Thursday, April 4, 2013

Get a revelation...God's Word is alive in you!

Get a revelation of your privileges...God's Word is alive in you-nothing can overcome you! Jesus Christ lives in you; He's overcome the world and so have you. You will have trials, don't allow them to make you weary and throw away your confidence-persevere so when you have done the will of will receive what He's promised. Rest in God-you're not alone in this fight...unless you try to reason and do things your way. Many days you will not "feel" like you've  overcome but that doesn't negate the truth... that you are an overcomer-you just haven't crossed the finish line yet. God's Word is living and powerful-sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. You're never left to your limited abilities unless you go your own way. If you've been doing life your way,  repent and turn to God; He's waiting-His love will refresh you. Let His Word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Get a revelation of your privileges...God's Word is alive in you! (John 16:33, Mt 11:28, Heb 4:12, Acts 3:19, Ps 119:105) 4/3/13CIFL-LMM

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