Saturday, December 8, 2012

New Things...New Season

Jesus wants to show you new things...for a new season but you must get real with Him. Share your hurts, praise Him, let Him know your struggles, thank Him, give Him all of you...this is intimacy my friend. And you will experience His full acceptance of you; He will engulf you in His love. Then get ready...for your new things and a new season. Make sure you're spiritually stretching and strengthening yourself; seeing through His eyes, stepping out of your comfort zones, pressing back when you don't feel like it, staying on course when you'd rather quit. Keep your eyes on the prize-Jesus sustains you in each new thing and new season. Focus, be're a light; be determined to carry His love everywhere you go. Don't forgo the life Jesus died to give you (John 10:10). 12/8/12-LMM

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