Sunday, September 23, 2012

Brokenness allows God's Light to shine through you...which is the evidence of His Presence in you-making a way for His Power to be released through you. Don't resent or hide your is your testimony. I believed a lie for yrs...that if I revealed my story, people would not respect me. So for yrs, I partially told my story-the parts I thought people would accept. Almost 3 yrs ago God s poke to my heart as plainly as I'm writing to you now-"Let My Light come through your brokenness-it will radiate warmth and people will come close to you-they will feel my love for not hold back from others what I want to flow through you-tell them how I healed you." If you withhold your story or partially reveal it-you're minimizing the work God has done in you. It's not easy to be vulnerable but God is in complete control (Col 1:17) I write this, the enemy is whispering to my mind that people are going to ridicule me in some way and/or lose respect for me. There will always be people who oppose our obedience or don't validate what we've been called to do. This hurts, especially from those we want to support us-God will never leave your side. Don't allow the distractions of hurt & offenses to take your eyes off of Jesus & the work you need to do. Continue to move forward and be real...then others will really connect to God's love flowing through you. Vulnerability connects us as God intended-it is His Truth. Let His Light shine through your brokenness...get your light on others can see Him flowing through you (Matt 5:16). Blessings friends...I see God's Light in you and it makes you radiate-Let's go make a difference for Him! 5/18/12-LMM

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