Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Jesus is waiting for you the second your eyes open...

The second your eyes open in the morning your list is waiting for you...family needs, relationship concerns, bills, cleaning, doctor appointments, clients, travel, car repairs...recall of hurtful words from the day before. STOP! Do not have one more thought until you seek Jesus first, rest in Him-His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Fill up with the faith, hope and love He offers you. Your mind reasons you don't have time because the mornings are so hectic. Listen closely, your world can wait while you fill up with the One...who created your world. Let Him remind you that He's in control of everything and aware of the most intimate concerns in your heart. Don't try to take on these concerns in your strength, you can't-but He can. He's before all things you can see and can't see; He holds everything together in this world-especially the things you're concerned about. See this day through His ability as you tackle every issue with His strength in you. Now, you're filled up for the day and can proceed in His peace. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! ( Mt 6:13, Mt 11:30,  1 Cor 13:13, Col 1:17, Phil 4:13, 2 Cor 3:17). 9/4/13CIFL-LMM

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