Sunday, August 12, 2012 the name of Love!!!

God put a clear message on my heart a while back...Stop, in the name of Love...that I do not have the right to withhold His Love. At first, I thought, well I know that-I've been saying for years-love is a choice, not a feeling. We don't love when we feel like it, but we love because we choose to love. God has challenged me in the fact that His Presence is with me all the time, but His Love wasn't flowing out of me all of the time. I allowed denial to convince me that as long as I was not treating anyone poorly, that I was compliant in loving. God showed me it was what I was not doing...I was not reaching out with His Love to certain people, thus I was withholding. "The heart is deceitful above all things" (Jer 17:9).  What a revelation to me...I did not think I was stopping the flow of God's Love. I wasn't aware of my immaturity....I actually thought I was being a super Christian because I was so nice (gag)-like I was doing God a big favor. I looked the part of nice...but I was not genuine in the part of nice. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). When I allowed God's Love to flow, I freed myself and freed His Love from me to make a difference. the name of Love friend, get in check and make sure you are not withholding God's Love!!! 5/2012-CIFL-LMM

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