disease or disaster is greater than He that lives in me...I will cling to the truth I know despite the reality I see! (1 Jn 4:4, 2 Cor 5:7) LMM #mygodreigns #godislove #christianinsightforlife

Don't resent where you are...

Constant faith during trials leads to victory. Don't resent where you are right're in God's conditioning  program; preparing you for the next season. God's getting you in shape... spiritually, emotionally & physically. He's running you through drills of patience, endurance & focus, but most of all... constant faith in Him! Constant faith is required to sustain victory in every season of your life! (Mk 11:22) LMM #constantfaith #christianinsightforlife 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Some trials in life intend to steal, kill & destroy your hope...

Some trials in life intend to steal, kill & destroy your hope-imposing a darkness that destroys any plans of a future. Your mind will be pushed to the edge & take you under unless you believe then breathe...then do it again-then the next second, do it again. You can't overcome these kind of trials apart from the constant love of Jesus flowing through out to Him!

Jesus will show up in the middle of the emotional insanity you're going through & be with you every step, if you remain in Him. I would have been declared emotionally dead if I had not clung to the love of Jesus during trials like these... His love revived, saved & gave me hope when I had none! Whatever is too much for you to bear, whatever you've given up on, whatever is trying to steal, kill or destroy you... the love of Jesus is your answer-nothing else! Acknowledge the reality you're going through then put your hope in Jesus-His hope holds on when you can't & will move you forward when you're depleted!

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous-His ears attentive to their cry. He's close to the brokenhearted & saves those crushed in spirit! I sought the Lord & He answered me- He delivered me from all my fears; those who look to Him are radiant-their faces are never covered with shame. The love of Jesus is bigger than the trials intending to steal, kill & destroy your hope. Believe then breathe... then do it again-then the next second, do it again. (Jn 10:10, Jn 6:29, Heb 6:19, Ps 34:4, 5,15, 17, 18) LMM #believethenbreathe #christianinsightforlife

Nothing holy about staying in a season God says is over...

There's nothing holy about staying in season God says is over. He anoints us for the season we're in-if we stay beyond the ain't pretty! We don't like leaving seasons before we're finished; we cling to "don't grow weary for in due season you will reap a harvest." Listen closely, "due season" is the operative phrase-your harvest happens in the season God's called you to...not the one He's called you from. Staying makes you disobedient & you'll labor in vain unless the Lord is with you! (Gal 6:9, Ps127:1-2) LMM #seasonsoflife #letgo #christianinsightforlife

Faith looks crazy...

Following Jesus & having faith looks crazy to those who can't see...don't let their skewed get in the way of what you do see! (2 Cor 5:7) LMM #walkbyfaithnotsight #christianinsightforlife

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Feeling fear vs being fearful...

Feeling fear & being fearful are different. It's normal to feel fear in this world-God told us we would. Jesus said, "do not be afraid, I've overcome this world!" Being fearful is a spirit of fear that steals the peace promised by God.

Feeling fear notifies the internal security system God designed in every person-it sets off an alarm to signal danger in the mind like smoke sets off a fire alarm to signal a fire. It's God's design to alert us to danger so we will run to Him. We seek His safety & believe He will protect us although we may be engulfed in danger. We believe His protection keeps us being devoured by the world!

Being fearful results when a person struggles to believe God's promise of protection-they think God may or may not protect them. Their decision is based on what they're feeling-they prefer their feelings over God's truth which results in instability. Feelings change based on circumstances but God's truth remains constant despite changing circumstances.

Will you seek when you're feeling fear to come against being fearful? (2 Tim 1:7, Mt 8:26) LMM #fear #christianinsightforlife

Hurt just keeps hurting until...

Unresolved hurt keeps a person from living in the present because they live life through their past pain. Hurt doesn't go just goes deeper! Will you get the help you need & live the abundant life Jesus promised you? (Isa 61:1-3) LMM #gethelp #hurt #christianinsightforlife

Don't decieve yourself...

