Thursday, May 8, 2014

This journey is not to discourage you...

This journey is not to discourage's to equip you. You can climb the mountain if you completely rely on Jesus-He's gone before you & made a way; He sustains & strengthens you. You can't see all of the path from where you're standing-you must begin the climb & trust Jesus. His hope is your safety harness for the climb-enabling you to feel secure & sure footed as you make the difficult climb up the mountain. Despite you knowing the ever present help of Jesus, there will be times when doubt consumes your thoughts more than God's truth & you entertain aborting the journey. These thoughts are reinforced by the path appearing to stop or being impossible to pass.

Many lose confidence at this point & turn around reasoning they misunderstood or missed God...but they didn't, they gave up before they got there! They allowed doubt to talk them out of the dream Jesus whispered to their heart. Thoughts of missing God & looking foolish screamed in their mind & drowned out the encouragement of the Holy Spirit telling them to keep going. So, they turned around & began the descend down the mountain swearing to never be so foolish again & feeling very small & diminished-just like the enemy planned! 

Listen closely, if you missed it, God isn't shocked-we all miss it. Learn from the experience, but don't disqualify yourself because...God hasn't! God wants you to pursue the call He put in you & He will walk with you until Jesus Christ returns! Don't you know He loves you? If you do miss Him, you will hear a voice behind you saying, "this is the way- walk in it." Trust Him-take a risk. Keep moving, this time you will know from experience there are numerous ends & impossible passes…that's why Jesus has gone before you & made a way, but you won't know until you make the journey up the mountain! This journey is not to discourage's to equip you. Will you climb the mountain & fulfill the journey God planned for you long ago? (Jer 29:11-14, Phil 1:6, 2:13, Gal 6:9-10, 1 Pet 5:8, Isa 30:21) LMM #journey #christianinsightforlife 

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