Monday, August 6, 2012

Christians have gotta get some guts...

Christians have gotta get some guts and take risks- going after what God puts on their hearts and boldly stepping out in faith; instead of shrinking back in fear of what others might think. I'd rather try and be wrong than not try...and be wrong for doing nothing. Many hear God speak to their heart, but hide behind fear masked as prudence-sadly forfeiting their future. People need to be prudent; I've been a counselor for 28 years and have heard many stories of people going after valid causes that were on their hearts, but they were not led by God-they were self directed. These people placed their cause above God, which put them in jeopardy of relying on their human abilities instead of God's provisions. A cause that's not led by God will come to an end eventually. Stories like this create fear in those do hear God speak clearly to their heart. So I've put together seven steps to maintain balance while having the guts to follow Jesus: 1) Line your desires up with God's-not His with yours. Ask Him... "was that you God?" If you're truly following what God put on your heart, He's going to cover you. Many fall off spiritual cliffs because they are pushing their own agendas. 2) Be accountable to a few close friends and meet with them on a regular basis to challenge your thinking and pray with you. 3) Research what you can, but don't try to anticipate every problem before you ever begin-you will drown in distraction. 4) Move forward in steps of faith-God gives answers when you move, not while you sit and wait for an angel of the Lord to appear with the details. 5) Do regular everyday life; many let daily responsibilities slip. It's difficult incorporating a new agenda while still balancing an old agenda-especially with a new learning curve, but God will give you the balance you need. 6) Continue to press in when you're pressed on; this how spiritual maturity is developed-when doubt pushes on you and you're exhausted. Rely on the strength of Jesus in you to move past what you don't "feel" like doing. Doubt doesn't go away; know it's the enemy's tactic to discourage you-expect it from him. 7) Learn to encourage yourself; it's nice when others do, but it's not their job. Stay connected to Jesus-apart from Him, you can do nothing. Ask God for wisdom-He will give it to you generously.
Remember, God loves you friend, if you've missed Him, He will put you back on the right path...but you won't know that He will until you take steps and move forward. We have the Word and those brothers and sisters in Christ who went before us like... Abraham, Deborah, Joshua, Rahab, Peter, James, John and all the others in the bible who followed God-they trusted Him. They were all regular people who dared to believe God at His Word. And they didn't have the inexhaustible amount of resources like we do, but they had guts...and so do we! We have one common denominator-God knitted each one of us together with His hands; we're His masterpieces-purposed by Him to do the good works He planned long ago! Every person has a choice to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior then follow God's call on their life, but you have gotta get some guts to fulfill your call...God's equipped you with all the guts you will ever need! Will you use your guts to follow Him? (Jer 29:11, Isa 30:21, James 1:2-4, John 15:5, Heb 11:1-39, Eph 2:10)8/6/12CIFL-LMM

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