Saturday, December 20, 2014

How You Think...Determines the Course of Your Life

Did you know you have approximately 60,000 thoughts a day-incredible isn't it? What's more incredible is 54,000 are the same ones! I just released a 365-day devotional on how we think & what God's Word says about it. I hope you'll order it! #MerryChristmas #renewyourmind #courseinlife #christianinsightforlife

Photo: Did you know you have approximately 60,000 thoughts a day-incredible isn't it? What's more incredible is 54,000 are the same ones! I just released a 365-day devotional on how we think & what God's Word says about it. I hope you'll order it! #MerryChristmas #renewyourmind #courseinlife #christianinsightforlife

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