Don't deceive yourself-checking the box to look the part without a pure heart doesn't count! Get real & get with're wasting your time & others until you do! (Mt 3:8) LMM #getreal #fakefruit #christianinsightforlife

Monday, May 26, 2014

Every day integrity...

Every day integrity... God needs yours! God planned good works for you long ago-to make a difference in His Kingdom. He will work through you to carry these plans out but He needs to be able to trust you. He needs you to do the right even when it seems insignificant. Don't forgo the good plans He has for you-demonstrate your integrity in small situations as well as big ones...but especially small ones!

If a person compromises integrity in small things... they will also compromise integrity in big things! Don't trade God's big plans in for dishonest choices in small things! A person who can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much & a person who is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much! (Lk 16:10) LMM #integrity #christianinsightforlife

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Don't deny reality...

Don't deny the reality of what you're facing...but don't deny God's truth either! God's truth trumps the reality of the impossibles you face. Humanly speaking it's impossible, but not with God...everything is possible with God! Will you trust Jesus when your bank account doesn't have enough to pay the bills, you're dealing with a harsh supervisor, your gas tank is empty & you need to get to work, family demands are draining you, you're struggling with letting go of betrayal, a loved one is self destructing, your heart aches with grief, your marriage is falling apart, depraved thoughts engulf you & a medical diagnosis changes your lifestyle?

All authority in heaven & on earth have been given to Jesus; the burdens you face are subjected to His authority. Will you release the burdens you're facing to Him? Doing so moves the burden off of you & into His hands which enables you to experience the peace He promises because you're no longer trying to manage an impossible situation. Your hope is no longer tethered to the burden which caused hopelessness, but now you're tethered to Jesus...Who never fails you!

This truth gives your mind the clarity needed to recognize the burden hasn't changed-but your perspective has; it's still there, but you're confident He will handle it. You don't have to know how He will handle it to you choose to believe He will handle it. God's truth trumps reality-everything is possible with Him! Will you let Him trump the reality you're facing right now, yesterday & tomorrow? (Mk 10:27, Heb 6:19, Phil 4:7, Mt 28:18) LMM #godtrumpsreality #christianinsightforlife

Don't put unrealistic expectations on those you love...

Don't put unrealistic expectations on those you love by wanting them to fix the broken parts of your heart. No matter how hard a person tries to make up for the wrong done to you-nobody can be Jesus to you other than…Jesus! (Isa 61:1-3) LMM #onlyjesuscanhealyou #christianinsightforlife

If you're not hearing God...

If you're not hearing might be too busy monologuing with your thoughts & giving preference to your feelings over God's truth. God promises to advise you along the way & watch over you...will you let Him? (Ps 32:8) LMM #takesonetoknowone #christianinsightforlife

Come out...take off your grave clothes!

Come out…take off the grave clothes! Make a decision about the trial you're going isn't the end of you! Life lives in you; Jesus died & gave you His Spirit. He's alive & on the inside of you & will lead you in all truth! Stop going through the motions, checking off the to do list, speaking Christian-ese to just put another day behind you. You've settled for just getting by & Jesus doesn't just get by-He's overcome & you have too because His Spirit lives in you!

Jesus is calling your name to come out & take off the grave clothes! Trust Him to help-He will get you on the other side of this; your part is to believe & speak His truth. But you haven't been speaking His truth with boldness because you're afraid to hope for more than He might deliver. Listen closely, you've got to distinguish between what you believe is the answer to the trial you're facing verses putting your trust in God to bring you through the trial. Only God knows how He will deliver His promises-His ways are perfect. You will compromise your hope in God if you have a preconceived ideas of how Jesus will bring you through the trial-it depletes you emotionally, physically & spiritually.

Empty yourself of the fears that dug this emotional grave-purge what you've been denying, holding back, minimizing, trying to prove & pushing down...cry a river & grieve what was lost, stolen or never given. Grief validates what you're feeling & it says you matter. This makes room for God's hope to fill you up then you can rest in Him...not in how He answers!  People who refuse this process will go through life living less than the full promises of God. But you don't have to-you're hope is in God! Jesus is calling your name-come out...take off your grave clothes! (Jn 11:43-44, Jn 6:29, Ps 34:19, Ps 119:105, Pr 14:12, 2 Cor 12:9) 9/9/13LMM #takeoffyourgraveclothes #christianinsightforlife

Friday, May 23, 2014

Be real...

