Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blaming others-keeps you in spiritual poverty...

Blaming others for where you are in them the power to determine where you stay in life. You've allowed blame to steal God's plans & deep in your spirit you've settled for believing something is wrong with you. Listen closely, maybe you had no choice in the wrong done to you...but you do have a choice in how you respond to it. Don't allow blame to cheat you out of God's promises-as long you blame, you agree with the wrong done to you. A wrong was done to you...but you're not wrong. You're a child of the Most High King, Jehovah Jireh, El Shaddai, God Almighty! You're born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Christ-you were bought with Jesus' blood! Don't be a slave to blame & the wrong done to you one more day! Jesus has overcome every wrong done to you in your past, present & future. This is a promise-God's truth, you must decide if you believe it. God's promises are only powerful to the ones who believe in Him.

You say it's hard to let go of wrong-you're right, it is. My it easier to live in spiritual poverty or to agree with God's truth? If you continue to blame & hold onto wrong, you will remain a captive in your own pain-forfeiting the freedom Jesus offers you. There's a way that appears to be right, but in the end leads to death, but those who seek God's truth...are set free! If you want the freedom Christ offers, let your hope only be in Him, spend time with Him daily, He will remind you that you're His masterpiece, read His precious Word & renew your mind daily, ask Him to search your heart for anything that isn't in agreement with His Word, profess His promises aloud over your life, praise & worship His Holy Name, ask Him to send you some honest Jesus loving friends who will speak His truth to you, thank Him for the Spirit of Truth Who lives in you-because it's His truth that...sets you free! So what will you choose-the freedom Jesus offers or blaming others & feeling wrong about you? (Gal 5:1, 1 Peter 1:3, 1 Cor 7:23, Jn 6:29, Pr 14:12, Ps 139:23-24, Jn 8;32) 9/11/12LMM #CIFL

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