Monday, September 30, 2013

Your pain is not in vain...

Your pain is not in vain-God's not punishing you... He's pursuing you for a purpose. Make your pain count...manage it wisely-let God have it for His purpose. Pain left in your hands remains pain with no meaning or purpose-but in the hands of God...pain transforms into a purpose for you & others. Jesus was gone, the tomb was empty; grief convinced them their pain was in vain-then the Spirit of God opened their minds...& they remembered His Words. God partners with our pain for His glory-He doesn't waste any of it, but you won't know this until you release it to Him. Then you have to choose if what you profess with your mouth is also believed in your heart-completely. Believing allows Jesus to guide you through what seems like a hopeless abyss- the pain still hurts but you're able to bear it with the power of Jesus leading you. His love enables you to endure & stay focused-knowing the pain is purposed & has an end. Along the way Holy Spirit will give you revelation-He will continue to open your mind up to understanding & tell you things you didn't know. Finally, be confident in this...God will continue the good work He started in you long ago until He brings it to completion on the day Jesus Christ returns! Will you hand your pain to God & let Him transform it into a purpose for His glory that will not only benefit you, but others too?  (Jer 29:11, Lk 24:8, Jn 8:29, Phil 2:13, Ps 119:18, Phil 1:6) 9/30/13LMM/CIFL

Don't put people in a position that only God can fill...

What a relief to know our future isn't determined by the wisdom of men-but rests in God's power (1 Cor 2:5). Until you can rest in God & believe His promises, you'll be at the mercy of others-looking to them to deliver what you need or desire. The problem is people can't deliver what you need or desire...only God can, but because you're seeking it from people-you're in bondage & held hostage to what they can deliver! God's your only source-don't put people on the throne & give them a position of authority that only God can hold. 9/30/13CIFL-LMM

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Experiencing God's Best...for you

Experiencing God's best for your life. Every person in scripture who experienced God's best had to step out of their comfort zone & into the unknown. This required them to release all their familiar, comfortable & predictable to the life of "un" which is unfamiliar, uncomfortable & unknown. This is the only way God can take us thorough the crash course of "trusting Him." It's only when we've been stripped down from everything we cling to-so that we can only cling to Him...and finally know Him & be known by Him. Then we can trust Him to lead us where we've never been before. Will you be willing to experience God's best for you? (Pr 3:5-6, Phil 3:10, Josh 3:4) 9/29/13CIFL-LMM

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Resolving Conflict in Relationships...

Conflict in relationships is always an opportunity that opens a door to a deeper, more meaningful & intimate connection, if viewed & resolved from a godly perspective. Jesus modeled dealing with conflict in the gospels & He was unwilling to settle for anything less than the truth & freedom God promised.

Many avoid conflict because it takes time & it's uncomfortable-it requires people to be honest, vulnerable, bring their flaws into the light, take responsibility for insecurities, prefer the other person's feelings & make apologies. The process is tiring...but the investment is priceless!

This healthy conflict process leads to increase truth in relationships & truth is the foundation for freedom to be exercised-walking out the good works God planned long ago! Those willing to address conflicts invest their time, mind & hearts & it pays off with a high yield return of peace & enjoyment throughout the course of the relationship! Those unwilling to address conflict settle for mediocrity, strain & strife; a baseline of dissatisfaction...they opt out of the freedom God promises for every truth centered relationship. Are you willing to address the conflict in your relationships so you can live in the truth & freedom God promises? (Eph 4:24-28, Jn 8:32, Phil 2:14, Pr 8;7, 2 Cor 3:17) 9/28/13CIFL-LMM #healthyconflict #relationships #truthbased #honesty #christianinsightforlife

Friday, September 27, 2013

God's Love is bigger...than human love!

What a relief to know that God's love is bigger than human love...that we do not have to be bound to the wounds of other people! He restores what was lost, stolen or given away. He gives us the love we should have received-healing the parts of our heart that were violated, broken and deceived. His love makes up for all the hugs never received-the thank yous never given, the you matter never heard...all the nevers that should of never happened. God doesn't dismiss any hurts-He cares about every one of them...because He's a loving Father and He loves His children. His love is bigger than any wound you received from another person...what a relief to know you're not bound to the hurt imposed on you or that you imposed on another. God's love is bigger and can fix, correct and make new what human love can't do!!! Will you let His big love heal all of you? (Isa 61:1-3, Deut 30:3-13) 8/4/13CIFL-LMM

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nothing is too hard for the Lord...

Is there anything too hard for the Lord? The situation that's staring you in the face is too big for you...but it will never be bigger than God's ability to walk you through it! Is there anything too hard for the Lord (Gen 18:14)? 9/26/13CIFL-LMM

Know God's individual plan for you...

The Word is our outline for fulfilling God's promises- His plans, but Holy Spirit must guide each person in the individual details. You will not live the full life God's promises unless you're spending intimate time with Him every day. Know His Word, know Him & know...what you're to do in life! (Rom 12:2, Phil 3:10, Jn 16:13) 9/26/13

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Emmy on Word Doc-typing on Mac

Photo: This is getting pretty serious.
My g-da, Emmy is hilarious...I let her open my Mac, she gets on it & pulls up word doc, starts to type with both hands like she knows what she doing. Her paci in her mouth makes this pic even more funny. She's an intense & purposed 13 month old-hahaha!

