Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Faith or crazy...I'm not going crazy!

I'll have faith or go crazy & I'm not going crazy... years ago I coined this term. I was in a desperate situation & I'd made my mind up that I would choose to believe God's Word. I was discouraged & deceived  at the end of myself with trying to figure things out; I thought I was being responsible, but I was being...self sufficient. I was trying to do my part as I waited on God to do His part. But I was not waiting on God...I was trying to take care of everything myself & then pray for God to bless my self sufficiency. God doesn't bless self sufficiency, if we can do it...then we don't need Him to. He loves us enough to not allow us to be confident in our false sense of self sufficiency.
I was denying the power of Jesus' love to flow through me; I didn't deliberately reject His love...I just didn't know how to rely on the sufficiency of His love. Then I came to the end of myself & had to choose having faith in Him or going crazy. Then like the woman with the issue of blood, I desperately reached out to Jesus to save me & He did! I turned my life completely over to Him; I began walking by the  faith I professed with my mouth-relying on His sufficiency for everything I needed. That was years ago & with each impossible I encounter, I press in, stand firm & profess the promises of my Savior. I still allow deception to trip me at times, but immediately I rise up & speak God's Word against the lies the enemy speaks to my mind. I embrace James 1:2-8 in each trial; I strengthen my faith in Him, mature spiritually, gain wisdom, not doubt because that leads to double mindedness ( and being crazy). Impossibles are part of life, we can't handle them, He can & will if we invite Him. So what will you choose...faith or crazy??? 9/2012CIFL-LMM

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