Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Long & hard seasons...make you more than a conqueror!

The long and hard seasons that deplete and fatigue you...are the very same ones that make you more than a conqueror. You can beg Jesus to remove these hard times, but He's more likely to get you through them. These seasons are the building blocks for your identity in Christ-the authentic you. You're pressed, pushed and purged of most of your comforts...the earthly securities-the things you cling to more than Christ. When these things are threatened-you're threatened because they're grafted into your identity; you believe without them you won't make it. But it's only when the props are taken away, the back ups removed and the comforts that made you feel approved, good enough and important are gone...that's when you find Jesus, His love, security and promises. It's when you're out of resources, no plan B and you choose to believe or to go crazy. Jesus is waiting for you to get to get to the end-so He can begin...this is how you become more than a conqueror. A conqueror doesn't gain merit based on who or what they conquer, but an authentic conqueror knows their strength comes from Jesus-the One Who chose and justified them. Who can come against you if God's for you, can anything separate you from His love, a situation too big for Him, a hardship He can't handle, a hurt He's never heard of??? Nothing, nada, no one can come between Christ and you-ever! Don't run from this hard season-you'd be running from the arms of Christ; He wants you to know He loves you. His strength in you...makes you more than a conqueror! (Rom 8:31-39) 6/12/13CIFL-LMM

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