Thursday, July 11, 2013

All God's people are called to run the race...

All God's people are called to the race...not all stay in it. There are many reasons God's people don't finish what He calls them to, but the reason I hear most in counseling people is...the rejection of God's grace. God's grace is our fuel to run the daily race-without it we're left to move forward in our intellect & stamina. Regardless of how smart & strong a person may believe they are-they have limits...God has none. We need God's grace daily...His grace gives us the ability to go beyond our own ability. We can't run the race He calls us to without His grace. That settles it for me-what about you? To agree with this truth is step one-step two is being purposed in renewing your mind daily with it, then step three is putting it into action. A mind not renewed daily with God's truth will not experience the victory He promises. Don't let your own reasoning remove you from the race God's called you to. Jesus has gone before you & laid out the course-every step has been ordered; however, this doesn't exempt you from falls, injuries or disappointment. You will have many troubles & God will deliver you from each one. His love gives the race a purpose...His grace gives you the strength to endure it with joy.  Let's be real: the race is grueling. You will be exhausted many days & might consider giving up at times; maybe you already have. None of us are exempt from exhaustion-it's a sign to rest & be restored-it doesn't mean you're weak. Don't try to be a superhero-God's not impressed when you try to move forward without His grace. The enemy wants you to believe you don't have what it takes to run the race... he's a liar! God made you for the race. You have what you need to win. Focus on your run and don't compare yourself to others. God only wants to talk to you about your personal progress. Persevere & move through the obstacles of hurt, rejection, lies, grief,  unfairness, loneliness, fear, ridicule, sadness, fatigue, disappointment, offenses & unknowns. Each one makes you rely on Jesus more-His power is made perfect in your weaknesses; independent of Him, you won't make it. When what you see doesn't line up with what you expected-don't drop out of the confident that the good work God started in you will be brought to completion. The race isn't over until you go to Heaven-if you're still breathing, you're expected to run. Get back up-Jesus will help you. Do life with other Christians who will be honest with you-real friends will challenge where you are in the race not to judge you, but to hold you accountable. God purposed you for this race, you're approved by Him to run it, don't let anyone tell you differently; you're equipped, Jesus lives in you-enough said! Now, get your eyes on the are God's people-He planned this race long ago for you-the victory's won! The question is...will you run the race He's called you to? (2 Cor 12:9, Gal 6:4, Ps 34:19, Pr 14:12, Phil 1:6, Eph 2:10) 10/28/13CIFL-LMM 

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