Be won't give more when you get more. When you give more will give more then! (Lk 16:10) LMM #begenerous #itisnotyourmoney #christianinsightforlife

Take a deep breath...just breathe

Take a deep breath...just breathe. Jesus has gone before you & made a way-you don't have to figure this out. (Jn 16:33) LMM #justbreathe #christianinsightforlife

God's love makes up for all the nevers...

God's love is bigger than human love-you're not bound to the wounds of other people! His love restores what was lost, stolen or given away & heals the parts of your heart that were violated, broken & deceived. God's love makes up for all the nevers-hugs never received, thank yous never given, you matter never heard...all the nevers that never should of happened. His love can fix, correct & make new what no human love can do! Today is the the day that God's big love will heal all of you…will you let Him? (Isa 61:1-3, Deut 30:3-13) 12/20/13CIFL/LMM #godislove #christianinsightforlife

You're a...masterpiece!!!

When we lay down who we think we should be, we make room to become who God says we are...His masterpiece-purposed to do the good works He planned long ago! (Eph 2:10) LMM #youareamasterpiece #christianinsightforlife

Trials, heartaches & frustrations...

Jesus said we'd experience trials, heartache & frustrations but to have courage, be confident, certain & undaunted because He's overcome the world! Be purposed in believing this truth-because life will scream you won't make it. Say scripture out loud to strengthen & give you the endurance needed to stay focused. Stand on what God will deliver...not what you see!

Say God's promises over & over & over-decide in advance you will trust Him without knowing how He will deliver, if not your mind will reason you out of believing His truth. Speak scripture out loud throughout the day-ask Jesus to help you overcome unbelief. Don't allow thoughts that oppose God's truth to linger-pull them down & replace them with the Word!

Put your hope in God when grief comes like a robber in the night. His hope holds tight to the truth for you-He will make a way when you can't see one! No one can believe for you-that's why it's called a personal relationship. Life is hard, but Jesus is Lord & He's overcome this world! This is your promise, but it's only powerful to you if you believe it. Do you? (Jn 16:33, 2 Cor 5:7, Heb 6:19, Mk 9:24, Eph 3:20, 1 Cor 13:8, 2 Cor 5:19, Rom 5:8, Ps 25:5) LMM #doyoubelieve #christianinsightforlife

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Don't stop fighting...

Don't stop fighting the good fight of faith because you're tired. God never promised you wouldn't be tired, but He did promise He'd fight for you. The battles are won, but you've got to show up & face you can declare them! (2 Chron 20:17) LMM #keepfighting #christianinsightforlife

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

You're promised an abundant life...

Circumstances (financial, family, medical, mental, etc) don't exempt you from the abundant life Jesus promises! The enemy comes to steal, kill & destroy-Jesus came so we can live & enjoy the midst of circumstances! What will you embrace? LMM #chooselife #christisninsightforlife 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Despair sees through the limited & finite wisdom of the human mind... impossible-no way out. Hope has no limits & is infinite-it sees through the eyes of God...all things are possible with Him! Hallelujah! (Mk 10:27) LMM #allthingsarepossiblewithgod #christianinsightforlife


Many avoid conflict because it's uncomfortable-the process is tiring but...the investment is priceless! The result is a foundation of trust-the requirement for any lasting relationship. (Jn 8:32)12/10/13LMM #conflict #christianinsightforlife 

Hand of God...

Don't seek from the hand of man what only the hand of God can give! (1 Cor 2:5) LMM #handofgod #christianinsightforlife

Monday, May 19, 2014

God's truth trumps the reality you're facing...

God's truth trumps the reality you're facing...will you let His power get you through? Put your hope in Him-not human wisdom! (1 Cor 2:5) LMM #truthtrumps #christianinsightforlife

Some days we just get tired-we're beat up...

