Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Believing is a decision...not a feeling

To experience the peace that transcends all human understanding (Phil 4:7), to have a full life Jesus promises (John 10:10), and to know the truth that will set you free (John 8:32), requires belief in God's Word. Believing is not a feeling we feel...believing is a decision we make. Believing is based on Who God is...not if we understand everything about Him. Many have a hard time with this truth and lose direction in life...slowly fading into disbelief. Their belief is based on what they can understand. When they encounter situations they don't understand, they "feel" God has abandoned them; then their fear sets in manifesting into anger. When they experience an answered prayer, they "feel" God cares; they feel safe and secure. God says He loves us and He will never leave us...if we believe Who God says He is, then during trials, we are secure in His love even though we don't understand everything. But if our belief in God is based on what we can understand Him doing or not doing...then we love Him conditionally-our love is determined by our understanding of what He is doing in particular situation. When we go through trials, we have an opportunity to mature our faith and develop perseverance-so that we lack nothing. God says to ask for wisdom during trials and He will give it without finding fault, but when we ask, we must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave in the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not believe he will receive anything from the Lord; he is double minded man, unstable in all he does (James 1:2-8). God welcomes our questions that challenge us...but not rhetorical ones that challenge Him. You're crossing a line when you question His authority...it's blatant disrespect and you're testing Him (Matt 4:7). Ask Him to help you to not doubt (Mark 9:24). When I committed my life to Christ, I made the decision to believe, but I didn't completely trust Him. I was honest and told God I wanted to believe Him but I was scared to trust Him. Then God sent His help...grace and mercy to do a work in me so I could receive what I professed to believe in my heart (Eph 2:8-9). My Father God met me where I was. I was doubting, but asked for help...and He made a way for me. He will for you too friend, if you ask (Matt 7:7) Our Father loves us...He meets us where we are, but we must decide to believe all of His promises; counting on Him each day to provide for us-this is how we strengthen our faith daily. He's for you and not against you (Rom 8:31). Blessings friend! 5/12CIFL-LMM

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