Saturday, April 26, 2014

A roadtrip with Jesus...

A road trip with Jesus...I had no idea it would be this long-Jesus never gave me a timeline but I just thought I would be back to my regular routine by now. Jesus has taught me so much on this trip, for starters He's funny-you know He gave us laughter & the concept of humor-we're made to laugh a lot. He's shown me how to enjoy the ride while on the way to where I'm going. I've always been list maker & get it done kind of girl, but this road trip has taught me how to make time for the scenery & relationships along the way verses just getting to my destination. I've most cherished the intimate heart to heart talks-Jesus will sit up all night talking & listening. Every day He wants to know what I see then He will tell me what He sees.

We've spent time talking about real humility-my complete reliance on His strength. For me to accomplish anything or overcome things, I must receive His love-it's big enough to take on my regrets, mistakes, hurts, fears.  His love has given me the strength to forgive myself for harm I caused others, as well as, forgive others for the wrongs they've done to me, but I had to release them to His hands. I know for sure apart from Him I can do nothing but with Him I can do all things He calls me to do. When I try to be a superhero & handle life apart from Him, He's not impressed-mostly because He hates to see me struggle when He can help but more so it puts the focus on my glory instead of His.

I've learned about the power & boldness of the Holy Spirit-without Him we don't have the guts & courage to do what God asks...we just don't have that kind of boldness on our own! Every time I get to the point of thinking I can't take another unknown day, God wows me to speechlessness with His love-He fills me with an undeniable sense of hope that can only come from Him. He shows me a glimpse of the future & reminds me that He purposed me long ago to do the good works He planned-that He will complete what He started in me! How's your road trip with Jesus going? (Ps 126:2, Jn 15:5, 2 Cor 12:9, Phil 4:13, Eph 2:10, Phil 1:6) 10/30/13CIFL/LMM  #roadtripwithjesus #christianinsightforlife

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