Monday, April 8, 2013

Your status is not your identity...

Be careful, the world wants to label you with a status to qualify your value-calling it your identity. Don't confuse identity with status. Identity is who you are in Christ...status is a label given by the world like... single, dating, married, divorced, renter, home owner, student, teacher, employed, stay at home mom. These are labels...not value indicators. A status does not define you... you define it. Purpose to know your Father and you will know His love for you-His love for you is your identity. Make sure you get your love from the One Who loved you first and know who you are! Statuses will change throughout your life...but God's love for you and your value never change-you are valuable because you are His child-you belong! Know Him...and Know Love-pass it on! (1 John 4:19, Ps 139:14, Col 2:10) 2/2012CIFL-LMM

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