Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bad, wrong & unfair things happen...but Jesus will help you!

In this world you will encounter bad, wrong & unfair things-no person is exempt. Preparation, planning & prayer help reduce the occurrences, but don't... eliminate the probability of the reality-these things happen to everyone. Some of them are imposed on you & others you bring on, but the answer for overcoming either is always the same…it's Jesus. He came to save, heal & bind up wounds of all those who call on His name. God knitted together every human with His own hands designing them to fulfill the destiny He planned long ago. 

Despite the obvious fallen state & dangers we witness in the world, regionally, locally & sometimes in our own homes...we are promised a hope that soothes our soul, joy that overflows & peace that surpasses human understanding. These are God's promises & they're true-many ponder, debate & speculate meaning, validity & reliability but at the end of the day it doesn't make God's promises any less true. When a person desires to trust God, He meets them at their trust level-giving them what they need to increase their believing in Him more. Many reject His truth & map out their own plans to prevent or overcome these inevitable things-they're convinced their ways are right. They opt for human wisdom over God's power- the thing about deception deceives the one who entertains it. The human mind is finite-apart from the direction of the Holy Spirit will come to the end of itself. 

God reigns over this universe & holds it together in His hands-no human mind regardless of its brilliance can master God's domain. But anyone who trusts in & accepts Jesus as their Savior & Lord is promised to have "all" their needs met-beyond what they could ever imagine. In this world you will have bad, wrong & unfair things happen to you-it's a reality...but God's truth trumps reality! Jesus will help you-will you let Him make a way for you? (Jn 16:33, Eph 2:10, Isa 61:1-3, Heb 6:19, Jn 15:11, Phil 4:7, Pr 3:5-6, 1 Cor 2:5, Rom 8:6)12/28/13LMM #christianinsightforlife #badthingshappen

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