Some days we just get tired-we're beat up...feel like a failure, a fake Christian-we don't want to be kind, caring, understanding, mature, take the higher road or believe we have what it takes! We just want to fall out on the floor & have a ginormous big ol' fit & sometimes we do just that! But then we regroup, get a grip, get back up & fix our eyes back on Jesus. The good news is the battle's won, it's done, it's over...Jesus took it all!

Let this truth encourage you when you've reached the end of yourself & can't take anymore-your end is where…Jesus begins! Jesus is your Helper, Strong Tower, Rock, Deliverer, Refuge, Strength, Shield, Salvation & Stronghold-everything you need to get through the battle...that's been won for you!

If God's for you, who can be against you? The battle's not's God's; but you have to face it before He can fight it through you! God's power is perfected in your weakness- His grace is sufficient for you. Remember this the next time you're tired & beat up-God's got it, it's's over-Jesus took it all! You've got to go through it to claim the win...will you get your eyes back on Jesus so you can? (Heb 12:2, Ps 18:2, Rom 8:31, 2 Cor 12:9) 2/13LMM #beatup #tired #christianinsightforlife

Run your race...

Run your race... don't compare yours to others; God doesn't-He only looks at your run! (Gal 6:4) LMM #runyourrace #christianinsightforlife 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Shift your focus...

Shift your focus from laboring/doing for God to believing/trusting in Him. God doesn't need anything from you, but He does want you to believe Him for everything you need. (Col 1:29) LMM #believe #christianinsightforlife 

Trials & troubles don't stop, but...

Trials & troubles don't stop & neither does God's love & provisions for keep moving friend you've got a job to do until Jesus returns! (Jn 16:33, Eph 2:10) LMM #keepmoving #christianinsightforlife

Your identity is found in...Christ!

Your identity is found in Christ exclusively & then you're to impact the world with His plan... don't let the world tell you who you are!  (Eph 2:10) LMM #christianinsightforlife #identityinchrist 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Every breathing person has issues...

Every breathing person has issues...including all Christians! God's not shocked by your behavior, doesn't regret being in a relationship with you & your issues don't overwhelm Him! Just breathe, get real & bring your issues into His light so He can work through you to accomplish what He planned long ago. Your issues don't stop God, but if you choose not to renew your mind with His truth... you will! (Eph 2:10, Rom 12:2) LMM #renewyourmind #christianinsightforlife

You're not alone in parenting...

You're not alone in've got God! He's got everything covered-you don't & can't. You will never have it all together-your best plans will fall short. All your efforts will never be enough-only God's hope is enough. This isn't meant to discourage you-it's to encourage you to hope in Him verses hoping in your strength, resources or circumstances... inevitably you come to an end, but God's hope never ends. 

Teach your children how to call on the name of Jesus! Let your children see you guard your time with Him- explaining this is where you receive love & where He gives you His confidence to face hard things in life. Don't say, "all we can do is pray," instead say, "we have the privilege to pray!" Walk out what you believe every day. Explain Jesus has overcome & conquered anything they will ever face-that doesn't exempt them from lonely times, being ridiculed,  rejected or having unfair things happen to them...but they can count on God's love to victoriously move them through each one of these trials! Let them know God has good plans for them & they've got what it takes...not because of what they do, but because of Who they belong to! 

Don't try to be the all knowing parent-be vulnerable & let them know you don't have all the answers, but your Father God does & you're confident He will lead you in the right direction. Showing children you don't have all the answers, but rely on God for all your answers, is a powerful model of Proverbs 3:5-6, "don't lean on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge God & He will make your path straight." This Proverb teaches a child early on how to trade out reasoning for God's truth. Let them know you will always speak God's truth because He's entrusted you to do so & there's enough love in you supplied by Him to handle their anger towards you. Tell them you've been given the honor to parent them, but they belong to God & that makes you feel safe... because He's the greatest Superhero of all time! 