Love is what we do...

Love is what we do, it involves action on our part to be...caring, preferring, helpful, honest, committed,  heartfelt, genuine and purposed. Love isn't a feeling that comes and goes with one's mood or changes when another is not being loving towards is a decision made in advance about what we believe, how we will act and what we will say. Let us not love [merely] in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity). How would someone describe your love? (1 Jn 3:18) 6/29/12CIFL-LMM #loveisachoice

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hurt distorts how you see...

If you've ever been hurt by someone who was "suppose" to love will struggle at times believing those who have "chosen" to love you.  Hurt distorts how you see the world because of past experiences where people in your life didn't love you like they were suppose to. Distortion has convinced you that you don't measure up & you have to prove that you're worthy enough to be loved. This is where fear comes in & starts to do a work in your mind... wanting you to believe your worth is determined by how others treat you-this is a lie. How another person treats you has nothing to do with your value. God's determined you're fearfully & wonderfully made (Ps139:14), His masterpiece (Eph 2:10), He chose & loved you first (Jn 3:16), you're adopted into His family-you are an heir to the King (Rom 8:17). This is God's truth & it will never change nor is it open to debate, speculate or ponder on. You must make a decision to "believe" you're loved & chosen-adopted (Eph 1:5, 1:11). Fear doesn't give up, but you can overcome it, by knowing your identity is found in God's love which never changes verses other people whose love does change. Until you have revelation of God's love, fear will always have the advantage because you will question your relationship with God like...maybe He will abandon me too or will He fail me like others who made promises??? You've got to make a decision to believe that you've been chosen & adopted by God, then the Holy Spirit will give you the revelation. Don't take the bait from fear, stand firm on God's truth-He will never leave or forsake you (Deut 31:6). His love never fails or gives up on you (Ps 136:1). If someone didn't love you like they were suppose to-that doesn't make you unlovable that makes something wrong with them. Today, will you believe God-He loved, chose & adopted you! Where the Spirit of the Lord is...there is freedom-thank You Jesus! (2 Cor 3:17) 9/23/13CIFL-LMM

When you don't know what to do...

Many times in life we don't have the words to even describe the pain that grips our heart & pulls us under. Our mind spins into despair trying to make sense of it-we just can't...but God can.  Run to Him, cling to His Word-His love will sustain you when pain attempts to drown you.  Put your hope in God, He will make a way-when you can't see a way. Lord we don't know what to do...but our eyes are upon you (2 Chron 20:12) 7/23/13LMM #putyourhopeingod #christianinsightforlife

Your pain is not in vain...

Don't let this season of constant difficulty discourage you-this pain is not in's purposed. God's right by your side; He's taking you on this difficult course so your spiritual muscles can strengthen & endure- hardening you to these difficulties (Isa 41:10). He desires for your confidence to be in Him-not your circumstances. When you come to the end of your strength...His begins-His power is perfected in your weakness ((2 Cor 12:9). There's nothing to fear-God will strengthen & harden you to these difficulties... this pain is not in vain! 8/29/13CIFL-LMM

God's love meets us in our ignorance...

God's love meets us in our ignorance-when we don't know...that we don't know. He makes a way for us when we can't see, guiding us along new paths, turning darkness into light, making rough places smooth, singing over & soothing us with His love-so we can know Him...and be known by Him. Then when we know Him better...we know how to do better.  (Phil 3:10, Zeph 3:17, Isa 42:16) 9/24/13CIFL-LMM

Truth sets you free...

The issues you continue to ignore...keep you from moving forward and fulfilling the desires God's placed in your heart. You're dissatisfied, borderline angry and not where you want to be. Don't waste one more day pretending to be okay, speaking "Christianese" and going through motions. Release your pride, let go of the denial-the Holy Spirit will help you. Face the truth...expose the issues that are holding you back. Until you do, you won't move forward. Expect to be uncomfortable...truth hurts-it also sets you free to walk out the desires God put in you. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free! (Jn 8:32) 12/21/12CIFL-LMM

Monday, September 23, 2013

God's love moves us through inevitable pain...

When we begin to grasp how much we're valued & loved by God-we can move through the inevitable pain that comes with life. His love is the sustenance of our existence-the reason we live and love. God is love...He loved us first! (Jn 3:16) 8/29/13

Don't ever stop praying...

Don't ever stop praying or give up on those who reject God's truth...I believe Heaven has a bunch of surprises. (Rom 10:13, Acts10:21) 9/22/13CIFL-LMM #thosewhocallonthenameofthelordwillbesaved

Sunday, September 22, 2013

God's for you...not against you

God's always willing to tell you the truth...if you're willing to receive it. He gives wisdom generously & won't criticize you while doing it. God wants you to succeed-He's forever waiting to help you. He will give you the desire & power to walk out what He asks of you. Don't underestimate what God will do through you because you feel He can't use will disqualify yourself from fulfilling the plans God has for you because of your skewed view. God is for you-not against you! He will bring to completion the good work He started in you...if you are willing-are you? (James 1:5, Phil 2:13, Rom 8:31, Phil 1:6) 9/22/13CIFL-LMM

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Take refuge in the Lord...

