Saturday, December 29, 2012

Constant Faith...

Have Faith in God...constantly. Anxiety results when we realize we're not in control. Intellectually, we know we're not, but this becomes a reality when we're faced with impossibles. We say we know God's in control, but when faced with impossibles, we often revert to a state of panic. God says don't have any anxiety about...anything. Seek His Kingdom and righteousness first...before anything else, and He will give us everything we need. That means everything every situation; His power will manifest through us. Do you have faith in His handle your inability? His ability is made available to those who have faith in Him-lean on Him...constantly. Being with Him in an intimate relationship...constantly. Loving Him with all your heart, soul, strength and mind-believing He's for you and not against you. If you do...God will give you the words to say, direct  your path, give you the courage and stamina you don't have, lead you to people who can help you, give you fresh ideas, work through horrific grief, restore and revive relationships, forgive the unforgivable, connect you to a job that's matched to your skills, lead you to a person who will be a true friend and walk with you, find the school that has the teacher who knows how to work with your child, see the doctor that has a cure for the disease you've been diagnosed with, connect you with the loan officer who gets to know you first instead of your FICO score, open up an opportunity to market your concept-but most of will know His love for you. God's love gives you a hope and a future-to fulfill the plans He wrote for...just you; you are His precious child-He designed you with His own Will you have faith in your Father... constantly, know He's crazy in love with you-let His ability work through your inability? Take a risk... trust Him-He never breaks a promise! Have faith in God... constantly. (Mk 11:22, Phil 4:6, Mt 16:33, Lk 10:27, Rom 8:31, Jer 29:11) 5/29/12Rev12/29/12CIFL-LMM

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