Be honest when they ask questions-explain things happen you can't control...but God's always in control & your confidence is in Him. God doesn't promise they will not face danger, but He does promise He will be with them during the danger. God commands His angels to watch over children-He's before all things & holds everything together. You're not alone in've got God! Your children can call on the name of Jesus! Will show them how to walk this out by your own reliance on God? (Jn 16:33, Isa 41:13, Dan 3:27, Isa 41:13, Ps 91:11-12, Col 1:17) 11/20/12LMM #children #christianinsightforlife

Issues...all of us have them!

No breathing person is exempt from issues-that includes all Christians! God's not shocked by your behavior, doesn't regret being in a relationship with you & your issues don't overwhelm Him! Just breathe, get real & bring your issues into His light so He can work through you to accomplish what He planned long ago. Your issues don't stop God, but you not renewing your mind with His truth will! (Eph 2:10, Rom 12:2) LMM #renewyourmind #christianinsightforlife 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Don't allow fear to cheat you...

Only God's provisions handle impossible situations-sadly many never experience God's provisions because they allow fear to cheat them out of believing He will come through. Don't allow fear to steal one more day from the future God's promised you! (Phil 4:19) LMM #promises #christianinsightforlife 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

God doesn't quit on His masterpieces...

God doesn't quit on His masterpieces & you are one of His masterpieces! You may not feel like it, but it's still the truth-so rise up friend...God is with you & He's never going to leave your side! He will bring to completion the good work He started in you long ago! LMM #godwillnotgiveuponyou #christianinsightforlife

Make a decision to believe...

God usually doesn't show up until the last second of the 11th hour...that's just how He rolls! And it's how you increase your faith in Him! God keeps His promises-you can't figure out how He will provide them but you can make a decision to believe them! Will you? (Phil 4:19) LMM #godprovides #christianinsightforlife 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hectic schedules...Jesus has an answer!

Time with Jesus...are you compelled to get things done for Jesus before you spend time with Him? It's a subtle trap I call the Martha Mentality. I know it well because I overcome it daily. I love Jesus & I love doing for Jesus, but "doing" for Him is not the same as "being" with Him!

Jesus described Martha as overly occupied- busy & distracted with much serving. He described Mary as choosing the good portion that would not be taken from her. Marthas don't stop...until they drop! Marys are able to seek Jesus & relax with Him-knowing things will get done. Sitting down when there's obvious work to be done is almost unfathomable to a Martha! Do I have any Marthas who get what I'm saying? 

All of us have hectic schedules; several things vie for first place on most days- impossibles knock on the door of our mind demanding answers. I use to ask Jesus to bless my hectic pace-only to end up frustrated the next day because I had found no relief. Then the Holy Spirit gave me revelation...I was suppose to release my hectic schedule to Him & He would instruct me on how to proceed...this  changed my life! 

Jesus knows we're busy-He knows the impossibles we face. He faced impossibles daily-healing the sick, feeding 5,000 from one lunch, constant naysayers & false accusations & those He loved denied knowing Him during His greatest need. He gets what we're going through! And we're to do as He did to get & spend time with the Father first-resting in His love; receiving restoration, direction & revelation. Don't get caught in the Martha Mentality-each day has many priorities & the only way to prioritize them is to seek Christ first. Trust Him with all your heart, don't rely on your wisdom...He will guide & direct your hectic schedule. Will you seek Jesus first?(Lk 10:39-42, Mt 6:33, Pr 3:5-6, Ps 32:8) LMM #schedules #christianinsightforlife

None of us have it all together...

None of us have it all together...we're all messed up in some way, but thank you Jesus we can count on God to finish what He started in us long ago! (Phil 1:6) LMM #messedup #christianinsightforlife

God remembers your sin no more...

God remembers your sins no more...why are you still recalling them & living as if you're guilty? Lift your head & let the world know Jesus saved you-let His light shine through you baby! (Heb 10:17-22) LMM #notguilty#christianinsightforlife 

Avoid wrecking yourself today...

