Sunday, May 27, 2012

When we let go...we let God...

Are you holding on to something trying to save or revive it? Do you feel like it consumes you, weighs you down, wakes you in the middle of the night, determines if you spend money or not, if you go or not go-essentially all plans you make are contingent upon this something? We say we believe God can do anything...but we really don't give Him much of a chance to prove He can do anything. "Somethings" are in our relationships, jobs, investments, churches, dreams, children, businesses-essentially anything that we attach value to. We mess up when we trust God in some areas to help but not in others. We trust, as long as we do not see any immediate harm to our something, or as long as we can figure out what role God wants us to play, but if we don't...we jump in with our human plan. We rationalize that we are being selfless and committed but we're actually being unbelieving and fearful. We become entangled in helping and figuring out a plan for rescue but all we're really doing is delaying God's intervention and plan. That's what happened to me years ago-I ran to God, to only fuel up enough and then run to my something. God said, "enough." Only when I began to let go, could I begin to let God intervene in a mighty way. This was not overnight, but a slow unveiling of God's clear power when I got out of the way. I had to stay in scripture, speak His word to renew my mind, spend time with Him everyday, careful of the words that came out of my mouth, and examined how I spent my time in general-who was I hanging out with, what was I watching on TV, and what did I listen to on the radio. Friends, He will make a way...but you must get out of the way.
I love the story of Abraham-I'm encouraged because he messed up a bunch and God still called him the father of many nations. He interjected his human plans when God told him to leave his homeland. He let his nephew Lot come along causing much strife and later he agreed to sleep with Hagar and had Ishmael-another series of conflicts. His human help to his family created huge problems. We often try to save people from pain...but it's the pain that helps them turn the corner to recovery. But he learned from his mistakes and God worked his mistakes into His plans-that's why we can be so encouraged. Our God loves us so much and He's waiting to to help our something. Will you let go...and let God?

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