Monday, September 9, 2013

Come out...take off your grave clothes!!!

Make a decision about your pain today...come out- take off your grave clothes! The pain you went through or are going through now isn't the end of you! Life lives in you-Jesus died & gave you the Holy Spirit...He's alive & well on the inside of you & He will lead you in all truth! Stop going through the motions, checking off the to do list, speaking Christianese, another day behind you. You've settled because you're overwhelmed by the circumstances you're in-they're emotionally sucking the life out you. And they will continue to...until you drag them in the light & place them before Jesus. He knows the situation you're in-He's calling your name to come out & take off your grave clothes! Trust Him to help you, but don't try to control how He will help you-that reasoning is what led you to the emotional grave you've settled in. The situation you're in can only be brought back to life by Jesus, but it requires you to speak His truth & you haven't been speaking it. You know God's Word-it's a lamp to your feet & a light to your path. You're standing in the dark because you won't speak it. His Word is like a fire shut up in your're weary holding it back-speak God's truth to the situation that you're in then trust Jesus to walk you through it! Empty yourself of the pain that's overwhelming you-purge what you've been denying, holding back, minimizing, trying to prove & pushing down...cry a river & grieve what was lost, stolen or never given. Grief validates the pain you've gone through-it says you matter. You will be left in the darkness of your emotional grave & a prisoner of your own pain until you bring these circumstances in the light-let Jesus have them. Speak God's truth & stop doing what seems right in your mind. A man's ways seem right, but lead to death. When you make the decision to believe Jesus can handle the circumstances you're in...then you have to let Him handle them-don't try to manipulate the outcome. Acknowledging hurts, surrendering them to Jesus, forgiving those that imposed the hurt, then grieving is the only way to complete healing. People who refuse this process, will go through life with wounds in their heart, never experiencing the full promises of God. You're not left without hope-you're guaranteed to overcome & be completely restored. Will you make a decision about your pain today & come out...taking off your grave clothes? (Jn 11:43-44, Jn 6:29, Jer 20:9, Ps 119:105, Pr 14:12, Joel 2:25) 9/9/13CIFL-LMM

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