Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Transform-don't conform...

Transform is to make a thorough or dramatic change in form, appearance & character. Conform is to comply with socially acceptable conventions-pressure to behave to worldly standards...don't be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Rom12:2). Renewing your mind isn't merely replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts-it's replacing the lies of conformity with the...transforming power of God's Word (1 Pet 5:10)! Check yourself-does your talk & walk line up with God's truths? If you profess the Word, but walk with the world-you are divided in your beliefs & you will be ripped apart! What do you really believe-what the world says or what God says? Receive the power God will give you to transform friend (Phil 2:13). I called out to the Lord & He delivered me from all my fears-those who look to Him are radiant...there faces are never covered with shame (Ps 34:4-5)! 6/20/12CIFL/LMM

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