Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Holy Spirit...your lifeline to living a stable life!

Be purposed in embracing humility daily-the recognition that you can't successfully manage day to day living apart from the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Seek His truth for guidance in every area of your life-go to Him for all big and small situations and everything in between! He will help you balance family, work, relationships, understand the desires of your heart, develop healthy friendships, choose an outfit for a party, have the right words to make a sincere apology, know which over the counter medicine to pick for a sick child, prompt you to call a friend just when they need encouragement, coordinate childcare and give you hope in a hopeless situation, etc. Don't ever minimize the gift of the Holy Spirit…He is your lifeline for living a stable life!

Be purposed in training your mind to ask the Holy Spirit throughout the day what He would say to you regarding the issue you're thinking on. This mental process keeps your mind submitted to His leading and prompting while keeping you tethered to His grace which gives you the ability to exceed your own ability in executing tasks of daily living. Praise God you are never alone and thank Jesus He went away so we would always have a Comforter, Counselor and Advocate! LMM (Jn 14:26, 16:13, 1 Jn 5:6) #SpiritofTruth #guidance #comfort #balance www.facebook.com/christianinsightforlife

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