Thursday, January 30, 2014

Desperation causes you to lose perspective...

When you become lose perspective. Losing perspective leads to impulsive decisions & often choices you regret. If you take on the burdens life gives you, desperation will overcome you & hopelessness is the only door desperation leads to. Jesus has made a way-He's overcome the world. When facing impossible situations you must immediately defer to God's Word for hope-His Word is your confidence, His hope anchors your soul (Heb 6:19) & gives a peace that transcends human understanding (Phil 4:7). Be prepared for your mind to go into a natural processing mode of how to handle the impossibles you face. God gives us a mind to navigate in this world, but it has to be calibrated to the Word to remain stable & effective. Deferring to God's truth in situations where you see no way out seems irrational...because it is. The rational mind can't comprehend how God makes impossible situations turn around. Jesus confirms this saying, "humanly speaking it is impossible, but with God everything's possible (Mt 19:26)." Throughout the bible, people who believed God in the impossible situations they faced, where the same ones who witnessed His miraculous provisions. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were ready to meet the Lord when they were thrown into the fiery furnace. They didn't know how God would provide for them, but they held onto His truth...that He would provide (Dan 3:17). Set your mind in advance to believe God will provide what you need in every situation-then you've got a bridge... His name is Jesus! Most trials require you to walk into the fire to stand on what you say you believe-this is how your faith is strengthened. You will never want to walk in the fire, but after you walk know Jesus more & you know what you believe & no devil in hell snatch it from you! Each fire brings a greater revelation of Jesus; the more you know Him, the more you know your purpose & nothing can ever separate you from His love. He has good plans, your hope is in Him all day long & His joy completes you! You do not need to be desperate about any burden life gives you! (Phil 3:10, Rom 8:38-39, Jer 29:11, Ps 25:5, Jn 15:11, Mt 5:16) 6/21/13CIFL-LMM

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