Take refuge in the Lord...reasoning leads to insanity, but a mind that is steadfast on Him will be kept in perfect peace...because you trust in Him. (Isa 26:3) 9/21/13CIFL-LMM

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Your plans are in vain-until you know God's love & approval of you...

The plans you have are not more important than what God wants to accomplish in you-until you embrace this...your plans are in vain. He wants you to know how much He loves & approves you-which includes all your failures, regrets, mistakes, poor choices, weaknesses & current sin. You don't have the power to manage your weaknesses, let go of your past or conquer sin, but God's love does. Jesus took it all the at the cross, but you will continue to work out your salvation until the day you go to Heaven-God's love & approval at work within you gives you the desire & power to do what pleases Him (Phil 2:12-13). You must know God sees you as right in His righteousness even when you do wrong-if not, pride will convince you to make yourself never works (Rom 10:3). God corrects you to make you right...not wrong. Take your sin to Him so it loses its power in you-what you keep from Him... keeps its power. The tendency is to work harder to do the right things so you can feel right, but you end you end up feeling more wrong because only His love makes you right. He is the Vine & you're the branch, if you remain in Him & He in you-you will bear much fruit...apart from Him you can do nothing (Jn 15:5). Your plans are in vain until you know how much God loves & approves of you. Will you lay down your plans to make yourself right in God's eyes & receive His love & approval of you? His love makes you right!  9/19/13CIFL-LMM   

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Some trials in life...are intended to kill you

Some trials in life are intended to kill you-the darkness imposed is to steal your hope & destroy any plans of a future. The hurt in your heart is too much to bear & the spinning of your mind will push you to the edge & take you under unless you...believe then breathe-then do it again. You can't overcome these kind of trials, don't even try-the weight of them will kill you. But Jesus can take them for you-He will show up in the middle of the emotional insanity that's trying to steal your hope & destroy your future. I know from my own experience that I would have been declared dead emotionally if I had not clung to the love of Jesus during trials like these...I would of become the walking dead, but the love of Jesus revived me, saved me & gave me His hope where I had none! Whatever is too much for you to bear, whatever you've given up on, whatever is trying to steal, kill or destroy you...the love of Jesus will revive & save you-His hope holds on when you can't! The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous-His ears attentive to their cry. They cry out & He hears them-He delivers them from all their troubles. He's close to the brokenhearted & He saves those who are crushed in spirit! Believe then breathe- then do it again, then the next second do it again. Don't try to figure the insanity of your will lead you to an abyss of hopelessness in your heart & mind. Jesus' love & hope will sustain you...if you let Him-He will deliver you! Some trials are intended to kill you...will you let the love of Jesus deliver & sustain you? (Jn 10:10, Jn 6:29, Heb 6:19, Ps 34:15, 17-18) 9/4/13CIFL-LMM

Apart from Jesus...we can do nothing!

Note to self. My efforts are in vain-Jesus is the Vine...apart from Him I can do nothing (Jn 15:5). 9/18/13 CIFL-LMM

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Doubt is powerful...because it's based on facts!

Doubt is powerful because it's based on facts. When it knocks on the door of your mind & screams you don't have the ability to do what God calls you to do, it's correct you don't...this is a fact. For you to do what God calls you to do, you have to completely rely on Jesus' power that lives in you...this is truth. What a relief to know God's truth trumps man's facts-the burden to do what God asks of you isn't determined by your ability & strength-it's determined by your believing in Him. When you choose to believe God, He gives you the desire & power to follow Him with the help of the Holy Spirit at work within you. God will do exceedingly, abundantly, more than you could ever imagine...beyond your ability-according to the power that's at work within you. To the degree you believe in Jesus' power that's alive & at work within you, will determine the level of manifestation released through you. You have to be purposed in reading the Word & spending time with God, placing His written Word on your phone & around your home, hanging out with friends who will hold you accountable & speak truth to you & most of all...choose to believe God! If you focus on the facts-your actual inabilities,  you will become overwhelmed & hand over the triumph that God's truth promises you. Don't be shocked when trials come to remind you of your weaknesses-they will. During each trial allow God's power to be perfected in your weakness! God goes before you & follows behind you-He never leaves you to your own ability. Put your faith in God's power... not the wisdom of man! (2 Cor 12:9, Jn 6:29, Phil 2:13,  Eph 3:20, Ps 139:5, 1 Cor 2:5) 9/17/13CIFL-LMM

Monday, September 16, 2013

Have the guts to listen...

Have the guts to listen when loved ones express a concern to you-they're trying to connect with you...not tear you down. 8/7/12-LMM #guts #listen #christianinsightforlife

Pain...undesired but necessary to mature

Pain is an undesired but necessary part of the maturation's the catalyst that moves one forward to endure, move through & overcome trials in life. No one can't take or experience pain for another person. Trying to save a person from going through actually stealing from them the experience they need to overcome. The experience is the bridge that leads to the other side of the trial. Without the experience, one does not know they have what it takes. Don't take a person's experience to will be cheating them out of knowing they have what it takes. 12/30/12CIFL-LMM

Time passes...hurts don't

Time passes...hurts don't. Hurt is as alive as the day it happened, but because it has many layers of life on it, it's not always identifiable...which leads people to believe they got over it. Hurts keep hurting until it's acknowledged, brought into the light & placed into the hands of Jesus. Will you hand Jesus your hurt today? (Isa 61:1)CIFL-LMM9/16/13 #timespasseshurtsdonot #christianinsightforlife

