Wednesday, January 8, 2014

You have a life beyond your broken heart...

You have a life beyond your broken heart...God  promises He will heal your broken heart & bind up your wounds. But if you blame another person for where you are in life-you're giving them the power to determine where you stay in life. Maybe your childhood was stolen by someone you trusted, a parent withheld love, you were bullied in school, false accusations led to a job loss, a promising business deal went wrong-depleting your savings, a best friend told your secret, your father abandoned you to be with another woman & raise her children, a drunk driver killed a loved one.

Blame is powerful emotion because it focuses on the reality of what happened to you-keeping your wounds open...then it punches you with the lie that your destiny has been stolen. If you believe this lie, you will focus on the injustice-knowing you can't undo what's been done. It's true you can't...but Jesus can-He's the Author &  Finisher, He has no barriers, He's unstoppable! His Word will not return void-His love heals the past, present & future! Your hurt is valid-blame reminds you of the events with accuracy, but blame has no case against the power of Christ! He heals broken hearts & saves those crushed in spirit-He will give you beauty for the ashes you've been carrying; His hope anchors your soul & holds on for you when you can't.

The realities of this life will cause many heartaches & hardships-God promises to bring you through each one. When you can't see a way, take comfort-He's making a way...His Word is a lamp to your feet & a light to your path. Acknowledge the reality of what you went through-give your hurts to Jesus; don't allow blaming others to disqualify you from your destiny. Let go of the blame & know what was done to you doesn't determine your destiny- God does & He will make a way. Seek the Lord-He will deliver you from all your fears. Those who look to Him are radiant-their faces are never covered with shame. Your hurt is real-Jesus knows this...will you let Him in your heart & take Him to the places you were hurt so His love can heal you? He promises you a life beyond your broken heart. (Ps 147:3, Heb 12:2, Ps 34:18, Heb 6:19, Isa 61:1-3, Ps 115:109, Ps 34:4-5, Rev 3:20) 6/3/13LMM #blamestealsyourdestiny #christianinsightforlife

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