Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hey! God's Knocking on Your Front Door...

If God pulled up today in front of your home, knocked on your door and said, "I need your help"...what condition would He find you and your home in?  Would you be ready to help Him?  God's been telling me for a while, "get ready" and He reminded me again this morning. It's easy to dismiss this if something does not happen right away, but I do believe God is telling us to "get ready."  Do you have things in your home, office, family, relationships, have you apologized to a loved one, are you harboring resentment from an old offense, are you embracing each day God gives you...are your closets organized, calls made, have you gone through that stack of papers on your desk...what's your yard look like, is your car clean, things from the garage given away...maybe you're over involved in something that is a distraction to you that God has told you to walk away from. God looks at each of our individual circumstances, so if you are a young mom with a baby, if you are a single mom, a broke college student-wherever you are, God makes allowances-He knows what you can and can't do-but don't let that be an excuse to miss your call.  God doesn't expect perfection...but He wants us to have things in a general order-emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually. Seek Him-He will guide you and give instruction on where to begin.  Many people miss their call because things are out of order...they've grown weary, overwhelmed, don't feel qualified or have accepted "undone" as status quo-God wants new things for you, friend...but you must "get ready."  Don't delay taking care of your personal business because you're always helping others.  We should help others, but not to the point of "avoiding or delaying" our personal responsibilities.  In Matthew 25, the five virgins that remembered their oil were not responsible for the five that forgot theirs.  Get ready, get things in order, it's time for a new position-God's calling you...but when He does, don't trip over the junk in your garage or not hear Him because of the mess and commotion in your home.  Get ready friend...God's calling you to the great plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Blessings!

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