Sunday, December 2, 2012

Unique & Purposed...that's you

Unique in every way...that's you. God created you with a purpose-your own finger print and DNA...think about that. God didn't cookie cutter or mass produce you off of an assembly line to meet a number quota for the day or keep the cost down. God spared He gave His most prized possession-His Son for your life and He calls you His masterpiece! Embrace Gods love-your design and uniqueness...age, height, build, skin color, hair-no hair, teeth, smile, laugh, talents, experiences, knowledge. Your identity is found in Him-don't try to be someone else; you will be frustrated and compromise your authenticity. Don't go through life forever raising the bar for something more...your more is only found in Him. When you try to copy what you think the world says you should be- you become just that...a copy-which is not authentic. You're fearfully and wonderfully made-every moment of your life was laid out before a single day passed. Labels are not your identity...married, divorced,  single, white, black, brown, purple, professional, laborer, educated, uneducated, unsophisticated, tax bracket, or home address. Labels don't give life, but  the Vine does-apart from Him you can do nothing. Rise up, you've got nothing to prove-you've been approved. It's not your strength-it's His through you... be the you He called you to! God is waiting...are you ready? (Jer 29:11, Ps 139:14, Jn 3:16, Jn 15:5) 7/9/12CIFL-LMM

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