Monday, October 8, 2012

Available + Vulernable = Authenticity

Listen closely...our availability activates God's ability through us. Many stumble at this point because they want a how and when list. Friend, God's not going to give you the specific list, but He will supply everything you need with each step of faith you take to carry out what He wants you to do...empowering you to do what's He's called you to do! When you obey and trust-just begin to move...the Almighty God, El Shaddai, Jehovah Jireh will flow through you! You must get over what you can't do because can't do much anyway-you just like to think you can. 

I'll share my personal experience from last year. God instructed me to get on facebook and post the things He spoke to my heart. There was no doubt this was from God. I didn't have a facebook nor did I want one; I was too busy with my practice. God was very clear in His instructions to me. I obeyed, but was sick to my stomach the whole time...IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) would be an understatement! The last writings I'd done was 20 years earlier in grad school for a thesis. Honestly, I didn't want my predictable life to be messed with-it was sooo safe to me. I was in my zone...I felt confident and comfortable. I'd been a counselor 28 years and I knew my routine-I'd made my life...sooo predictable, then God altered my career path suddenly!

All the things God had whispered to my heart over the years during sessions with clients was now flooding from within me and I had to write them down. I didn't choose this...I was compelled to do this. One day I was complaining to God about only getting a few likes on a post. I'm telling you I heard clearly in my spirit, "I didn't put you on there to prove you...I put you on there to use you!" Well, I haven't looked back. I continue to put one foot in front of the other-to please Him; using what He equips me to do. I have no idea what God plans, but I do know I'm doing what He's called me to do. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17)!

I hope sharing some of my fears and experiences with you will give you some encouragement to execute what God's called you to do. Nobody has it all together, all of us struggle, we fall down and we get back up. God is always with us and forever flowing His love through us to accomplish His plans for His glory through us in the kingdom! Blessings friend.
5/1/12Rev10/8/12CIFL-LMM #christianinsightforlife #beyou #authentic

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