Saturday, January 11, 2014

Do you believe Jesus will help you?

Do you believe Jesus will help you when you ask? I believe many of us have been in the shoes of the father who asked for help for his son who was possessed by an evil spirit in Mark 9:16-24. We know Jesus can help, but we're not sure He will. This father was exhausted-he'd been trying to get help for years with no results; He didn't know if he could take another let down. With the disciples unable to help-he was at the end of his hope & resources....then Jesus came on the scene & asked what was going on? I can hear the fear in this father's voice as he asks Jesus, "but if You can do anything, have mercy on us & help us." 

We've all been in this situation, "Jesus, please help me..if you can?" As soon as we release the last word, we wince & hold our breath-wanting to believe He will, but trying to prepare ourselves if He doesn't. Jesus responded to the father, "if I can? Anything is possible for a person who believes." Jesus met this father in the middle of his hopelessness & challenged what he believed. The father took a risk on everything that was in him & he was going for it...Jesus had said, "anything is possible for a person who believes." So instead of looking at his hopelessness, he focused on humility & cried out, "I do believe, help me with my unbelief!" And Jesus did-giving him the hope to believe He could help. 

Where we end…Jesus begins- perfecting His power in our weaknesses; giving us what we don't have & doing what we can't do. Apart from Him we can do nothing-that means nothing... including believing or having faith. Our part is to reach for what God promises-desiring to believe He will give us everything we need to carry out what He asks, but our tendency is to try to figure out how He will make things happen & we can't. When we do this we create doubt, because we're trying to apply human solutions to impossible situations…we're to believe God can- not figure out how He will. He will give us His hope to hold on to while we believe He will provide all we need. Put your faith in God's power…not man's wisdom! (Heb 6:19, 2 Cor 12:9, Phil 2:13, Jn 15:5, Phil 4:13, 1 Cor 2:5) 1/3/14 LMM #helpmejesus #christianinsightforlife

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