Friday, January 31, 2014

Don't have a purpose!

Don't settle for just getting by & going through the motions to put another day behind you. Doing so forfeits the future God planned for're purposed for God's glory! You've held back reasoning you don't have what it takes, your contribution isn't that important, you don't want to elevate your value, you've made too many mistakes, you've missed your opportunity & so on.

I know you know that God's love for you is bigger than anything you've done, right? If you know it, why aren't you walking it out? I don't want to sound rude, but I do want to be direct & truthful…this isn't about you-it's about God & what He's called you to do. He made plans for you long ago & you're uniquely purposed to carry out specific tasks until the day you go to Heaven. Your trust in God enables His power to be released through you! You've reasoned & justified various excuses, but none of them are acceptable because they all come back to your ability. It's not your ability that enables you to do what God calls you to do…it's your heart. God's got the ability-He needs your availability. God works through available hearts that trust Him to direct their path. True humility is knowing you can't but God can...through you! Your availability doesn't exempt you from opposition, doubt & isolation, but it does guarantee a constant affirmation in your spirit that you're doing the right thing for God. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! It's when you resist what He's called you to do that you feel a vague disconnect & a general's because you're disobeying what God's called you to do! And you will not move past dissatisfaction until you obey what He's calling you to!

So stop making excuses…wake up sleeper-you've got work to do. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Some days you will feel totally helpless-this only reinforces you can't do anything apart from God; you must remain in Him & He will remain in you. Other days doubt will nearly drown you but this is also so you know God's your source for all your needs-God's grace covers your weaknesses. Don't settle for just getting by another day. Are you ready to rise up & do your part? (Pr 3:5-6, 2 Cor 3:17, 1 Cor 12:9, Jn 15:5, Jer 29:11) 10/20/13CIFL-LMM #youhavegotacallonyourlife #christianinsightforlife

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