Friday, December 7, 2012

The Holy Spirit wants you to hear...

Reasoning distracts and engages the mind in a monologue that completely shuts down the ability to hear the Holy Spirit speaking. Some people have reasoned for so long and not heard the Holy Spirit that they believe they can't hear Him. This is a lie! Thoughts come in the mind all day; they're either good or bad. Good thoughts are kept and bad ones tossed out. A few bad thoughts allowed to stay in the mind can begin a fire of disaster; allowing the imagination to begin to see disappointment, failure, and ruin. Likewise, thoughts on God can create hope, opportunity, and overcoming...seeing victory in your future! Years ago I reasoned...constantly. I didn't believe I could hear the Holy Spirit. Here's what I do now...I am careful to remain in close fellowship with Jesus and speak the Word out loud throughout the day. I toss out a bad thought immediately. I listen closely to my spirit to hear the Holy Spirit leading me. I ask for clarification if I don't understand. Listen closely...the Holy Spirit wants you to hear Him (Luke 24:45) so you can understand His Word. He wants you to feel confident in His ability to guide you...for you to trust Him. You will become more comfortable as you renew your mind and consistently overcome reasoning. I renew my mind at least every hour...when I'm speaking my Father's language, I'm more in tune to the prompting of the Holy Spirit's voice which is the same language. Be purposed in hearing the Holy Spirit. You will overcome the reasoning and you will hear the Holy Spirit speaking to your spirit. Like anything else, the more you do it, the more comfortable you are. Blessings friend!

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