Sunday, September 23, 2012

What "limitations" are keeping you from fulfilling the plans God has in your life...Motion sickness once plagued my life. I've always had a tendency to experience motions sickness while on road trips, couldn't read in the car & didn't go to amusement parks. In my 40's I developed an uncontrolled vomiting-this happened in confined areas of cars & planes, on people, & their juice, gr anola bar, & vitamins really stink when thrown up! I developed a "fear" of these situations reoccurring-I was backed in a corner. I had tried everything I knew to be free of this sickness, but it became progressively worse. Prior to each trip, I took nausea meds, put on wrist pressure point bands, ate special foods, & had a 100 people praying for me...nothing worked-this went on for about 7yrs. But God...He stepped in & had Nahir Cruz invite me on a mission trip to Belize where I would not only have the opportunity to speak to women but also an opportunity to fly in planes big & small, ride in water taxis, & go on extended van drives on winding roads & mountain sides. I knew I had to go; I made a decision I would trust God & not allow my feelings of fear to overtake me. I moved forward trusting what God would have to do in me because I had exhausted my efforts. During the 3 month prep, I thanked God daily for His provisions & I stood firm in His strength. I expected God to deliver...He had to...I couldn't. Fears tried to creep in my imagination, but immediately, I spoke God's Word against them. I refused to entertain potential outcomes-they always turn out with us losing. I acknowledged my feelings, recognized the history of illness, but made the decision to stand on God's Word that He would be with me & I had nothing to fear-because He said He would never leave me. Mid April of last yr, I departed DFW & flew to Belize, took a long winding rd trip to the hotel, got up early the next morning for another road trip-no motion sickness. Went the whole wk, bunches of winding roads...Can you say delivered...but I did not want to flaunt it. Shelia Grogan arranged for us to stay over in Cay Cauker at the end of our mission trip. I had to fly in 10 seater plane & take a 45min ride in a water taxi-no problems...I was I was claiming it!!! God knocked on my door & gave me an opportunity to overcome...but I had to trust Him...only Him-nothing I could do-nothing...I had used up all my plans. That's always a good place to be...out of resources & no plans...then God can step in & save us...if we will let Him. God went before me, He rescued me from the subtle pit my life was sliding into. I was valid in what I experienced, but God gave me an opportunity to no longer plan my life around the "I cannot go because I might get sick"...Will you let Him plan your life? Are you're backed in a corner & out of plans? Give whatever is putting "limits" on you to God-trust Him. Don't lose heart & grow weary & faint..for in the appointed season we shall reap...if we do not loosen & relax our courage & faint (Gal 6:9). Blessings friends. 5/15/12-LMM

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