Avoid wrecking yourself today...go to God first with your "to do" list.  He knows the demands & trials you're facing & He will advise & watch over you! (Ps 32:8) LMM #wrecks #christianinsightforlife

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Preconceived ideas...distort clarity

Don't confuse your timeline with His delivery time. Your preconceived ideas distort your clarity God's truth. The human mind can't comprehend the how, when, why, what & where God will do things. Those who believed & loved Jesus were distraught after His death...they had a preconceived idea of how God's promise would be fulfilled, "we hoped He was the One..." Jesus asked the disciples after His resurrection, "why are you troubled-why do doubts raise in your minds?" What preconceived ideas are keeping you from believing God will do what He promises? Raise your expectations-get focused & move forward…forever begins today, right now! Are you ready? (2 Cor 5:7, 1 Cor 2:5, Heb12:27, Isa 55:9, Lk 24:21 & 37, Rom 12:2) 11/7/3CIFL-LMM #promises #christianinsightforlife

Monday, May 12, 2014

Our purpose isn't found in our work...

We are purposed to work-but our purpose isn't found in our's found in Jesus! Knowing Him & being known by purpose to our work. (Phil 3:7-11) LMM ‪#‎purpose‬ ‪#‎christianinsightforlife‬

Sunday, May 11, 2014

When you're pressed on every side...

Keep pushing friend-you're being pressed on every side... another day of being purposed for Christ. You're tired & want to give up, but you know what God put in your heart. Yet doubt mocks your efforts & you question if you're making this up in your head! One battle after another-then another one... does it stop? The battles do not stop, Jesus said to keep moving forward & we'd reap a harvest if we didn't give up. Your confidence is in God's Word-He's not a quitter & He won't quit on you!

Press, push, keep going...your work is eternity driven. The last leg before each win is always the toughest-it's also where your character is developed & perseverance is birthed! Anybody can run, but it's those who endure that are richly rewarded & receive God's promises-His hope holds on for you! Keep going-your work is making a difference in the future of forever!

I sought the Lord & He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant...their faces are never covered with shame. Commit what you do to the Lord & trust Him & He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn & the justice of your the noonday sun! Will you keep pushing & let God purpose His plans through you? (2 Cor 4:7-12, Gal 6:9, Phil 1:6, Heb 6:19, 10:35-36, Ps 34:4-5, 37:5-6) LMM #keeppushing #christianinsightforlife

Human hope sees an end...

Human hope sees an end-it's finite; unless it's anchored to God's hope…His hope has no end. God is your anchor of hope-He holds on for you when you can't, can see things you're unable to see & can do what's humanly impossible for you to do. Put your hope in God's power…not man's wisdom! (Heb 6:19, Heb 11:1, Mk 10:27) LMM #hope #christianinsightforlife

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day-a time of celebration & sorrow...

I want to wish all moms an early Happy Mother's Day... especially all the moms that follow my page! Being a mom is the best, hardest, rewarding, agonizing, fulfilling & demanding job you will ever do!

Being a mom taps into a love you never knew, can hurt like you've never hurt, give you the stamina you didn't know existed, fight an army if you need to & stay up all night if you have to! Children change, hurt & challenge us-it's a position we wouldn't trade for the world!

Mother's Day is a time of celebration for many & a time of sorrow for others. I hope yours is a celebration, but if it isn't...I pray you will put your hope in the Lord & let Him dance over you & dry your tears sweet momma. He will love you through this hurt & let you know that you matter & what you've gone through matters too! God is mighty to save & He loves you-Amen! LMM #mothersday #christianinsightforlife

Overcoming adversity...on your journey

Overcoming adversity...on your journey
1) Expect attacks...don't be shocked-they will never go away. Satan's job is to debilitate you & have you to abort your journey.
2) Acknowledge your feelings...then hand them to Jesus. What you give to Jesus-He handles...what you keep-you handle.
3) Stay focused...satan knows what discourages & distracts you. Don't take the're commissioned by God to fulfill your call. Keep your eyes & heart on Him-keep moving. 12/30/12LMM #overcoming #christianinsightforlife

Thursday, May 8, 2014

This journey is not to discourage you...

