Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas isn't always the happiest time of the year for many...

Christmas isn't always the happiest time of the year for many. If you or someone you know becomes agitated, anxious or depressed feeling over the Christmas holidays, there's probably some old hurt that's being stirred up. If so, please read this; I promise it will help.

Until a person addresses their hurt...they're chained to their past. Addressing hurt is uncomfortable-it takes work. Many ignore hurts, reasoning time has passed & nothing can be done. It's true, time has passed, but the hurt hasn't. An unresolved hurt is as alive as the day it happened, but because it has many layers of life on it, it's not always recognized; this leads people to believe they got over it. Many struggle accepting that someone they trusted hurt them-because really, it makes the hurt feel even worse. But until all of the hurt is brought into the light...all of the person can't heal. Minimizing & dismissing the reality of what happened keeps a person chained to the experience & unable to live in the present. Their thoughts & actions operate from the perspective of past pain which keeps their view of the present obscured. Jesus came to save & heal us, bind up our wounds, free us from captivity & bring us out of darkness!

Bring your hurts into the light; acknowledge who hurt you, what they did to you & how you felt. Many believe forgiving is dismissing the harm, but forgiving means you will no longer carry the harm in your heart. When you forgive, you allow Jesus to emotionally remove the chains that kept you bound to them & the hurt they imposed. Next, give Jesus all the emotions you've been carrying related to injury- empty yourself & purge every last drop! You will be flooded with emotions-it's all those years of denying, holding back, minimizing, trying to prove you were good enough & pushing down tears! This is grief at work the way God designed it. Grief recognizes what was lost, stolen or never given; it validates what you experienced & says you matter & what happened to you mattered! Then the love of Jesus will come in like a flood, filling every part of you that was violated, neglected, ridiculed, bullied, forgotten & overlooked. Until His love floods you, you're left in darkness; a prisoner of your own pain.

Acknowledging hurts, surrendering them to Jesus, forgiving those that imposed harm, then grieving is the only way to complete healing. People who refuse this process will go through life with wounds in their heart & never experience the full promises of God. They will impose their hurt on others & always feel cheated because only Jesus can give back what was taken, given away or never received. Jesus is your anchor of hope for your soul-firm & secure! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Nothing, no person or situation can separate you from God's love; you are more than a conqueror. Will you let the love of Jesus heal you today? Then you can have yourself a very Merry Christmas because the love of Jesus heals! LMM (Isa 61:1-3, Heb 6:19, 2 Cor 3:17, Rom 8:37) #MerryChristmas #Jesusheals #forgive #grieve #conqueror #behealed #christianinsightforlife

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