Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Where your strength ends...God's begins

Your best is not enough...that's a hard statement to read-but it's true. God will meet you at the end of your best every time, if you rely on Him to give you  strength. You end & He begins...His ability connects where your best stops. His grace is sufficient for you-His power is made perfect in your weakness.

What's overwhelming you...a job, financial concerns, parenting, issues in your marriage, career path, friendships, your future, uncertainty regarding the course of your life, a child with special needs, betrayal, a doubting mind, grief so heavy it weighs you down daily, figuring out how you will get through school and manage your family, how will you ever get out of debt & on & on?

God sees what you're going through-release it to Him. He will give you the strength to do the things He's called you to do & His strength will bring you through but you must rely on Him. Where your strength ends-His begins. Do your best-give what you have & then God will give you the endurance & patience you need to keep moving forward. Will you accept His grace & let His power be made perfect in your weakness? (Phil 4:13, 2 Cor 12:9, Col 1:11) 5/15/13CIFL-LMM #strength #christianinsightforlife

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