Sunday, June 1, 2014

Times passes...hurts don't

Time passes-hurts don't. A hurt doesn't go away...until it's given away. Only the hands of Jesus can take hurts-no one else can. A person remains chained to hurt until it's resolved-life is seen & heard through past pain...obscuring the view of the present & robbing God's good plans of the future. Unresolved hurt perpetuates into every aspect of daily living-stealing, killing & destroying the abundant life Jesus died to give you. There's no substitute for Jesus healing can't, another person can't, no job can-having the best home, car or corner office, no amount of money or talent... nothing, nothing, nothing but the sweet love of Jesus! You don't have to live this way, but nothing will change until you change the way you live!

First, you have to acknowledge the unresolved hurt that's causing you problems because until you hand it to Jesus-it's your problem. Next, you have to ask for help-asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. What you bring in the light... loses it's power! But if you keep it-you've got to manage it. Daily get into the Word-read, study, memorize & renew your mind with it-write it out & post it on your's your life line! Finally, ask God to help you find godly friends who will be honest with you-get involved in church & give of yourself, listen to what you're listening to, how you talk to yourself & seek Christian Counseling if you need to...but dear Lord don't live a life in spiritual poverty because you don't want to address your issues!

Every person has some issue to work on if they're still breathing & will until the day they go to Heaven. God will give you the desire & power to do what you need to in order to heal-just ask Him...He gives wisdom generously! Time passes-hurts don't...agree with God's truth & His truth will set you free! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom-but you have to receive & agree with the freedom given to you...will you? (Jn 10:10, 8:32, Lk 4:18, 2 Cor 3:17, Jer 29:11, Phil 2:13) LMM #bringyourissuesinthelight #christianinsightforlife

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