Friday, September 21, 2012

God's your source...not the world

God's your source...not the world. Many profess God's truth with their mouths while they follow the world's ways with their minds & hearts. We live in this world & God gives us a mind to navigate, but our mind is to be submitted to His truth to walk in victory. God knows our future...not Vogue, CNN or the Wall Street Journal. Rely on the Trinity-God, Jesus & Holy Spirit for security & successful living. God's Word works... it's alive & active sharper than doubled edged sword!

The world is limited by what it can see & manipulate- bound to outcomes for well being. But we, who are in Christ, triumph always! Our God reigns over what we see & don't see-our hope is in His ability & we're not limited or bound to outcomes for our livelihood.

Honor & respect God's design of love, sex & family. The world says, "if it feels good do it, if it doesn't-don't." Love isn't a feel good or groping action-it's a commitment to choose to love like Christ. Can you imagine if God loved us based on our thoughts & actions???

What's your view-are you in or out? Do you consider leaving when things get hard & tell God, "He needs to show you something or..." Or what...what are you going to do-where would you go? Pick a team-you can't play both sides or you'll be divided; it's double minded thinking. You know what the Word says, but if you continue to look to the world to meet your will lose your mind-really you will.  News Flash...the world self serves & will serve itself before it serves you & will tell you, "hasta la vista, baby!" Decide to stand on God's truth & not what you feel. God's your source...not the world! (Isa 55:11, 1 Pet 1:23, Heb 4:12, 2 Cor 2:14, Col 1:17, James 1:8). LMM #godisyoursource #christianinsightforlife

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