Sunday, September 15, 2013

When others don't they're suppose to

If someone didn't love you like they were suppose to...that doesn't make you unlovable. No one has the power to determine you're unlovable because God chose advance to fulfill His purpose (Eph 1:11). If you've been hurt by someone who was suppose to love will have a hard time believing those who have chosen to love you. God's love will heal you from this rejection-He restores the brokenhearted & binds up their wounds (Isa 61:1-3). Your hope is in Him all the day long (Ps 25:5). God decided in advance to adopt you to Himself through Jesus Christ. God did this because He wanted to & because it gave Him great pleasure to do so! Do not let let another person determine your value...only Jesus Christ has that authority & He says you're approved! You must decide if you will accept His truth. I called out to the Lord & He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant...there faces are never covered with shame(Ps 34:4-5)! Call out to the Lord-He will answer you...because He loves you! 6/22/13LMM
#youhavevalue #christianinsigtforlife    

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Desperation leads to hopelessness...until you know Jesus!

When you become lose perspective. Losing perspective leads to impulsive decisions & often choices you regret. If you try to take the burdens life offers will become desperate. Desperation leads to the door of hopelessness every time. Jesus tells us He's taken all the troubles & in Him, we can have peace-He's overcome the world. When facing burdens you must immediately defer to God's Word for hope. God's hope anchors your soul-firm & secure giving you a peace that transcends all understanding. Be prepared for your mind to go into a natural processing mode-wanting to know how you will handle the impossible you're facing. Remember, God gave us our mind & we're to use it, but it must be calibrated to the Word. Deferring to God's truth in situations where you see no way out seems irrational in your mind & that's because it is. Your mind can't comprehend how God will make the impossible you're facing work out-humanly speaking it's impossible, but with God, everything's possible. God's got our best interest in mind...even when our life is crumbling around us. Throughout scripture, the people who believed God in the impossible situations they faced, where the same ones who witnessed His miraculous provisions. Don't you know Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego were ready to meet the Lord when they were thrown into the fiery furnace. Still, they stood firm, believing God. They didn't know how God would provide for them, but they held onto His truth...He would provide for them. When you set your mind in advance to believe God will provide everything you need in every've made a bridge that will walk you out of every burden you will ever face. That bridge is named...Jesus! With Jesus you can do all things-He will strengthen you. This mindset keeps you focused on Jesus as your bridge & keeps desperation from flooding you. The burden remains, but you're not responsible to resolve it-it's not on's in Jesus' hands. You move ahead in what you know to do-which will seem crazy in the natural. This may lead you right into the fiery furnace-if so, know Jesus is with you & He will never leave you. Most burdens require us to walk into the fire to stand on what we say we believe-this is how we build our faith. Nobody wants to walk in the fire, but after we walk out...we know Jesus more! We know what we believe & no devil in hell can ever snatch it from us! And each fire brings a greater revelation of our powerful, mighty & sweet Jesus. The more we know Him...the more we know our purpose & that He approves us. Nothing can ever separate us from His love-He has good plans for us...our hope is in Him all day long & His joy completes us! You're purposed by Jesus-let your light shine! (Jn 16:33, Phil 3:10, Heb 6:19, Phil 4:7, Dan 3:17, Phil 4:13, Mt 19:26, Jer 29:11, Ps 25:5, Jn 15:11, Mt 5:16) 6/21/13LMM #desperationleadstoimpulsivechoices #christianinsightforlife

A conversation with God about the freedom He gives you...

Embrace the freedom given to you when you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior. You're free, no longer a slave to sin-emancipated; Jesus took it all... past, present & future the day He went to the cross for you! Stand firm, renew your mind with the truth in the are free! You may not feel free, but that doesn't negate God's truth that you are free. Your feelings don't change God's truth...but God's truth will change the way you feel. God's truth gets you back on point, but if you entertain lies, you will be defeated. Know your weaknesses-the enemy does. You will be attacked by him in your weak areas-because it works. But don't fret, because Jesus promises His power is made perfect in your weakness!

God doesn't invite you to be saved then have you jump through hoops to figure out how to follow Him. He gives you the desire & power to follow Him then He continues the good work He started in you long ago until the day you go to Heaven! Trust Him with all your heart & seek Him in all your ways, don't entertain reasoning-He will make your path straight even when it looks very crooked & your feelings scream there's no way. Just continue to walk by faith-not sight.

Don't impose your own set of rules for being good enough to receive God's love, one you can't add to what He says is truth, but two you're opposing His truth by reasoning. Focus on the truth, not what you feel-Jesus made you right when He went to the cross...there's nothing you can add to this truth. Reasoning opens the door to doubt  & doubt will rob you of God's plans. Throw off anything that hinders you or sin that binds you from seeing what God sees for you.

Your relationship with Him is first...above everything-guard it, treasure it; for it sustains you & gives you the desires of your heart! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus-He's made a way for you. Emancipate, liberate & are free- so live like it!!! (Gal 5:1, Rom 12:2, 2 Cor 12:9, Phil 2:13, 2 Cor 5:17, Phil 2:13, Pr 3:5-6, Pr 4:23, Heb 12:1-2) 1/8/14LMM #CIFL

Friday, September 13, 2013

Unresolved issues...

