Thursday, April 16, 2015

When despair awakens you in the night...

When despair awakens you in the middle of the night and pounds on your mind with questions of how you're going to handle all the things that you don't know how to don't have to have an answer. Despair's motive is to steal your hope until you give up; know this, so you're prepared for the assaults on your mind. Counter each assault with God's truth; you can't resolve these things, but God can. God is for you even when you don't "feel" like He is; hold onto this truth to sustain despair's open warfare on your mind. Remember, God doesn't need your help to make things happen, He needs your trust so He can work through you to make things happen. God's making a way-will you release all the things you can't handle and trust Him? You don't have to know how He will handle things to believe that He will. ~LMM (Phil 4:19, Rom 8:31, Pr 3:5-6) ‪#‎Godisforyou‬ ‪#‎Trust‬ ‪#‎Hope‬ ‪#‎Suppliesallyouneed‬ ‪#‎Godsmakingaway‬ ‪#‎ChristianInsightForLife‬

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