This journey is not to discourage's to equip you. You can climb the mountain if you completely rely on Jesus-He's gone before you & made a way; He sustains & strengthens you. You can't see all of the path from where you're standing-you must begin the climb & trust Jesus. His hope is your safety harness for the climb-enabling you to feel secure & sure footed as you make the difficult climb up the mountain. Despite you knowing the ever present help of Jesus, there will be times when doubt consumes your thoughts more than God's truth & you entertain aborting the journey. These thoughts are reinforced by the path appearing to stop or being impossible to pass.

Many lose confidence at this point & turn around reasoning they misunderstood or missed God...but they didn't, they gave up before they got there! They allowed doubt to talk them out of the dream Jesus whispered to their heart. Thoughts of missing God & looking foolish screamed in their mind & drowned out the encouragement of the Holy Spirit telling them to keep going. So, they turned around & began the descend down the mountain swearing to never be so foolish again & feeling very small & diminished-just like the enemy planned! 

Listen closely, if you missed it, God isn't shocked-we all miss it. Learn from the experience, but don't disqualify yourself because...God hasn't! God wants you to pursue the call He put in you & He will walk with you until Jesus Christ returns! Don't you know He loves you? If you do miss Him, you will hear a voice behind you saying, "this is the way- walk in it." Trust Him-take a risk. Keep moving, this time you will know from experience there are numerous ends & impossible passes…that's why Jesus has gone before you & made a way, but you won't know until you make the journey up the mountain! This journey is not to discourage's to equip you. Will you climb the mountain & fulfill the journey God planned for you long ago? (Jer 29:11-14, Phil 1:6, 2:13, Gal 6:9-10, 1 Pet 5:8, Isa 30:21) LMM #journey #christianinsightforlife 

Your where God begins

Your end is where God begins...His truth trumps the reality you're facing. You decide if you believe it. (2 Cor 12:9,10) LMM #theend #christianinsightforlife 

Hold tight to God's hope...

Hold tight to God's hope...right now in the second you're in then hope in Him the next second & so on. Situations lined up early this morning with the intent to drown you in discouragement. They didn't have to work real hard-you were already weighed down with a bunch of yesterdays full of discouragement. It's just today you're on the brink of going under because you're beyond exhausted!

You've prayed, boldly professed God's promises, fasted, rebuked every demon you know & enlisted the prayers of family, friends & 100+ facebook friends! All of these things are viable means to elicit help from the body of believers, but if you're hope is an outcome instead of've forfeited the hope He promises you!

Listen closely, putting your hope in what you're praying for instead of hoping in Who God is will lead to grief... because you're hope is contingent upon prayers being answered verses God's hope that sustains you. God's hope promises to comfort us but not always answer what we prayed for-understand this distinction so you're not confused. God answers prayers but we will never understand all He does because His ways are higher than ours-He's God & we're not. But we can cling to the truth that His hope gives a peace that surpasses human understanding, holds on for us when we can't & gives a confident expectation for what is to come...His hope never disappoints! Will you hold tight to God's hope...right now? (Heb 6:19, 11:1, Rom 5:3-5) LMM #hope #christianinsightforlife 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Jesus...heals hurt

I pray today you will stop the charade of trying not to look hurt-instead give your hurt to Jesus…He heals hurt. He's waiting to exchange with you...your sorrow for His everlasting love. He will soothe the ache inside of your soul & fill the empty & lonely places in your heart with His love. I can't convince you of this truth, you have to take the risk-but I can promise you...His love works with anyone, anytime & anyplace. Will you let Jesus take your hurt & heal you with His love? (Jer 29:11, John 15:4-5, John 14:6) 5/12/13LMM #jesuswilltakeyoursorrow #christianinsightforlife

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

God's got it...

God's got it-problems that press on you...are no match for His power that lives in you; He reigns over all you see & don't see & holds it all together! (Col 1:16, 1 Jn 4:4) LMM #power #christianinsightforlife

A letter from God...

