Thursday, May 9, 2013

Jesus will heal you...

Jesus' love heals...what was stolen, lost or given away. Let Jesus restore every broken part of your heart... replacing painful words with His words of approval, depraved thoughts with His dignity,  sorrow for His joy. Hurts don't go away...they only go deeper. Bring your hurts into the light of Jesus and hand them to Him-He will tenderly bind up each one and set you free. You no longer have to remain a prisoner of your pain...or a captive of your circumstances. Call on the name of Jesus-He knows you and He will answer you. Don't let regret or shame lie to you one more day...the love of Jesus redeems, restores and renews...He's knocking on the door of your heart-will you answer? (Rev3:20, Eph 1:7, Ps 3:4) 5/9/13CIFL-LMM

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