Monday, December 23, 2013

How deep is your love...?

How deep is your you take everything to God or just the big stuff? Do you plead with Him to help you land a job, but not talk to Him about how to organize your garage or keep your home in order? Do you ask for help in developing healthy relationships to making healthy food choices throughout the day? Do you think He cares about the new color you put in your hair or the new iPhone you want? I'll tell you, "yes He does," God cares about everything you care about. He knows every hair on your head, you have a unique fingerprint, a good plan for your life, He ordered every step of yours, He knows your name... God cares about every tiny detail of your life! Maybe you were raised to not bother adults with small stuff...but our Father God reigns over all things and that includes the small stuff. Many know this intellectually, but struggle with justifying if God really wants to know...but it's not their decision to justify-it's God's decision and He says so; so it's so! Think about this...God wants a personal and intimate relationship with you. An intimate relationship is familiar, close, vulnerable, private...deep-because everything is shared, right? That's what God wants with you! He will stay up all night to talk with you-if you want. How can you have an intimate relationship with God if you only take the big stuff to Him? The answer..."you can't." And you know what else? Your intimacy with God is reflected in your intimacy with your loved ones. Do you only take the big stuff to those you love and handle the small stuff yourself-because you don't want to bother them? To the extent you're open with God is the extent you're able to be open with those you love...because as you expose your heart to God and see that He approves all of you then you're able to open up your heart to those you love-because you know you're approved. How deep is your love...? (Mt 6:11, 6:33, 10:29-30, Jer 29:11, Col 1:17) 3/13/13CIFL-LMM 

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