Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Trust...I taught both of our girls and granddaughter how to swim by age 3. They had to choose to trust me first, before I could teach them how to swim. We practiced jumps off the side of the pool to gain trust and confidence. I lovingly promised I would catch them, but they had to choose to trust me...as their feet left the ground, air bound for a nano sec, then water splashing in their face and body submerged to their
their waste before they felt my hands on them securely. They had to trust I would never let loose of them-giving them the confidence move forward. My hands securely on them...did not mean they 1) were not scared 2) did not gulp and choke on water or 3) would not be exhausted, but it did mean I was with them and never left them while they were going through learning how to swim. The early years of believing I would catch them, led them to trusting me in other things that they would take risk in to learn and enjoy.
Is God wanting to teach you to swim in an area of your life? First, you must trust He will catch you...and you won't know if He will...until you see that He does. I pray you don't sit on the side of the pool and watch others swim by you and wish you could swim like them. You can swim too, but first you have to trust Him..."when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you..." Isaiah 43:2 1/2012-LMM

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