Saturday, April 26, 2014

God hasn't forgotten you...

God hasn't forgotten you-He's making a just can't see it yet. God's hope will anchor & hold on for you when your strength's gone-you don't have to figure it out...just believe He has. When despair rushes you in the middle of the night-waking you from sleep & starts pounding your mind with thoughts & questions like what are you going to do if, they don't appreciate you, what if they get hurt, can't you stop this, is God going to let this go on, they don't value your opinion, your promotion doesn't look like it's going to come through, how many 401K transfers have you made now, nobody is returning your calls. Despair's motive is steal your hope with what ifs until you give up-know this so you're prepared for the assaults on your mind & be ready to counter each one with God's truth.

You don't have the answers, but God does. Apart from Him there's nothing you can do…that means nothing-grasp this so you can walk in victory. God doesn't need your help-He needs you to trust Him...then He will even help you trust Him! Ditch your plans & ideas for His-have faith in Him constantly. God gives life, we completely rely on Him for every breath-we only do what He enables us to do with His strength flowing through us. Anything that exists does so because He allows it...He changes times, seasons, removes rulers & appoints new ones, gives wisdom to the wise & knowledge to the discerning, reveals hidden things & rules over what's visible & invisible-He won't let your enemies overcome you...He's the only authority!

God's not forgotten you-He's making a way. Today, will you release all these things that you can't handle & just believe in Him…you don't have to know how God will handle things to believe He will. Will you…? (Num 23:19, Heb 6:19, Jn 15:5, Dan 2:21-22, Deut 28:7, Rom 13:1, Jn 6:29) LMM #godsgotthis #christianinsightforlife

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