Friday, May 25, 2012

Your "Situation" Does Not Determine Your Destiny...

Will you give God your situation???  Many Christians allow "situations" in their lives to interfere with the plans God has for them.  In all things God works for the good of those who love Him.  He uses our mistakes and misfortunes...every stinking one of them! Really He does; He recycles each one of them into His perfect plan.  Situations can consume, overwhelm and paralyze you but they "do not" determine your destiny! God does and He wants to give you the ending that He wrote...will you let Him?  
I've listened to many people over the years tell me their situations: lost virginity at 13 year old, learning disability, married four times, stressful job, three abortions, can't afford it, chronic illness, divorced again, uneducated, depression, interest rates too high, parents abusive, anxiety disorder, below average, financial hardship, DUI's, inferior, frozen job market, numerous affairs, Aspergers, fearful, overweight, nothing to say, drug use, just average, jail and prison time,  and the list goes on.  Listen closely, what you bring in the light...loses its power. One touch of God's hand-give it to Him, friend.  He's for you, there's no, nada, none, nothing bigger than our God! No situation can be against you, if God is for you.  
Will you make a decision today that you will no longer allow your situation to rob you of the good plans God has for you? He turns every situation around for His glory for those who love Him. Blessings friend; He really does love you! LMM (Rom 8:28, 31, Phil 1:6) #Godisforyou #transform #believe #trust #onetouch #christianinsightforlife

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