Dear child,
I want you to know I do not expect you to have it all together...I've asked you to give Me all you have & I will help you put it all together. Remain in Me & I will remain in you-this is My partnership with you & My commitment to you…I will continue to bring to completion the good works I started in you long ago. You're My masterpiece-I created you because I loved you first, but also to make a difference in this world. You are fearfully & wonderfully made because My love lives in you…apart from My love you can do nothing, but with My love you can do all things I've asked of you.

When you sin, don't turn away from Me…turn to Me, so I can help you. Repenting leads to freedom in Me-I never condemn you & I will give you wisdom generously…even when you make deliberate & foolish choices. You have to know nothing is too big for My love! Are you ready to give Me all you have so I can help you put it all together?
I love you with all my heart,
Your Father-God
LMM (2 Cor 12:9, Jn 15:5, Eph 2:10, Phil 1:6, Ps 139:14, Acts 3:19, James 1:5) ‪#‎seekgod‬ ‪#‎christianinsightforlife‬

The deep...

The deep...where you find purpose & truth-His name is Jesus. He's the way, truth & life. Follow Him to the deep where your comforts are stripped away & unknown points its finger in your chest, doubt questions what's truth & what's will know with confidence what you believe & Who you believe in. Then you will know the truth & the truth will set you free! (Phil 3:12, Lk 5:4, Jn 8:31-32) 2/17/13LMM #truth #christianinsightforlife

Monday, May 5, 2014

What do you believe?

Decide in advance what you believe-this will keep your mind steady & your hope anchored for when you can't see a way. For we live by what we believe...not what we see! (Heb 6:19, 2 Cor 5:7) 12/13/13CIFL/LMM #christianinsightforlife

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Humility leads to...victory!

Be purposed in embracing humility daily-the recognition that you can't walk in victory apart from the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Seek His truth daily-He keeps you grounded in & tethered to God's grace which enables you to overcome otherwise impossible circumstances! You're self sufficient in God's sufficiency which equips you to do your job! Knowing apart from Him you can do nothing but with His strength in're able to move through & overcome the inevitable adversity in life! (Jn 14:26, 2 Cor 12:9, Jn 15:5) LMM #equipped #christianinsightforlife

Following Jesus is hard...

Let's be real...following Jesus is hard, but it's doable because God empowers us with the desire to obey Him & the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit to remind us we belong to Him! Be real, but also know with are equipped to follow Jesus! (Phil 2:13, Rom 8:16) LMM #followjesus #christianinsightforlife

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Living in the sweet spot...

Living in the sweet spot...being grateful for God's peace that surpasses human understanding while completely trusting Him with the things in life you don't understand. (Phil 4:7, Pr 3:5-6) LMM #sweetspot #christianinsightforlife

You are approved!!!

People will be disappointed with you, even when you do your best. What a relief to know you serve God & that approves of who you are. Then when you've done your best & it isn't accepted by others...He still approves of you! #approved #christianinsightforlife

Jesus breaks chains...

What's heavy on your heart today? Hand it to Jesus-He goes before you daily to bear the burdens you're facing, refreshes you when you're weary & satisfies you when you're faint. What you bring in the light...loses its power! Will you let Jesus break the chains & make a way for you? (Jer 31:25, Lam 3:23, Ps 68:19) LMM #jesusbreakchains  #christianinsightforlife

Friday, May 2, 2014

Burdens...Jesus will take them

All power & authority in Heaven & on earth have been given to Jesus; the burdens you face are subjected to His power & authority. Will you release the burdens you're facing to Him? Doing so moves them off of you & into His hands which enable you to experience the peace He promises...because you're no longer trying to manage an impossible situation. Your hope is no longer tethered to the burden which overwhelmed you, but now you're tethered to Jesus...Who never fails you! (Heb 6:10, Phil 4:7, Mt 28:18) LMM  #hope #christianinsightforlife LMM

God's hope...

God's promises give the clarity & certainty needed to stay hopeful when there's no hope in sight. Life's unpredictable...God isn't-keep your hope in Him, not in what you can reason & understand! (Heb 6:19, 2 Cor 5:6) LMM #hope #christianinsightforlife