Whatever we don't deal with will work its way out like any infection in the's God perfect design to have us to address our unresolved issues. 8/12CIFL-LMM

Reasoning...will wreck your mind!

Reasoning will wreck your mind-then destroy the dreams God put in your heart. Guard your heart above all determines the course of your life!
(Pr 4:23)CIFL-LMM9/13/13

Live the dream God put in your heart...

God puts dreams in the heart of every child He knits together (Eph 2:10) & then He gives the desire & power to fulfill the dream (Phil 2:13). He's worked out every detail-your part...agree with His truth. You have the guts to live the  dream God put in your heart...will you? 9/12/13CIFL-LMM

God wants us to rely on Him...

God's not impressed with our effort to look puts the focus on us instead of Him. His power is perfected in our weaknesses (1 Cor 12:9). 9/13/13CIFL-LMM

Thursday, September 12, 2013

God's perfection is manifested in correction...

God corrects you to make you right...not wrong. If you're open to correction, you can be fully used by God. He created you to do the good works He planned long ago-you're His masterpiece (Eph 2:10). Walking out the plans God destined for you keeps you satisfied all the days of your life (Ps 91:16). Correction is God's help to you so you can walk out His promises. He's committed to correct you in order to give you every opportunity to fulfill the plans He's made for you-this involves Him...sculpting, shaping, pressing, squeezing, delaying, detouring, testing, giving, withholding, tearing down & taking away things at different times in your life. Welcome trials-they test your faith & when your faith is tested, your endurance grows. Some trials you bring on...others are brought on you-either way, God's correction is your opportunity to develop in both of them. Ask God for insight & He will pour it out generously (James 1:2-4). God's correction allows His perfection to be manifested through you-His love is made perfect in your weakness (2Cor12:9). Let God have His way with you-making you right with His love. Be confident of this-the good work He started in you...He will bring to completion (Phil 1:6). God never abandons His masterpieces-don't abandon the Master...He's madly in love with you! His correction makes you right...not wrong-will you let Him make you right today?  9/11/13CiFL-LMM

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blaming others-keeps you in spiritual poverty...

Blaming others for where you are in them the power to determine where you stay in life. You've allowed blame to steal God's plans & deep in your spirit you've settled for believing something is wrong with you. Listen closely, maybe you had no choice in the wrong done to you...but you do have a choice in how you respond to it. Don't allow blame to cheat you out of God's promises-as long you blame, you agree with the wrong done to you. A wrong was done to you...but you're not wrong. You're a child of the Most High King, Jehovah Jireh, El Shaddai, God Almighty! You're born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Christ-you were bought with Jesus' blood! Don't be a slave to blame & the wrong done to you one more day! Jesus has overcome every wrong done to you in your past, present & future. This is a promise-God's truth, you must decide if you believe it. God's promises are only powerful to the ones who believe in Him.

You say it's hard to let go of wrong-you're right, it is. My it easier to live in spiritual poverty or to agree with God's truth? If you continue to blame & hold onto wrong, you will remain a captive in your own pain-forfeiting the freedom Jesus offers you. There's a way that appears to be right, but in the end leads to death, but those who seek God's truth...are set free! If you want the freedom Christ offers, let your hope only be in Him, spend time with Him daily, He will remind you that you're His masterpiece, read His precious Word & renew your mind daily, ask Him to search your heart for anything that isn't in agreement with His Word, profess His promises aloud over your life, praise & worship His Holy Name, ask Him to send you some honest Jesus loving friends who will speak His truth to you, thank Him for the Spirit of Truth Who lives in you-because it's His truth that...sets you free! So what will you choose-the freedom Jesus offers or blaming others & feeling wrong about you? (Gal 5:1, 1 Peter 1:3, 1 Cor 7:23, Jn 6:29, Pr 14:12, Ps 139:23-24, Jn 8;32) 9/11/12LMM #CIFL

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You are never alone...

You are never alone...and God will bear the burdens you're facing. Will you let Him? 8/10/13CIFL-LMM

Monday, September 9, 2013

Come out...take off your grave clothes!!!

Make a decision about your pain today...come out- take off your grave clothes! The pain you went through or are going through now isn't the end of you! Life lives in you-Jesus died & gave you the Holy Spirit...He's alive & well on the inside of you & He will lead you in all truth! Stop going through the motions, checking off the to do list, speaking Christianese, another day behind you. You've settled because you're overwhelmed by the circumstances you're in-they're emotionally sucking the life out you. And they will continue to...until you drag them in the light & place them before Jesus. He knows the situation you're in-He's calling your name to come out & take off your grave clothes! Trust Him to help you, but don't try to control how He will help you-that reasoning is what led you to the emotional grave you've settled in. The situation you're in can only be brought back to life by Jesus, but it requires you to speak His truth & you haven't been speaking it. You know God's Word-it's a lamp to your feet & a light to your path. You're standing in the dark because you won't speak it. His Word is like a fire shut up in your're weary holding it back-speak God's truth to the situation that you're in then trust Jesus to walk you through it! Empty yourself of the pain that's overwhelming you-purge what you've been denying, holding back, minimizing, trying to prove & pushing down...cry a river & grieve what was lost, stolen or never given. Grief validates the pain you've gone through-it says you matter. You will be left in the darkness of your emotional grave & a prisoner of your own pain until you bring these circumstances in the light-let Jesus have them. Speak God's truth & stop doing what seems right in your mind. A man's ways seem right, but lead to death. When you make the decision to believe Jesus can handle the circumstances you're in...then you have to let Him handle them-don't try to manipulate the outcome. Acknowledging hurts, surrendering them to Jesus, forgiving those that imposed the hurt, then grieving is the only way to complete healing. People who refuse this process, will go through life with wounds in their heart, never experiencing the full promises of God. You're not left without hope-you're guaranteed to overcome & be completely restored. Will you make a decision about your pain today & come out...taking off your grave clothes? (Jn 11:43-44, Jn 6:29, Jer 20:9, Ps 119:105, Pr 14:12, Joel 2:25) 9/9/13CIFL-LMM

