Saturday, November 21, 2015

God never promised fair...He promised us power!

Problems are part of life, they never go away. Some we bring on and others are put on us-either way...God promises to make a way, if we rely on Him. Taking responsibility for how problems impact our life enables us to move past them; rejecting responsibility keeps us stuck in them! The response I hear from people is, "but it's not fair!" It's true, most problems aren't fair, but God never promised us fair…He promised us power! Every person has to decide if they want to accept God's power or debate what's not fair. We live in an unfair world, but God promises to use every unfair situation for good for those who love Him. God promises to make us more than a conqueror, supply all our needs, strengthen us to carry out His will, give us a peace that surpasses all understanding, empower us to walk by faith not sight, and to know Him and be known by Him! Problems come and go, but the love of God is constant-a force to be reckoned with for anyone or anything that comes against His child! You are a child of God…will you take responsibility for the problem you're facing so God can move you past it? ❤️LMM (Rom 8:31, Phil 4:13, 19, 2 Cor 5:7) #problem #overcome #empower #unfair #trust #faith #love #ChristianInsightForLife Laura Mangin McDonald

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