Friday, April 24, 2015

Dear child…how many more nights are you going to work on this situation apart for My help?

Dear Child…how many more nights are you going to "work on" this situation apart from My help? You talk to Me about it, but not to hear My wisdom or to release it to Me. I'm waiting to help you, but I won't allow you to cheapen Me to a checkmark on your list to fulfill an obligation of prayer. I know this situation is waking you in the night with anxiety, interfering with your ability to concentrate and causing an overall agitation in your mood. Listen closely, these symptoms are a classic pattern of behavior that manifests when... My children try to do My job!

You've got to know I am not mad at you and I am for you, but until you take a risk and trust simply won't know. My grace will meet you where you are, My truth will guide you in what you need to do and My love will stay with you until you cross the finish line! What saddens Me the most is to watch you struggle in your finite ability and limited resources while you reject My infinite ability and unlimited resources! As much as I hate to watch you suffer, I know I have to let you come to the end of yourself. But it's at your end where I will find Me there when you call out for Me. I love you child~God
LMM (Eph 3:16-20, James 1:3-5, Jer 33:3) #GodisForyou #Grace #Sufficiency #Unlimited #Truth #Wisdom #Resource #Infinite #ChristianInsightForLife

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