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A wrong was done to are not wrong

A wrong was done to are not wrong; Jesus wants to give you beauty for your ashes, exchanging your captivity for His freedom-giving you hope and a future. Release the wrongs done to you-let Jesus have them. When you release the wrongs...your hands are free to receive His love! (Isa 61:1, Jer 29:11) 10/12CIFL-LMM

Trouble will send you an invite...

Every day trouble will send you a personal  invitation to join the doubt and discouragement club...decline the invite! If you're following God with your heart, He promises to walk you through every trouble that comes on you (Ps 34:19)CIFL-LMM 9/9/13

Our hope is in God...not what we see!

As Christians, our hope isn't dependent upon factors the world considers in a situation like...recovery or interest rate, family genetics or dynamics, regression, aggression, ability, inability, lucky, educated, uneducated, illness, experienced, inexperienced, bank approved, knowing the right people, sometimes, or maybe...we acknowledge the reality of these things, but they don't determine the final outcome-our God does. Our hope is found in Who we know, what He does and what we believe about Him. We can be sure of what we hope for...certain of what we don't see- our God reigns over the visible and invisible holding it all together. Look at the situation you're facing through God's eyes-put your hope in Him, not what you see. Take a deep breath, rest in Him...God's got it! (Heb 11:1, Col 1:16-17, Pr 3:5-6) 2/4/13CIFL-LMM

God is your everything

Saturday, September 7, 2013

What your heart says about you...

What you do...says who you are in the heart. How do you treat those who have no influence or say in your life? Do your actions line up with the words you profess? By their fruit you will recognize them....Matthew 7:20. CIFL-LMM

You're not alone in've got God!

You're not alone in've got God; He's got everything covered, but you don't. You will never have it all together-your best plans will fall short. All your efforts will never be enough-only God's hope is enough. This isn't meant to discourage you-it's to encourage you to hope in Him verses hoping in your strength, resources or circumstances...inevitably you come to an end, but God's hope never ends. Teach your children how to call on the name of Jesus! Let your children see you guard your time with Him- explaining this is where you receive love & where He gives you His confidence to face hard things in life. Don't say, "all we can do is pray," instead say, "we have the privilege to pray-to enter the throne room of God Almighty & to be heard!" Walk out what you believe every day. Explain Jesus has overcome & conquered anything they will ever face-that doesn't exempt them from lonely times, being ridiculed or rejected, or having unfair things happen to them...but they can count on God's love to victoriously move them through each one of these trials. Let them know you've been given the honor to parent them, that you know God has good plans for them & they've got what it takes...not because of what they do, but because of Who lives in them! Don't try to be the all knowing parent-you will back yourself into a corner. Be vulnerable-let them know you don't have all the answers, but your Father God does & you're confident He will lead you in the right direction. Showing children you don't have all the answers, but rely on God for all your answers, is a powerful model of Prov 3:5-6 "not leaning on your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge Him & He will make your path straight." This Proverb teaches a child early on how to trade out reasoning for God's truth. Let them know you will always speak God's truth because He's entrusted you to do so & there's enough love in you supplied by God Himself to handle their anger towards you. Tell them you've been given the honor to parent them, but they belong to God & that makes you feel safe...because He's the greatest Superhero of all time! Be honest when they ask questions-explain things happen you can't control...but God's always in control & your confidence is in Him. Explain God doesn't promise they will not face danger, but He does promise, He will be with them during the danger. God commands His angels to watch over children-He's before all things & holds everything together. You're not alone in've got God. Your children can call on the name of Jesus! Will you hope in Him for all you need? (Jn 16:33, Isa 41:13, Dan 3:27, Isa 41:13, Ps 91:11-12, Col 1:17) 11/20/12LMM #CIFL

Nothing the More than Enough that lives in you!

Nothing in life compares or will ever give you more... than the More than Enough that already lives in you- His name is Jesus. He will supply all your needs, give you more than you dare ask or imagine, so that in all things and at all times you have more than you need, providing you with a peace that transcends all understanding, offering His hope that holds on when you can't, filling you with joy and peace-overflowing you with hope as you trust Him and making His power perfect in your weakness! Jesus is more than enough...offering you everything that you need-He lives in you. Will you let Him be your more than enough today?  (Phil 4;19, Eph 3:20, 2 Cor 9:8, Phil 4:7, Heb 6:19, Rom 15:13, 2 Cor 12:9, ) 8/29/13CIFL-LMM

Friday, September 6, 2013

Where your strength ends...His begins!

