Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Setbacks in life...

Setbacks in're back in a place you swore you'd never be again. Disappointment slaps you- failure consumes you. You worked hard to leave a place you despised, but here you are-again. You've climbed out of this same pit many times-this time... you're done. You're embarrassed, hopeless & don't understand what's wrong-then shame & condemnation flood you. Know 3 truths about where you are right now: [1] Your willpower doesn't work, grace does- you can't deliver yourself…but Jesus can. Your willpower motivates you to start the race & it's Jesus' power that sustains you to run & endure. Daily, seek Jesus instead of seeking to overcome; your intentions are sincere & seem right but put the focus on your external performance instead of the internal process with's the power that happens on the inside that changes your life! You overcome nothing apart from Him (Jn 15:5), but with Him you can do all things He calls you to do (Phil 4:13). [2]Agree & renew your mind with who God says you are (Eph 2:10), not who you "feel" you are. Take every weakness to Jesus- His power is perfected in your weakness (2 Cor 12:9). He gives you the desire & power to do what pleases Him (Phil 2:13) because the Word works in those who believe (1 Thes 2:13). [3] Invite Jesus into every area of your life-asking Him to examine, correct & enable you (Pr 3:5-6) & to have faith constantly (Mk 11:22). I sought the Lord & He answered me-He delivered me from all my fears... those who look to Him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame (Ps 34:4-5)! 12/18/13revCIFL-LMM

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