Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jesus will take your sorrow...

Many moms go through each day with overwhelming sorrow. I  pray if you are a mom carrying sorrow, you will pull the curtain of pain back & look beyond it- you have a good future & Jesus can heal your past.
I don't know what you've experienced in your journey or the sorrow you've encountered, but I do know what you can do moving forward...let Jesus love & restore your broken heart & take the sorrow you've been carrying.

Maybe you've lost a child to death, your child is missing or your child won't speak to you. I don't dare try to have an answer for the sorrow you're experiencing, but Jesus does-He is the answer to the death you feel in your heart.

You do your best to get by, to put another day behind you, putting on your practiced smile & keeping your wall up so no one hurts you again. You believe you're protecting yourself but you're dying inside. You must connect to Jesus to be nourished-remain in Him & He will remain in you life. He's the way,  truth & life. The hurt you've experienced can only be overcome by His love flowing through you.

I pray today you will stop the charade of trying not to look hurt-instead give your hurt to One Who will heal your hurt. Jesus is waiting to exchange with you-your sorrow for His everlasting love. He will soothe the ache inside of you & fill the emptiness with His love. I can't convince have to take the risk-but I can promise you His love works with anyone, anytime & anyplace. Will you let Jesus take your sorrow & love you today? (Jer 29:11, John 15:4-5, John 14:6) 5/12/13LMM #jesuswilltakeyoursorrow #christianinsightforlife

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