Where your strength ends...His begins (2 Cor 3:17). What a relief to know, the burden of life isn't on us...that Jesus has made a way for us. That we come to an end but He never does-He's always been, always is & always will be! And because He lives in us-we will never be alone. Where your strength ends...His begins! Rest in this truth-God's promise. 9/7/13CIFL-LMM
Where your strength ends...His begins (2 Cor 3:17). What a relief to know, the burden of life isn't on us...that Jesus has made a way for us. That we come to an end but He never does-He's always been, always is & always will be! And because He lives in us-we will never be alone. Where your strength ends...His begins! Rest in this truth-God's promise. 9/7/13CIFL-LMM

God gives us everything we need to follow Him...

You make the decision to follow Jesus...He gives you the ability to carry it through. Making the decision to follow Jesus begins in your mind-it's literally a thought by thought process. Having the ability to walk out the decision you've made happens in your spirit...where Christ lives. What a relief to know the burden to obey Christ isn't on us to carry out...if we're willing to obey Him, He will make a way for us to do so. He promises us His strength-being made perfect in our weaknesses. This doesn't mean it's easy...but it sure doesn't mean that it's impossible either. Where the Spirit of The Lord is-there is freedom! Whatever God asks us to do...He also equips us to do. Know with confidence you can do all things through Christ Who gives you strength! (2 Cor 12:9, Phil 4:13, 2 Cor 3:17). 9/5/13CIFL-LMM

Use the Power God makes available to you...

Not praising God during trials...forfeits the power He makes available to you! He will do exceedingly more than you ever dare ask or imagine...according to the power that is at work within us (Eph 3:20). Use the power God makes available to you! 98/6/13CIFL-LMM

Your significance...

Your have it for sure, because you get it from God. If your significance is not found in have no significance at all. Get God and get significant!  (Col 2:10) 9/6/13CIFL-LMM

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Your Christian Net Value...

God doesn't subtract your past from your current worth to determine your CNV (Christian Net Value). When you accepted Christ-your debt was pd. There's no debt to back out from your current worth.
You're a masterpiece, Christ's priceless investment. Your past was made dead at the cross, a new you was born, you carried no debt forward-it's been zeroed out, wiped away...forever! Many agree with this truth then add a "but" at the end of it regarding a past choice that involves regret. For years I did this...I didn't release choices I had made that caused harm to others. The Lord clearly spoke to my heart and said He would restore those I had caused harm to, but as long as I tried to restore them, He couldn't because I was in the way. That word from the Lord allowed me to completely accept His truth. My past had died at the cross with Jesus but if I chose to  keep it alive, it would seem alive because that's what I perceived and my perception was my reality. I voided out my perception and replaced it with God's truth and you can too! If you factor your past into God's truth, you will continue to have a margin of error that contradicts His Word. He says if you're my disciples you will know My truth and my truth will set you free To profess to believe God, but not practice His truth will lead to frustration and being double minded. God gives wisdom generously-but if you don't believe Him, you will be unstable in all you do. Your old self is dead-you're a new person who's born again. Do Jesus' math when looking at your out the past + His approval = complete in Christ. Many do this math formula: (current value) - (sin) = NCV. Just so you know-your NCV is authentic and your value is priceless because Jesus Christ lives in you. This is a must decide  if you believe in Him. Where the Spirit of The Lord is...there is freedom! (Eph 2:10,  Rom 12:2, James 1:4-8, Rom 6:4-6, Col 1:10, Jn 6:29, 2  Cor. 3:17)! 8/27/13CIFL-LMM

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Believe & breathe...then do it again

Some trials in life are intended to kill you-the darkness imposed is to steal your hope & destroy any plans of a future. The hurt in your heart is too much to bear & the spinning of your mind will push you to the edge & take you under unless you...believe then breathe-then do it again. You can't overcome these kind of trials, don't even try-the weight of them will kill you. But Jesus can take them for you-He will show up in the middle of the emotional insanity that's trying to steal your hope & destroy your future. I know from my own experience that I would have been declared dead emotionally if I had not clung to the love of Jesus during trials like these...I would of become the walking dead, but the love of Jesus revived me, saved me & gave me His hope where I had none! Whatever is too much for you to bear, whatever you've given up on, whatever is trying to steal, kill or destroy you...the love of Jesus will revive & save you-His hope holds on when we can't! The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous-His ears attentive to their cry. They cry out & He hears them-He delivers them from all their troubles. He's close to the brokenhearted & He saves those who are crushed in spirit! Believe then breathe...then do it again, then the next second do it again. Don't try to figure the insanity of your will lead you to an abyss of hopelessness in your heart & mind. Reposition yourself & believe in Him-Jesus' love & hope will sustain you. You don't have to know how He will deliver to believe...He will deliver! Will you let the love of Jesus sustain you?  
(Jn 10:10, Jn 6:29, Heb 6:19, Ps 34:15, 17-18) 9/4/13CIFL-LMM

Wake up sleeper...

Wake up sleeper-lift your head...come out from your slumber of apathy. Rise up-Christ lives in you...let His truth be purposed through you! (Eph 5:13-17) LMM #christianinsightforlife #wakeupsleeper

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Jesus is waiting for you the second your eyes open...

