Thursday, November 22, 2012

Don't let satan hijack your imagination...

Don't let satan hijack your imagination...because it is the runway God gives you to launch your dreams. Satan wants to obstruct your runway with lies...telling you that your dreams are ridiculous. Don't engage with the enemy. Stand firm and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and the dreams God put in your heart. You are equipped to launch because God designed you to fulfill the dreams He put in your heart. Write down the things Jesus whispers to your heart...they will sound crazy, don't worry-if they were not crazy then you could accomplish them and you wouldn't need Jesus. And don't be afraid of messing up...God looks at our heart-if you are sincerely trying to follow Him...He will put you back on the right path if you missed Him. God instructs us to "write what you see-write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run." This keeps the dream alive in your heart while you continue with daily responsibilities. Keep on moving forward're one step closer to the dream God put in your heart. (2 Cor 9:18, Phil 1:6, Ps 138:8, Hab 2:2) 11/12/12CIFL-LMM #christianinsightforlife #imagination #faith #walkbyfaith #seewhatGodsees

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