Friday, January 31, 2014

Your hope isn't dependent upon the world...

As Christians, we're to be informed, purposed & prudent in stewarding the provisions God allows us to manage, but we're not to get bogged down in the factors & stipulations the world considers to project successful outcomes. Our hope isn't dependent upon the world's conditions like... current interest rates or stock portfolios, financial forecasts or career projections, induced psychosis or genetic predisposition, personality traits or resiliency skills, obsessive or aggressive behavior, ability & inability, educated or uneducated, experienced verses inexperienced, bank approved or high risk, knowing the right people, sometimes, maybe, or if we're lucky. We're to acknowledge the reality of these things, but they don't determine the final outcome…our God does. Our hope is found in Who we know, what He does...& what we believe about Him. We can be sure of what we hope for & certain of what we don't see. We can walk with confidence forward into the unknown because our God has made a way. We don't have to prove our worth…Jesus did when He died on the cross for us. We know we were purposed long ago to do good works… because God says so. Our God reigns over what we see & don't see & He holds it all together in His mighty hands. We're not bound to the factors & stipulations of this world-we're bound to God & He loves us dearly-He will never leave us. Look at life through God's eyes-put your hope in Him, not what the world says. Take a deep breath & rest in Him-God's got it! The question is...will you let Him have it! (Heb 6:19, 2 Cor 5:7, Heb 11:1, Col 1:16-17, Eph 2:10) 10/27/13CIFL-LMM

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