The second your eyes open in the morning your list is waiting for needs, relationship concerns, bills, cleaning, doctor appointments, clients, travel, car repairs...recall of hurtful words from the day before. STOP! Do not have one more thought until you seek Jesus first, rest in Him-His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Fill up with the faith, hope and love He offers you. Your mind reasons you don't have time because the mornings are so hectic. Listen closely, your world can wait while you fill up with the One...who created your world. Let Him remind you that He's in control of everything and aware of the most intimate concerns in your heart. Don't try to take on these concerns in your strength, you can't-but He can. He's before all things you can see and can't see; He holds everything together in this world-especially the things you're concerned about. See this day through His ability as you tackle every issue with His strength in you. Now, you're filled up for the day and can proceed in His peace. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! ( Mt 6:13, Mt 11:30,  1 Cor 13:13, Col 1:17, Phil 4:13, 2 Cor 3:17). 9/4/13CIFL-LMM

Is anything too hard for the Lord? anything too hard for the Lord? If not, then why are you trying to fix what only He can fix? (Gen18:14) 9/3/13CIFL-LMM

Man's wisdom vs God's Power...where do you put your faith?

Man's wisdom can't handle what you're up against-but God's power can. Where will you put your man's wisdom or God's power? (1 Cor 2:5) 9/3/13 CIFL-LMM

Monday, September 2, 2013

Press're growing baby!!!

Press back when you're pressed on...God's strengthening your spiritual muscles. God won't give up on you (Phil 1:6)...don't give up on Him-have faith constantly (Mk 11:22). Faith grows outside the comfort zone...and you're growing baby!!! 8/25/13CIFL-LMM

God's looking for full time believe in Him

God's looking for full time people to believe in Him. Believing in God (6:29) is a full time job...but it's worth it! You have no weekends off, but the pay is good, you're guaranteed lifetime benefits of security and peace of mind and you're never alone. Every day is a new opportunity share His good news and a challenge to show His love to others. To believe in Him requires you to spend time with Him daily, to rest in Him & seek His truth through His Word, having faith in Him constantly (Mk 11:22) by continually renewing your mind with His Word (Rom 12:2). Your hard work pays off-giving you direction in life (Pr 3:5-6), a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7) and a completeness that can only come by abiding in Him (Col 1:10, Jn 14:4)! Putting your faith in anything else will leave you frustrated, empty and lost. Believing in God is a full time job...but it's worth it! Are you interested in being a part of His full time people? 8/26/13CIFL-LMM

You're suppose to like yourself...

You're suppose to like yourself...where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17). God designed you & you're suppose to like yourself-if you don't like can you expect others to? Agree with who God says you are-He delights in you (Ps 18:19), you were created to do the good works He planned long ago (Eph 2:10), but if you don't like you then you won't.

You have to distinguish between God's truth which never changes & your emotions which constantly change. Your weaknesses are no surprise to God...His power is made perfect in your weakness (2 Cor 12:9). Don't allow your emotions to steal God's truth. You can agree with God's truth like Paul did in 1 Cor 12:10 & boast all the more about your weaknesses so that Christ's power may rest on you & for His sake can delight in your weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions & difficulties...because when you're weak then you are strong! God's not going to give up on you-don't give up on Him; He will complete the good work He started in you (Phil 1:6). Accept His truth about who He says you are...not who your emotions tell you who you are & begin to enjoy the you God made you to be! 9/3/13LMM #enjoy #likeyourself  #rest #overcome #weakness #christianinsightforlife

Be strong...put your armor on!

You're strong because Jesus lives in you! Don't be shocked at the wrong doings, opposition & trials-God said to expect these schemes from the devil. You're assured to be victorious, but you must engage in the battles to win. Put the full armor of God on-belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes fitted with the gospel, shield of faith, helmet of salvation & the sword of the Spirit-praying on all occasions! Life is hard, but God's given us His full armor to overcome! (Eph6:10-20) 8/31/13CIFL-LMM

Because you matter...listen to your self talk

Listen to how you talk to yourself throughout the day...are you harsh, encouraging, unforgiving or kind? Do you forgive yourself and others-do you speak God's truth to yourself? Self talk impacts everything you do-it's what you believe and these beliefs turn into actions which determine your destiny. God's destined your future (Eph 2:10) your part is to agree with it (Rom 12:2). Many sabotage God's good plans (Jer 29:11) through condemning self talk. You will never condemn your way into victory because there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ (Rom 8:1). God convicts those He loves-His correction makes us right...not wrong (Pr 3:12).  Listen to your self talk-it can change your life! 9/2/13CIFL-LMM

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Going out to the deep...where the Word of God will come alive!

Going out to the to Jesus the first of your last-only for Him to ask for more. You don't see see anymore to give, but because He asks you do so-trusting Him with your life. And this trust is where you go out to the deep with will experience the Word of God come alive in your life (Lk 5:4-11)! Following Him completes you (Col 1:10), supplies all your needs (Eph 3:20), makes you more than a conqueror (Rom 8:37) to do the good works He planned long ago (Eph 2:10) and experience the peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7). Will you go out to the to Jesus the first of your last? 8/31/13CIFL-LMM